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Arnold (Myers), Goldie
Class of 1969
Inducted in 2016
Community Service
Goldie made a name for herself at Oak Park by being the first female member of a shop class in 1967. After graduation she tested the corporate waters. She co-founded Sports Gallery, the first aerobic fitness facility in KC and it grew to 50 locations, 100 instructors and 3 out of state franchises. She also owned Health and Fitness Institute, a co-ed fitness and education facility in Gladstone.
In the 1990s she pursued a career in real estate with Reece & Nichols Real Estate, where she continues to work as Office Manager in Liberty. In 2007, she founded and is President of the Northland Animal Welfare Society (NAWS) She has chaired over 150 fundraisers in the past 10 years raising over $250,000.
In 2012 she opened the first Spay/Neuter Clinic in the Northland offering services to families with pets who are in financial need. To date NAWS has helped over 8500 families and continues their mission of reducing pet overpopulation in our community. She has been ABWA Woman of the Year, Reece & Nichols Rookie of the Year, and received the Presidential Award for Volunteer and Community Service. Goldie is married and continues to live in the Northland, and her son lives in Colorado.

Baker, John
Class of 1987
Inducted in 2020
John graduated from Truman State and received his PhD in Physics from Penn State. For the past 8 years he has worked on the problem of mathematically simulating the waveform created when black holes merge and collide. His team is continuing to produce simulations in preparation for a NASA project called "Lisa" which will send an array of satellites with interferometers into space for the purpose of detecting the gravity waves coming from black hole collisions.
He was given the NASA Space Science Achievement Award in 2007 for his breakthrough research in the computer simulation of gravitational waves. In 2008, he received the John C. Lindsey Award for Space Science from the Goddard Space Center, the highest honor for outstanding contributions in space science. His team developed a method to translate Einstein's equations into a form that computers can handle. He credits Dr. Kramme, and the AP program at Oak Park for his intense interest in science. John is married to Christy and has 2 children, and lives in Maryland.

Bishop, Dan
Class of 1987
Inducted in 2005
After graduating from Oak Park. Dan received his Bachelor of Arts degree, Magna cum Laude, from Westminster College and received his Juris Doctorate from the University of North Carolina. He practiced law in the Northland for several years. He was elected to the Gladstone City Council in 1999 and became Mayor of Gladstone in 2000.
He was involved in the Rotary, Chamber of Commerce and Assistance League of Kansas City. He was elected State Representative for the 38 District in 2002, and served until his untimely death in 2004.
Dan's Memorial Page
Blechinger (Mackender), Pam
Class of 1979
Inducted in 2011
Public Service
Pamela graduated from Oak Park with honors, and did the same at Missouri State University. She received a Master's degree from Purdue University in 1988 and a Master's Degree from the U.S. Army War College in 2007. Pamela began her ascent in public service within the Department of Defense in 1984. Since that time, she has held numerous civilian leadership positions at Fort Bragg, NC, Fort Leavenworth, KS and White Sands Missile Range, NM.
Appointed to the Senior Executive Service (SES) in August 2005, Ms. Bleckinger has been serving as the Director of Operations, Training and Doctrine Command Analysis Center at Ft. Leavenworth, KS since June 2009. As the Director, she leads and directs the conduct of operations analysis to inform decisions about current and future concepts, design of future organizations for the operating force, and requirements for new capabilities leading to force modernization.
Members of the SES serve in key positions just below top Presidential appointees and correspond for protocol purposes to flag and general officers (admirals and generals). She also serves on the Board of Advisors for the Systems Department at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. In 2009, she was awarded the prestigious Presidential Rank Award. Pamela has one daughter, and lives in Parkville.

Bracale (Cook), Carla
Class of 1971
Inducted in 2008
Carla Cook Bracale has been a published author since 1988. Her publishers have included Harlequin Books, Silhouette Books and Signet Eclipse. Her plots are generally a blend of intrigue and intimacy, sometimes set here in the Northland. She writes an average of five books a year and has written more than 100 books under the pen name Carla Cassidy.
Bracale actively participates in a local writer's chapter and gives writing workshops nationwide. She visits local schools to encourage children in story writing, and credits her Oak Park English teacher who first encouraged her to write stories. Bracale and her husband, Frank, live in Kansas City, North.

Briley, Joe
Class of 1969
Inducted in 2018
Joe was a teacher at Oak Park for 32 years during which he served as department chair, mentor and supervisor to student teachers. He was recognized as the Teacher of the Year and received several building and district awards. He coordinated the Community Service program for American Citizen classes. As a student at Oak Park, Joe was a 3 sport athlete who went on to SMS to play football. Joe received his BA and MA in History from SMS. While at OPHS, he taught all levels of Social Studies, including college U.S. History, through UMKC and the dual credit program.
He also coached football, wrestling and track. He was a member of the leadership team and site based council. He was an integral part of the District wide curriculum team. Joe exemplifies what an OP teacher is. Joe was thorough, punctual, and showed a genuine concern for his students, demonstrating a high level of professionalism.

Brill, Kevin
Class of 1989
Inducted in 2008
Colonel (Retired) Kevin Brill enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1991 and was commissioned as a 2nd LT after graduating as the Distinguished Military Graduate from UCM in 1993. He attended the Command and General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth. He volunteered for service in Iraq in 2005, training and working with the Iraqi police. He served a second tour in Iraq as the Operations Officer for the 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment. He commanded 3-34 Infantry Regiment before being promoted to Colonel and serving with Special Operations Command. While there, he volunteered for service in Afghanistan from 2016-2018. He retired in 2019 after 28 years of service.
He was awarded two Bronze Stars, the Defense Superior Service Medal, five Meritorious Service medals, four Army Commendation medals, Army Master Parachutist badge, Combat Infantryman's badge and the coveted Ranger tab. Kevin currently lives in Alabama.

Carver, Pamela
Class of 1974
Inducted in 2005
Graduated from UMKC with a degree in Theater Education. She has been a Dresser and Costumer working for Disney in Europe, New York and Disneyland in California. She was the Key Costumer for the Opening Ceremonies of the Pan American Games in 1987. She has been a Costumer for Super Bowl Half Time Shows. She is currently the Manager of Costume Design for Walt Disney World theme parks, resorts and Cruise Lines.

Carver, Chris
Class of 1970
Inducted in 2007
Principal Founder of HOK Sports
Chris joined with four young architects in 1983 to focus exclusively on the design of sports facilities. HOK Sports has expanded to offices on three continents with projects all over the world. Over the years, Chris has designed new ideas into such venues as Denver's Pepsi Center, Nashville Arena, and Chicago's United Center. HOK is also involved in the Sprint Center in Kansas City.
Chris mentors future architects and serves on HOK's scholarship committee which awards 5 year college scholarships to deserving Kansas City seniors. Chris is married to Angie, also an Oakie, and they live in Kansas City North.

Chambers (Koba), Gina
Class of 1970
Inducted in 2005
Gina married and had two children before beginning her education goals. Not only did Gina meet her responsibilities as a wife, mother and full time employee, but she also attended college on a part-time basis. In 1979, she graduated from UMKC with a B.A. in Elementary Education, then received her Masters in Secondary Education in 1987.
Later she received her Educational Specialist's degree in Administration and went on to teach and become an Assistant Principal. She received her Doctor of Philosophy in 1991, and held the position of Principal, Asst. to the Superintendent, and now holds the title of Assistant Superintendent for Academic Services in the Park Hill School District. Gina lives in the Kansas City area.

Colbert, Suzanne
Class of 1968
Inducted in 2020
Music Producer
Suzi began her career in journalism and won an award regarding court-ordered integration of schools in the 1990s, from The National Association of Small Newspapers. She has owned a record label called "Red Hot Records of Kansas City"
Suzi has volunteered for the Kansas City Blues Society for many years and was known as Mattie in the "Mattie and Mae" Blues News Gossip Column. She served on the executive board for the Kansas City Blues and Jazz Festival for several years. She received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the KCK Blues Music Festival for her contributions to Blues Music.

Cope, Wayne
Class of 1970
Inducted in 2015
Following Wayne's service in the Air Force, he embarked on a 38-year career in space technology with NASA contributing to the design, development and testing of critical components of our space program. His achievements have spanned from the first shuttle to the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is now involved in robotics used aboard the Space Station.
Wayne has worked on the design, development, assembly, testing and documentation of many hardware components used in space-to-space communication, robotic cameras, GPS navigation and wireless video systems. His work on the Mars Orbiter antenna is crucial to the way the orbiting satellite communicates with the rovers on Mars, and relays the data to Earth.
Wayne has received the prestigious Silver Snoopy Ward; given personally by the Astronauts to a NASA employee whose contributions have improved flight safety and mission success. This award cannot be given to more than 1% of all those eligible. He has also won the Lockheed Martin Lightning Award for excellent technical ability as a principle in in design, development and integration of Space Navigation Systems.

Dalzell, Mike
Class of 1969
Inducted in 2012
United States Navy (retired) graduated from Oak Park High School in 1969. After attending college for two years he enlisted in the Navy in 1972 eventually retiring after 31 years of service in 2003 spanning a period in American history from the Vietnam War, the end of the Cold War, DESERT STORM, and the current Global War on Terrorism.
His service as a submariner for 29 years and as a submarine Independent Duty Corpsman for 27 years was unparalleled in the Navy. During his career he served in a wide variety of both attack and ballistic missile submarines (USS GURNARD, USS SEADRAGON, USS DANIEL WEBSTER, USS MICHIGAN), deep submergence (DSV SEACLIFF, DSV TURTLE ) and submarine rescue vehicles (DSRV AVALON, DSRV MYSTIC) while supporting missions of search and salvage, scientific and historical research, submarine rescue and submarine operations of national security importance including deployments to the Western Pacific, Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf and under the Arctic icecap to the North Pole.
He served as the senior Hospital Corpsman at Submarine Development Group 1 in San Diego CA, Submarine Group 9 and Submarine Squadron 17 Bangor, WA. In addition to his submarine service Mike was selected for duty with the On Site Inspection Agency a joint DOD/US State department command tasked with ensuring nuclear weapons treaty verification. Mike was additionally assigned to provide medical support to Joint POW/MIA Commission search teams in Cambodia and Laos leading to the recovery and repatriation of American service member's remains from the Vietnam War.
As the team "Doc", he took care of not only his team mates but also host country military personnel and civilians in the local communities and villages. In addition to his military duties, Mike volunteered for a number of years with both the National Park Service and the US Forest Service working with trail maintenance and building crews, as a wilderness ranger and wildland firefighter. To quote the former Commander in Chief US Strategic Command, Admiral Hank Chiles, Mike's Commanding Officer on USS GURNARD , "... during an extraordinary career your professionalism, good judgment and capable leadership have been outstanding. You've been a superb shipmate; always put others first and excelled in a tough business."

Dameron, Robert
Class of 1969
Inducted in 2009
Robert was outstanding in sports, wrestling and football; as well as drawing and painting. He won the state wrestling championship in his weight class in 1969. In his memory, a scholarship has been established at Oak Park, that awards a student who embraces and exemplifies the qualities of leadership, athletics, and academic excellence. He later graduated from University of Missouri-Columbia and UMKC School of Law near the top of his class.
Robert was a Labor Lawyer, representing workers and their labor unions to improve the working conditions and standards of living of ordinary people. He also volunteered as a coach for various athletics around the community. Robert devoted his life to helping others improve their lives and teaching good sportsmanship to his community's children.

Dee, Donnie
Class of 1983
Inducted in 2005
After leaving Oak Park, Donnie went to Tulsa University and graduated with a degree in Business Management. While at Tulso, he was a four year letterman in Football. He was selected in the 11th round of the National Football League draft by the Indianapolis Colts and played in the NFL for 3 years.
Donnie has spent the last 15 years working for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Colorado and is presently the regional Director for the FCA in Southern California.

DeMeyer, Ron
Class of 1985
Inducted in 2024
Business, Sports
While at OP he was involved with basketball, baseball and intramural sports as well as being nominated for St. Patrick's King.
After OP he received his Bachelor of Science from Missouri State University in Business Communication. He got an early start at Payless Cashways in North Kansas City where his father was the manager, and provided supplies for the drama department. He continued that tradition during his time there by donating lumber, paint and supplies for all OP activities. Ron was involved with The Memorial Golf Classic that was started by Leo Scott and Vince Evola, that benefited all Oak Park sports.
He has been involved in many organizations in the Northland and served on the Board for the North Suburban Youth Football League and NKCA Baseball League. He was a volunteer coach, grounds crew and public address announcer for the Northland Chiefs football team for 11 years while his boys were members of the organization. During that time the founder of the Chiefs and fellow coach passed away. He set up a memorial golf tourney that became the Kevin McConnell & Dave Graham Memorial Golf Event. The money raised went to scholarships to an 8th grade football player and cheerleader each year that best represented the Northland Chiefs. More than $16,000 in scholarships was provided during his time as the director of this event.
Ron has been a MSHSAA basketball official for the past 36 years. He was a founding member of GKCOA Mentor Program, which helps prepare young officials to be ready for varsity basketball officiating. His has worked several tournament, district, and sectional championships during his tenure.
For the last 25 years Ron has worked for Kiefer USA and Mondo Athletic Surfacing as Regional Vice President, selling athletic surfacing throughout the Midwest.
Ron and Kiefer USA are the sponsors of the scoreboard at the Oak Park Athletic Complex.

Dobney Pfaff, Dianna
Class of 1977
Inducted in 2011
Owner, Miss Dianna's School Of Dance
Dianna has been dancing since she was two years old! While at Oak Park, she opened a dance school that is still in operation. Miss Dianna's School of Dance has won numerous regional and national dance competitions and awards. The dance troupe has been invited to perform for Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and at many Branson theaters as the pre-show entertainment. She has also won the Blue Star Award (the Oscars for high school) for the best staging and choreography for the 2005 production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Raincoat.
Dianna is also listed in Who's Who in American Business. She regularly schedules her dance troupe for performances at nursing homes, festivals and parades. Her students participate in a family adoption at Christmas collection coats and blankets for the homeless. She has choreographed the musicals at Winnetonka, Park Hill, Park Hill South as well as Oak Park for years. She also makes her studio available for Pom Pon practice during school breaks. Dianna has taught dance for 37 years and her business continues to grow. She recently relocated to a much larger studio on North Oak that has tripled its size. She has expanded the business to include music lessons, fitness training and acrobatics. She has studied with the KC Ballet, Alvin Ailey School and the NYC Ballet.
Dianna is generous in her business also. During the recent recession, several students were unable to pay for their lessons. Dianna offered to let the families pay what they could and when they could. It is that important to her to see her students continue to dance. Dianna has two children, Marissa and Alex who are now involved in the business.

Dodd, Thomas
Class of 1966
Inducted in 2006
One of Dr. Dodd's greatest memories was blocking a punt in our first ever football game and scoring the first touchdown for OP. However, Dr. Dodd received a baseball scholarship to John Brown University, where he starred and was player of the year during his senior year. He graduated in 1970 with a BS in Chemistry and Biology. He went on to medical school where he studied under a Nobel Prize winner. Dr. Dodd and his mentor were nominated for a Nobel Prize for work in anaerobic bacteria in the colon. He got his M.D. in 1976 at the University of Missouri.
He went into the Air Force and was part of the attempt to rescue hostages in Iran. In 1981, he opened his private practice in Poplar Bluff, Missouri and is very proud of the fact that he has delivered 5225 babies during his career. He is married to Sally and they have a son, Matt.

Dodd-Yukevich, Jan
Class of 1982
Inducted in 2009
Business (Law)
Trial Lawyer
Jan was very active in Forensics in both Debate and public speaking as well as vocal music. She graduated from the University of MO with degrees in Journalism and pre- law. She graduated from Washington University with her Doctorate in Law. For one year she was a clerk to MO. Supreme Court Justice, Chip Robertson. She then joined the St. Louis firm of Sandburg, Phoenix, and Von Gontard for 11 years and was a trial lawyer. Jan was appointed to Missouri's "Dream Team" of lawyers against the Tobacco industry.
She moved to Los Angeles as a member of Kay Scholer Law Firm, arguing for Pharmaceutical Companies (i.e. Pfizer, Novartis and Boston Scientific). Jan was named Outstanding Trial Lawyer two consecutive years in Southern California. She is now married to Jim Yukevich, and has two step children.

Evans, Jerry
Class of 1969
Inducted in 2013
Jerry was an outstanding scholar and athlete at Oak Park. He was the Oak Park Athlete of the Year in 1969 and helped lead the school to the state championship games in football and baseball. He set track records at OP that stood for decades. He received an academic and double athletic scholarship in football and baseball to attend Kansas University. He won defensive recognition and awards for football in the Big Eight and was a 15th round draft pick for the Chiefs. He won 7 letters at KU and also made the Dean's List.
Jerry has donated construction items from his own drywall business to churches, Little Leagues and high school facilities and fields. He has volunteered his time to coach Little League baseball and football for over 30 years. Jerry is now an active volunteer for Hospice, donating materials, time and transportation to the organization. His wife, Kathleen, and children, both of whom are high school teachers, all graduated from Oak Park.

Evenson Lindsay, Michele
Class of 1976
Inducted in 2023
Business/Community Service
Michele Evenson Lindsay attended Oak Park High School from 1973 to 1976. She was class President all 3 years, in National Honor Society and Class of 1976 recipient of the Norma Northman award (Outstanding Senior Girl). She was active throughout her high school years as cheerleader and in school musicals.
She graduated from the University of Missouri in 1980 with a double major in Journalism and Spanish Literature. She received her MBA from Southern Methodist University and went on to receive a Master's Degree in International Management from the American Graduate School of International Management at Thunderbird University in Phoenix, Arizona.
After graduating college, Michele moved to New York and began her career with Dow Jones International Sales and Marketing (DJISM). She rose to the position as Publisher, Wall Street Journal Latin Americans edition, the first woman to hold that position for any Wall Street Journal edition. During her career at DJIMS, Michele worked with economic leaders around the world and met with dignitaries across Latin America.
Michele married Scott Lindsay in 1998 and after the birth of their daughter, Ariane, Michele left the Journal to devote her service as full-time wife and mother and to charitable work that included fundraising for health-related causes, the Southampton Garden Club - working to enhance and develop community gardens, projects and educational workshops in Southampton Village and to encourage students to pursue careers in horticulture and landscape design, and the New York ASPCA where the Lindsay family adopted Juniper "Junie", a lovable 4-year-old boxer/pit bull mix.
One of Michele's last attributes was working with Linda Holwick Bond, her Oak Park High School classmate and long-time friend, to establish the Normandy Academy Scholars program, which sponsors one Junior from each of the four NKC high schools to attend a 12-day learning and leadership conference to gain an understanding of the historical context of the D-Day invasion. Upon her passing in October 2022, this program was renamed the Michele Evenson Lindsay Normandy Academy Scholarship Program.
Michele can't be described with just one word, let alone one sentence. Her family should be very proud to know that their daughter, sister, wife, and mother touched many lives throughout her lifetime. So many friends and colleagues have expressed their thoughts and memories of Michele but Dr. Stephen L. Regas (Cl '76) said it best, "A large part of the high school experience is based on where one fits in the social ladder. In Oak Park's Class of 1976, the person at the top of the ladder was unquestionably Michele Evenson. I wasn't at the very bottom of the ladder, but I could see it from my rung. In high school (as in life) sometimes people at the top of the ladder were not necessarily very nice to those at the bottom. Usually, it wasn't so much direct antagonism but more as the dismissive awareness of us. (Similar to how we divert our gaze from the homeless.) Michele was never that way! She was never patronizing and never condescending to those of us who were "lacking in social graces". It mattered not if she was speaking with a football player or another cheerleader or a bookwormish nerd - she treated all with respect. Michele was a humble person."
"Although Oak Park won't be a part of everyday now, the memories will always be around. You know how much they mean to me, and how hard it is for me to see everything end. This is the hardest yet. School wouldn't be anything without friends, and I guess I just ended up lucky again." - Michele Evenson
Michele's Memorial Page
Evola, Vincent
Class of 1975
Inducted in 2023
Community Service
Vince has lived, worked and volunteered for over 40 years in the Northland. He worked for 40 years in consumer goods, with 21 years at UPS. Currently, he is owner and operator of Evola's Cucina in Good Juju in the West Bottoms. Vince worked with youth football leagues for 33 years, including the North Suburban Youth Football League and Heart of America Pop Warner. Vince mentored and guided many 8 to 14 year old kids during this time. He and his classmate Leo Scott, (also'75) started a golf tournament in honor of their fellow classmate, Greg Smith. They spearheaded this tournament from 1997 to 2007, The memorial tournament raised money to provide funds for the OPHS Athletic Dept. to purchase equipment or needs they could not fund.
In 2014, the Administration at Oak Park reached out to Vince and Leo asking if they would restart the Memorial in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary of the school. Since 2016 Scholarships have been awarded in Leo's memory.

Finch, Elizabeth
Class of 1967
Inducted in 2014
Arts and Science
Elizabeth was a participant in the OPHS music department and it led her to that field. She attended UMKC, the University of Wyoming and moved to Southern California in the mid-70's to begin working in the music industry. Her outstanding skills as a music copyist, arranger, and orchestrator have kept her employed in the major music studios for movies and top broadcast network television shows.
Her music work has been heard by millions of people worldwide. A partial list of her credits includes such movies as Pirates of the Caribbean, The Dark Knight Rises, The Simpsons, Transformers, and Shrek. She was a music arranger for the 2012 Academy Award Ceremony. She currently lives in Studio City, CA.

Fulks, Paula
Class of 1972
Inducted in 2014
Paula was educated at St. John's College and at Notre Dame Law School (Magna Cum Laude). She began practicing law as the first female Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Clay County, Mo. A year later she became the first female attorney at the boutique law firm of Deacy and Deacy in antitrust litigation and insurance defense.
In 1984, AT&T recruited Paula to create rules for telecommunications competition in Missouri and Texas. At Southwestern Bell, she was responsible for all company matters involving the Missouri Public Service Commission, including a Missouri Supreme Court case worth more than $200M annually. Eventually, Paula headed negotiations of the company's wholesale outsourcing arrangements. Significant transactions included a $10 billion deal in which AT&T became IBM's telecommunications provider of choice and related transactions in 26 countries. Paula handled similar transactions with Accenture and EDS.
In 2011 Paula became responsible for procuring from developers new wireless applications for large commercial customers. Paula has a son and daughter and retired in 2012.

Gately, Bernie
Class of 1981
Inducted in 2005
Commander Gately graduated from the US Navel Academy with a degree in Physics. He served as an Electronic Warfare Officer, Combat Information Center Officer and Navigator. Commander Gately received his Masters of Science in physics in 1992. He has commanded the USS Guardian and the USS Samuel Rogers while the ship was on counter drug deployment.
He has been awarded two Meritorious Service Medals, a Navy Commendation Medal and the Navy Achievement Medal. He is currently stationed in Florida.

Gibson (Nordyke), Diane
Class of 1970
Inducted in 2012
Diane's humble beginnings following her graduation from Oak Park led her to learn about business from the bottom up. She got her first break as a financial consultant for companies in the process of executing public offerings. She served as VP of Operations for a relocation and property management firm in Denver. Diane went on to be VP of Pak Mail Centers of America for 7 years, where she learned franchising.
In 1990, Diane discovered an underserved niche in the shipping industry and created the specialty freight industry with the launch of Craters & Freighters, a nationwide bricks and mortar network of packaging, crating, and shipping centers offering a wide variety of solutions for businesses and consumers with unique and specific shipping needs.
Following the success of Craters & Freighters, Diane formed Craters & Freighters Global Logistics in 2005 to meet the unique packaging and logistic needs of national and international companies with high-value, time-critical and multiple pick-up and delivery requirements around the world. Currently, Craters &Freighters has 67 franchises in the U. S. and revenues hitting $50,000,000 per year.
Diane was honored with the Denver Business Journal's Outstanding Women in Business Award in 2008. Ms. Gibson is a member of the International Franchise Association, a nationwide organization for franchise company owners and the National Federation of Independent Businesses. She serves as Chair of the Board of Trustees for Providence Network, which provides transformation-housing programs designed to fight homelessness in Denver, CO. She also is Chair of the Founders Committee of the ABLE Center for Women Entrepreneurship at the University of Denver.

Hankins, Bill
Class of 1968
Inducted in 2011
After leaving Oak Park, Bill went on to receive his B.S. from Southwest Missouri State in Education, and his Master's in English. He taught at Nixa High School form 1972 to 1975, before coming to Oak Park where he taught until he retired in 2002. He also taught at Maple Woods C.C. While at Oak Park he sponsored the Northmen's Log and Cambia yearbook. He initiated the Heartland Photojournalism Project that allowed his photo classes to spend a day in some small town in Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa.
He taught photojournalism workshops at UMC and Ball State for many years. Both the yearbook and newspaper have received many national awards for excellence. In 1992 Oak Park became only the third high school to have both media included in the National Scholastic Press Assn. Hall of Fame. Bill was named the Missouri Journalism Teacher of the Year in 1992, and received many other teaching awards. He was inducted into the Missouri Photojournalism Hall of Fame in 2008. He has published a book, Landmark People, Stories from Platte County, and is now a freelance photographer and writer for the Platte County Landmark newspaper. He is married to Marcia, lives in Platte Country and has 2 grown children and 6 grandkids.

Harrison (Grace), Gretchen
Class of 1982
Inducted in 2016
Following her Oak Park years, Gretchen Harrison graduated from Wichita State University with a Bachelor's in Music Education and earned her Masters' degree in music education from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Harrison has been teaching middle school choral music in the Shawnee Mission and the Blue Valley school districts since 2002. Under Harrison's direction, the choirs at Frontier Trail have routinely earned highest ratings and have performed for the Kansas Music Educators Association.
Harrison is an assistant director with Allegro Choirs of Kansas City. This organization has traveled and performed regionally, nationally and internationally with hallmark performances including performing for the President at the White House in 2012, a Carnegie Hall performance, singing for High Mass at St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, performing in the cathedrals in Paris, Lucerne, St. Paul's Cathedral, Rome. Allegro choirs also perform with the Kansas City Symphony in their "Festival of Christmas" performances in Helzberg Hall.
Harrison enjoys serving the profession and has served as guest choral clinician, adjudicator and lecturer for many regional, state and national choral events. She has served as the American Choral Directors Association National Chairperson for JHMS Repertoire.

Hay, Laura
Class of 2006
Inducted in 2019
Community Service
Laura graduated from Northwest Missouri State University in December 2011. She was the Web Content Coordinator at Children's Mercy Hospital before she was tragically killed in a car accident in November 11th, 2017. Laura was passionate about the arts, especially music and dance. She began volunteering at the age of 7 with Gladstone Theater in the Park and continued to volunteer until her death at the age of 29. In her free time, she taught dance at Ibsen Dance Theater, and was the first instructor for a class for students with special needs.
Her contributions live on through the Laura Hay Humphrey Foundation that was created to further her love of helping youth participate in the arts. At Oak Park Laura participated in many fine art related activities. She was in many musicals and theater productions. She received many numerous 1 ratings for choir and performed many solos. She was a member of Oak Street Singers.
Laura's Memorial Page
Herrick, Bennie
Class of 1966
Inducted in 2005
Bennie was best known at Oak Park for being the first student to win a trophy in any event, in the school's first year. He won the trophy in a drama contest. He planned to study drama in college, but instead, he thought he had a higher obligation to his country. He enlisted in the army and became a paratrooper with the 101st Airborne, the Screaming Eagles. He went to Vietnam and was in constant combat and was twice wounded.
He lost his life in action shortly after returning to his unit from the hospital. He was awarded two Purple Hearts, Paratrooper Wings, Combat Infantryman Badge, Good Conduct Medal, Vietnam Service Medal and the Presidential Unit Citation.
Bennie's Memorial Page
Higgins, Kathleen
Class of 1972
Inducted in 2009
Professor, University Of Texas
After receiving her B.A. in music from UMKC, Kathleen went on to receive her M.A., M.Phil, and Ph.D from Yale in philosophy. She has taught at University of Cal, Riverside, University of Auckland, and was a Visiting Fellow of the Australian National University. She has been teaching at the University of Texas for over 20 years. A prolific writer and recognized Nietzsche scholar, her books include The Music of Our Lives, Nietzsche's Zarathustra, and she has co-edited numerous books with her husband, Professor Robert Solomon.
Kathleen has many awards, including the Dean's Fellowship from U of Texas, Alumni Achievement Award from UMKC, and the Rappaport-King Scholar Mentor Award from University of Texas. Kathleen lives in Austin, Texas.

Hiland, Susan
Class of 1977
Inducted in 2005
Susan is a Kansas City native who earned her Bachelor's degree in Electronic Media from Southwest Missouri State University. Her broadcasting career began in Wichita, Kansas where she gained experience as an anchor, producer and magazine show host on both radio and television. Susan's broadcasting career as an anchor and reporter includes work at ABC News in Chicago; KDNL in St. Louis; and WFIF-TV in Evansville. IN.
Susan was the morning anchor and reporter specializing in health issues at WTNH-TV in New Haven, CN. She joined WDAF TV Fox 4 in August 1999 and is currently co-anchor with John Holt on the Fox 4 News at 5 and 9pm. Susan once again lives in the Kansas City area.

Hollander, Kenneth
Class of 1969
Inducted in 2006
A member of the first two state champion baseball teams at Oak Park, Ken went on to play baseball at Missouri Western and graduated with a B.S. in Economics in 1973. He began working for First Bank of Gladstone shortly after graduation. He received his MBA from Rockhurst University. He worked his way up to become He worked his way up to become the Chief Executive Officer of the bank and he is currently serving on the Board of Directors at several area banks.
Ken is also a member of the Gladstone Area Chamber of Commerce and has served as Gladfest Parade Marshal in 1977. He is a board member of the Clay County Economic Development Council, and has served on the Gladstone Downtown Redevelopment Council. He is married to Gina and they have a son, Cole.

Holwick-Bond, Linda
Class of 1976
Inducted in 2010
Public Service
President, Linda Bond & Associates
Linda received her Bachelor's Degree with honors in Art History from the University of Maryland. Following her passion for politics, went to Washington, DC in 1980 and worked in the Reagan administration and in the 1984 Reagan campaign for the President's speechwriter. From 1985 until 1991 she was the Director for Germany of the International Rescue Committee, living in Munich and aiding refugees from former Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union going to the United States where they sought asylum.
She returned to the United States in 1992 to become Finance Director for Empower America, a think tank run by Jack Kemp, and later Finance Director for the Steve Forbes presidential campaign. From that point on, Linda became one of Washington's most respected fundraisers and event organizers.
She served as the Finance Director for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, raising money for Republican senators across the nation. She was called upon to direct the National Cathedral portions of the funeral of Ronald Reagan for Mrs. Reagan, and later to do the same for Mrs. Ford for the funeral of President Gerald Ford. She is currently a Senior Consultant to the Ronald Reagan Library and Foundation, with her focus on events and fundraising for President Reagan's Centennial Celebration in 2011 in Washington, DC, London, Berlin, Prague and Budapest. She is married to Kit and lives in Chevy Chase, MD and in Mexico, MO.

Johnson, David L.
Class of 1974
Inducted in 2007
Founder/Chairman of Maxus Properties
After graduating from Missouri University, David worked for Arthur Anderson & Co. before pursuing a career in development, syndication and management of Properties, Inc. and the publicly traded Maxus Realty Trust, Inc.
He is now Chairman/CEO of Maxus that manages over 7,000 apartment units and over 400,000 square feet of office/retail shopping centers. He has served on the Union Station Commission, NKCSD Treasurer, Chamber of Commerce, and has helped establish and sponsored the Oak Park Memorial Golf Tournament. He built the Nevo Gym in Riverside for use of young people in the Northland. Dave is married to Sandra and they live in Kansas City North.

Jury, Cam
Class of 1967
Inducted in 2007
Retired Oak Park Teacher and Baseball Coach
Cam taught for 33 years in the North Kansas City District. He began his career teaching elementary PE for 13 years before returning to his alma mater where he taught and coached football, wrestling, soccer, and baseball. His baseball teams won three state titles, three 3rd place finishes, and ten conference titles.
Cam was recently inducted into the Missouri Sports Hall and the William Jewell Hall of Fame. He was a member of the Jewell 1968 NAIA National Championship baseball team, where he received his BA. He is married to Michelle and lives in Gladstone, MO.

Jury, Zac
Class of 1995
Inducted in 2021
Public Service
Zac is in his 12th year serving as a Special Agent for the FBI, where he has won many awards and has been recognized. He is the co-founder of E6 ministries, which he devotes his time to on a daily basis. This organization leads boot camps for husbands and fathers and is mentoring programs for men.
Before working for the FBI, he was a social studies teacher at Oak Park for 8 years and coached football, baseball, and girls basketball.

Jury, Ronald
Class of 1974
Inducted in 2006
After leaving Oak Park, Ron graduated from UMKC with a degree in Business Administration. He entered the world of property management with a major real estate firm in Kansas City. In 1987, he formed his own company, Jury & Associates and became involved in commercial leasing, investment brokerage, development and consulting. Over the last 28 years, Ron has overseen construction management and development of projects in excess of $200 million. Most recently, he completed a $47 million historic preservation of the 213-room President Hotel in downtown Kansas City. For his work, he received the Historic Preservation Award from the American Institute of Architects. Ron is married to Sarah and they have 4 children, Ron Jr., Christopher, Kevin, and Jennifer.

Keenan, Michael
Class of 2004
Inducted in 2015
Michael Keenan graduated from Oak Park High School in May of 2004. While attending Oak Park, He won the prestigious Simone Award annually awarded to the best football player in the Kansas City area. After his time at Oak Park he briefly attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as a student athlete. In January of 2006 Michael enlisted in the United States Army and attended basic combat training at Fort Benning, GA. In that same year he married fellow Oak Park alumni Jamie Pulse. Together they have three boys Parker, Hudson and Brooks.
He currently serves as a member of the 5th Special Forces Group as an Assistant Detachment Commander with the rank of Warrant Officer One. He has served with 5th Special Forces Group since November of 2007 during which he has deployed multiple times in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and in support of other overseas contingency operations throughout the Middle East region. Prior to his appointment as a Warrant Officer in May of 2014 he served as a detachment Intelligence Sergeant and Engineer Sergeant. Michael and his family currently live in their home in Clarksville, TN near his duty station of Fort Campbell, KY.

Lakin, Scott
Class of 1976
Inducted in 2005
After graduating from Oak Park, Scott received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Business Administration from William Jewell. He was an aide to the late U.S. Rep. Richard Bolling of Kansas City. This was a springboard to his 1992 election to the Missouri House of Representatives. He chaired the Joint Committee on Health Care Policy and Planning and Vice-Chairman of the House Budget Committee. He also served on the House Commerce, Critical Issues, Local Government, and Urban Affairs and Transportation Committees.
While in the Missouri House, Lakin was named Legislator of the Year by several organizations, including the Missouri Community College Association. In 2001, Scott was appointed the Director of the Missouri Department of Insurance. Scott resides in the Kansas City area.

Logan, Dennis
Class of 1977
Inducted in 2024
Business and Military Service
After leaving Oak Park, Dennis graduated from Kansas University and MIT where he majored in Computer Science. After college, he entered the Navy as an officer. Although he had dreams of flying for the Navy, he didn't pass the eye test and shifted gears to deep dive in the seas in the Submarine Service. He had a competitive interview and was accepted for an intense 6 month training program.
After that, his Naval career took him all over the world in many leadership roles, including nuclear naval engineer, and submarine commander. He retired from the Navy in 2001 as a Navy Commander. For the next 20 years he worked in the private sector for defense contractors as either a senior principle engineer or program manager. His current position is at General Dynamics and is the principle program representative for the Electric Boat division.

Love, Phil
Class of 1967
Inducted in 2017
Phil served as Stuco president at OPHS in 1966-67. He was a state debate champion in 1967. He also was the Pep Band director and participated in Boys' State, drama club and other school activities. Following graduation from William Jewell, he earned a Master's degree in counseling from UMKC, and then embarked on a career leading to the position of President and CEO of Pryor Resources, a provider of business training seminars.
In 1999 he received the William Jewell College Citation of Achievement in recognition of career accomplishments. Following retirement, he enrolled at the Central Baptist Theological Seminary where he received a Master's in Religious Studies. Phil was elected to the Board of Trustees of the Seminary and later became Board Chairman. In 2012, he was given the Alumnus of the Year Award. In 2014, he earned a Post Graduate Diploma from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
He has served on numerous non-profit boards including the KC Association for Mental Health, Angel Flight Central where he was a Volunteer, a Pilot of the year in 2007, Yale Center for Faith and Culture Advisory Board and church Board Chair. Phil currently serves as Managing Director of the Center of Faith and Culture at Yale Divinity School. Phil is married to Patty, has 2 married children, 6 grandchildren, and lives in the Plaza area of KC.
Phil's Memorial Page
Mahan, Hurley
Class of 1978
Inducted in 2021
Hurley earned his Doctorate in Law at UMKC. He moved to Clinton, MO where he opened his practice. His second family is with the Boy Scouts in Clinton and he tries to instill in his Scouts, purpose and positive decision making along with a commitment to God, country and community. He currently works in a high poverty area and has bought clothing, food, and a bus for Scouts transportation. He was instrumental in funding and arranging to have a Scout Hall built in Clinton.
Hurley has earned the Life Award in Boy Scouts, one of the highest awards in Scouting. He has been involved with the Scouts since he was in his youth and continued to the present day. Family is his top priority and he is a leader in his community.

Marx, James
Class of 1983
Inducted in 2017
Community Service
After graduating from Oak Park, Dr. Marx graduated Magna cum Laude from Kansas City University with an Osteopathic Medicine Degree. He is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians and has been voted Best Family Physician in the Northland for 6 consecutive years. He has provided free physicals for Oak Park students and has had several students shadow his practice as part of their Gold Medallion internships. He has been involved with the OP Dugout Club and through fundraisers, has updated the batting cages and renovated the Dugouts.
He was also responsible for the installation of defibrillators at all baseball fields. He has also initiated and is supervising physician for NKC Schools Urgent Care Clinic for employees and their families. He has 3 children, all of whom have attended Oak Park.

Meyer, Gene
Class of 1970
Inducted in 2005
Gene has a Bachelors and Masters degree in Business Administration from Rockhurst University in Kansas City. He began his health care career at Spelman Hospital in Smithville where he rose through the ranks to become CEO. Gene led Spelman to an affiliation with the St. Luke's Health System. He became Senior Associate Director for St. Luke's Hospital in 1992. He was responsible for the planning, construction, and medical staff development for the $65 million health care facility. Gene moved on to Lawrence Memorial Hospital where he became President and CEO in 1997.
He has led the hospital to expanding services that include a freestanding outpatient facility, an acute rehabilitation operation, a wound healing center, and oncology services. The hospital has received several awards since Gene took the helm, including the 2003 Kansas Excellence Award from the Malcolm Baldridge Foundation. He serves on the board of directors of several Kansas organizations, in addition to teaching Health Services Administration at Webster University. Gene resides in Lawrence, Kansas.

Murtha, Mark
Class of 1980
Inducted in 2007
Community Service
Director of Applications Development for Metropolitan Community Colleges
Mark received his BA in Computer Science and his MA in Communication Studies from UMKC. He was self employed until he went to work for the Metropolitan Community Colleges, where he has risen to the position of Director of Applications Development. He also teaches advanced computer engineering. He has volunteered to catalog all the archived Cambia photos that were about to be trashed.
He has built a website that displays thousands of these pictures for the enjoyment of Oak Park alumni and friends. He has also totally redesigned the Oak Park Alumni website and has made it more user friendly for both the user and the maintenance of the site. He has done all of the above at no cost to the school! He has offered to do the same for the other high schools in the district at no cost to them.

Noah-Harmon, Tammy
Class of 1982
Inducted in 2019
Public Service, Athletics
Tammy graduated with a degree from UCM. Her career has been dedicated to reaching young people as a teacher and a coach. During her career, she was at 4 different schools, Blades Elementary (STL), Meadowbrook, Oak Park and Staley. Now she volunteers as a coach for the Northstars Special Olympic basketball team. She also serves as a basketball official for the Upward Basketball Program.
At UCM she played basketball for 4 years, won 4 conference titles, 3 NCAA final fours, and 1 championship. She also played 2 years of tennis and was awarded UCM female athlete of the year in 1987.
She is a member of the UCM Athletic Hall of fame and the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame. In 1995 she played professional basketball for the KC Mustangs. As a teacher at Oak Park, she taught health and PE and coached volleyball, basketball and golf. As a student, she played volleyball, softball and basketball. She won several awards and holds many records.

Nolte, Jerry
Class of 1973
Inducted in 2013
Public Service
Jerry is a professional cartoonist, who became involved in government, and was elected to the Missouri House of Representatives in 2005. He has served on various committees, including Chairman of the International Trade and Job Creation committee, Renewable Energy, Public Safety Appropriations and Immigration Committees. He is best known for writing the Manufacturing Jobs Act which among other things, allowed Ford to invest money in their Claycomo facility which amounted to over $1.1 billion!
Without this legislation, there was a likelihood that Ford would have relocated. He also sponsored the Corporate Franchise Tax Repeal law which incentivized businesses to not cross the state line for better tax rates. He sponsored legislation which freed up the NKC School District to "joint venture" with Gladstone to fund the aquatic facility.
He is currently a partner of a startup business to export food to China and other Asian countries. He is a member of Gladstone Rotary, Friends of Hospice, and Knights of Columbus. He has been married to Alicia for 36 years and has 3 grown children.

O'Hara, Alisha
Class of 2000
Inducted in 2018
Public Service
Alisha O'Hara is an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney in the Clay County, Missouri Prosecuting Attorn. She graduated from Mizou in 2004 with a B.A.ey's Office izn Psychology and while attending, Alisha volunteered with Legal Aid of Mid-Missouri, Mid-Missouri Crisis Hotline, and Missouri State Public Defender system. She then attended law school at the University of Missouri-Kansas City where earned her Juris Doctor in 2007 and began working at the Public Defender's office.
In 2010, she accepted employment in Clay County and is the supervising attorney for the child support division. In 2017, Alisha started the county's first Parenting Court, a program that+ helps non-custodial parents owing child support find employment, receive treatment for substance abuse and mental health issues, and help to re-establish relationships with their children. Alisha formed community partnerships with the following agencies to provide this program at no cost to the citizens of Clay County: Connections to Success, BraveHearts, Northland Dependency Services and Tri-County Mental Health.
Alisha is a member of Gladstone Rotary where she chairs Kansas City Days. She also volunteers as the Be SMART lead for the Northland chapter of Moms Demand Action where her role is aimed at working to reduce suicides and unintentional shootings when children get a hold of unsecured firearms. Alisha is an adjunct professor at Missouri Western State University. While at Oak Park, Alisha was involved in Leadership, choir, Young Life, Campaigners, lettered in both cross country and track and graduated with honors.

Parks, Colby
Class of 2002
Inducted in 2020
A graduate of Rockhurst University, with a B.S. in Chemistry, Colby went on to receive his M.D. from St. Louis University. At Rockhurst he finished with the highest GPA of his graduating class and received the NCAA post graduate scholarship.
After St. Louis University, he went to the University of Wisconsin where he completed his residency in anesthesiology and fellowship in regional anesthesia and acute pain. He then joined the faculty as an assistant professor.
He currently is an Anesthesiologist at St. Lukes Hospital in St Louis. He has won several awards and is currently serving on 2 committees.
He has volunteered at 13 organizations in the St. Louis and Kansas City areas. He continues to be involved at Oak Park by Skyping with future medical professionals.

Parks, Alan
Class of 1971
Inducted in 2023
Alan was a leader throughout his career on the athletic fields and in the classroom. In 1999 he was awarded the True Blue award for his service to the Oak Park community.He was inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame for his accomplishments at Central Missouri State University being part of the College World Series team in 1974.
Coach Parks taught and modeled a high degree of character and ethical behavior during his career. Much of his coaching, especially youth programs, was on a volunteer basis. His legacy at Oak Park was teaching and coaching for over 3 decades.

Phillips, Steve
Class of 1978
Inducted in 2008
Steve Phillips has had a love for music and his guitar since his early days in school. After graduation, he and two friends started a group that later became known as The Rainmakers. In 1985, the group recorded six CDs and five videos for MTV and VH1. Because of their success, they toured North America and throughout Europe between 1985 and 1996.
Phillips has founded his own production company and is now a member of the very popular "Elders" Celtic Rock music group. The Elders have released seven CDs and two DVDs. He and his group have performed many charitable events, including concerts to benefit Oak Park's instrumental and vocal music departments. Steve Phillips is married to his high school sweetheart, Rebecca Pryor. They have three children and live in Gladstone.
Steve's Memorial Page
Pursell, Michael
Class of 1971
Inducted in 2005
Community Service
After leaving Oak Park, Mike joined the family business, Damon Pursell Construction Co. He leads the company into vertical integration, including a land development team and the company's own rock quarry.
Always a supporter of Oak Park, Mike donated his company's time, equipment, and material in 2003 to enlarge and beautify the Oak Park baseball field. This entailed bringing in massive rocks and great quantities of dirt to extend the outfield. Oak Park now has a premier baseball park, second to none!

Ramsey, Steve
Class of 1970
Inducted in 2019
Steve graduated from Washburn University and was a TV broadcaster, TV News Director, and served in TV Station Management. He was a news director at KWCH in Wichita, news director at WRAL in Raleigh, Vice President of news at WESH in Orlando, Vice President of news at KPRC Houston, news director at KFMB television and radio San Diego, news director at WGN Chicago, station manager of KTLA Los Angeles, and Tribune broadcasting in Chicago.
He died unexpectedly at age 52 in Nashville working for WSMV-TV Channel 4 as Vice President and general manager. It was said he was one of the best in the business, and understood people. He was a family man and created a family environment in the workplace.
Steve's Memorial Page
Rangel, Juan
Class of 1987
Inducted in 2005
Community Service
Juan received his Bachelor of Science degree in International Business and Spanish. His Master's degree in Urban Education was earned at Kansas State University. He has 13 years of professional experience in the area of public relations and multicultural training. He has worked with the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, AT&T, Wichita Police Department, and numerous high schools and colleges to deliver motivational programs which he developed.
Juan is currently the Executive Director of the National Council for Community and Justice for the Greater Kansas City Region. This organization conducts programs for youth and adults, such as Unitown, College Leadership Institute, and Building Inclusive Communities. Juan also conducts assessments and workplace training programs in the area. He is involved in LULAC, and the Hispanic Leadership Opportunity Program. Juan is currently living in the Kansas City area.

Regas, Stephen
Class of 1976
Inducted in 2022
Community Service
Dr. Steve Regas has a unique educational and professional combination, serving his community as both a medical doctor and an ordained minister. He was in private practice and on staff at 5 Kansas City area hospitals. In his ministerial career, Dr. Regas served as Minister of the First Christian Church, Hiawatha, KS, and Transitional Minister for Fairview Christian Church in Gladstone.
He has served on hospital Ethics Committees at both Research Med Center and St. Joseph Med Center. Dr. Regas has authored a book," Robert Alexander Long" The Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Movement, published in 2004. Dr. Regas returned to Oak Park to be the Team Physician for 10 years.

Riley (Bozier), Ramona
Class of 1981
Inducted in 2005
Ramona graduated from Morgan State University and has since become one of the most decorated coaches in the history of her alma mater. As an undergraduate, she excelled in volleyball (All Conference) and track and field winning at the Penn Relays and at National Track Meet.
She enters her 18th season as head coach of the volleyball team, after having also coached soft ball foreign seasons. She coached the first historical black institution (MSU) to advance to the NCAA tournament.
She has recorded over 300 wins during her career and has been voted Conference Coach of the Year on five occasions.

Rutledge, Rebecca
Class of 1969
Inducted in 2010
Principal, Tritt Elementary
Rebecca, who assisted her father in the opening of Oak Park, also provided insight into what students would be looking for in a new high school. During her high school years, she was involved in Thespians, musicals, Student Council and was a member of the Homecoming Court her senior year. She also attended Girls State.
After graduating high school, she traveled to Austria as an exchange student. She received her B.S. in Early childhood education at Kansas University Later she achieved her Master's at Brenau University, Ed.Specialist in Education Leadership from the University of Alabama, and Ed. Doctorate, at University of Alabama. Doctor Rutledge worked her way up from teacher to principal, and retired as Principal at Tritt Elementary.
She has been very involved in PTA, and other educational programs as well as Relay for Life. Through her leadership, her school has been awarded the Georgia School of Excellence (1 of 6 elementary schools in the state) and she has received the prestigious Platinum Honor Award. Rebecca lives in Kennesaw, GA and has 2 married children.

Scarborough, Brandon
Class of 1998
Inducted in 2015
Brandon lettered in three sports while at Oak Park, and signed in two of them to play at Baker University. While lettering four years in basketball, Brandon graduated cum laude from Baker University, and went directly into the insurance business in 2002. He specializes in providing worksite benefits to employers with large numbers of employees.
He co-founded Power Group's worksite division which allowed him to focus solely on providing voluntary benefits to low wage workers employed by nursing homes. As a result, he was named the Benefits Selling's magazine's 2012 Broker of the Year. Employee Benefit Advisor Magazine also named him a "Rising Star" in 2012. He was recently named to Ingram's magazine's "40 under 40" for his leadership in the industry. Brandon gives back to the community through Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Rose Brooks and Harvesters and is on the Board of Trustees at Baker University. He is married to Courtnay and they have 3 children.

Schenck Cruce, Leanne
Class of 1999
Inducted in 2020
Leanne had a desire to start her own business. She wanted to create designs and promote Kansas City. She made that dream a reality with "Love Letters KC" which now sells nationally. Her company was recognized and awarded for the top KC business with under 25 employees.
She has been involved in Big Brothers and Sisters and was chosen as a BBBS Most Wanted. She donates clothes from her business to local homeless shelters and encourages clients to volunteer for the shelters.

Silvey, Ryan
Class of 1994
Inducted in 2013
Public Service
Ryan was president of NFL at Oak Park and earned recognition in both debate and forensics. He used these skills at Bob Jones University, where he was captain of the debate team for 3 years and graduated with a degree in Speech.
After graduation, he became a Legislative Aide in Washington to Senator Kit Bond. In 2005, Ryan was elected to the Missouri House of Representatives and because of his persuasive and collaborative skills, was appointed the House Floor Whip. In 2011 & 2012, Ryan held the challenging and powerful position of Chairman of the House Budget Committee. He is among the youngest in the nation to chair that Committee.
In 2012 Ryan was elected to be a State Senator for this area. He has served public education and the NKC schools well. He has been an advocate for sensible, productive, education-centered legislation. He has returned several times to serve as a judge for the Oak Park Debate Tournament as well as the Mr. Oak Park contest. Ryan is married to Angela, has two children, and he still lives in the Northland.

Stigall, Chris
Class of 1995
Inducted in 2010
Talk Show Host
Chris was very active in speech and debate at Oak Park, as well as being the face of Blue in Review for several years. He received his B.A. from Northwest Missouri in broadcasting and journalism. Chris also studied comedy writing and television production as an intern for David Letterman, He also produced the Randy Miller show in Kansas City.
He took two years away from the microphone to work as a press assistant to U.S. Congressman Sam Graves. For the past ten years, Chris has hosted morning and afternoon radio shows, and on the spot reports for various local shows. In 2006, he got his own morning Talk Radio Show on KCMO and has been there ever since. His wit and knowledge has earned him Guest Host duties on several Nationally Syndicated shows, such as the Lou Dobbs Show, the Jerry Doyle Show, the Michael Savage Show and the Fred Thompson Show. He has hosted Sean Hannity, Carl Rove and Sarah Palin. He is married to Christine and they have three children, and are living in Kansas City, North.

Storm, Susan
Class of 1979
Inducted in 2016
Community Service
Dr. Susan Storm graduated valedictorian from Oak Park 1979 and attended UMKC School of Medicine graduating in 1985. On completing her pediatric residency at Children's Mercy Hospital, she became an assistant professor at UMKC and an attending physician at Children's Mercy.
Always wanting to return to the Northland, Dr. Storm is a founder and managing partner of Pediatric Care North, since 1989. She is also on staff at St. Luke's North and North Kansas City Hospital. She continues to be a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and is board certified. At present she is also a year 1-2 docent, teaching medical students from UMKC.
Her brother Dr. Shawn Storm received the Outstanding Senior Science Award in 1984 from Oak Park. An annual memorial scholarship has been given in his name by Dr. Storm's family for the last 23 years. One of her biggest joys, is now caring for second-generation patients in the Northland! Many of these are children and grandchildren of Oak Park high school graduates.

Sullivan, Greg
Class of 1976
Inducted in 2005
Greg holds a Bachelor's degree in Systems Science and Mathematics from Washington University in St. Louis. He founded G. A. Sullivan which became a leading software development company in 1982. After managing the company's growth to 350 employees across the U.S. and Europe in 20 cars. he sold the company to Avanade, Inc., a company jointly owned by Microsoft and Accenture.
G. A. Sullivan appeared for four consecutive years among the Deloitte & Touche list of fastest growing technology companies in America. Ernst & Young named Greg the 2000 Entrepreneur of the Year in the Software and IT category. He is recognized as an industry expert and visionary in the field of information technology. The U.S. Small Business Administration named Greg the 1999 National Small Business Person of the Year.

Sutton, Delvin
Class of 1969
Inducted in 2007
Retired Music Educator
After receiving his Bachelor in Music, Del came to the North Kansas City School District to teach at New Mark for 29 years. He got his Master's degree from UMKC in 1976. He has held Director of Music positions at two local churches, as well as assisting in a music program at the Lansing Correctional Facility.
He is currently involved in the songwriting business as well as performing at various functions. Del is married to Ellen and lives in Gladstone.

Sweat, Greg
Class of 1986
Inducted in 2018
Community Service
Dr. Sweat is the Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City. Heis responsible for providing value to the members, partners and community through innovative and efficient patient care of the highest quality. Dr. Sweat previously served as the Chief Medical Officer at the Shawnee Mission Physician Group.
He also taught as an assistant professor at the University of Kansas Department of Family Medicine and served as an consultant in the Mayo Clinic's Department of Family Medicine. Dr. Sweat was included in Ingram Magazine's 40 Under 40 list of outstanding professionals. He is on the Board of the Kansas City Quality Improvement Consortium and is a past board member of the Don Bosco Center.

Tinnen, Brenda
Class of 1972
Inducted in 2007
Senior Vice President/General Manager-Sprint Center
Brenda has over 30 years in the arena guest relations industry and was recently named recipient of the 2004 CIC Facility Executive of the Year Award. She is responsible for coordination of contractors and the city, as well as all facets of the start-up of the Sprint Center.
She has had similar positions at the Staples Center in LA (largest arena in the US), Kodak Theater, home of the Academy Awards, and host to the 2000 Democratic Convention in Los Angeles. Prior to moving to L.A., she was Senior. VP, Marketing and Sales for the Phoenix arena, and held similar positions in Houston and Minnesota. She lives in Plattsburg with her husband, Greg.

Wade-McCormick, Lisa
Class of 1979
Inducted in 2017
Lisa graduated from Park College with a BA in 1983, She went into the journalism field and almost immediately found her calling in investigative reporting. She did investigative reports on such things as the VA physician assistant who assaulted patients, safety concerns at Arrowhead Stadium, and exposed problems such as toxins in pet toys, and airbags failing to deploy.
Lisa is an award-winning journalist with more than 25 years experience as a newspaper reporter, investigative television producer, and magazine writer. She's currently the investigative producer at WDAF-TV and won the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting in 2016 for exposing how easy it is for minors to buy ammunition.

Wagner, Scott
Class of 1989
Inducted in 2017
Community Service
Scott Wagner represents the 1st District At-Large. For the 2015-2019 council term, Mayor Sly James has appointed Wagner as Mayor Pro Tem, as well as Chairman of the Finance and Governance Committee. He also serves as a member of the Housing Committee. The 1st District includes most of the Clay County portion of Kansas City.
Scott grew up in the Northland and attended North Kansas City School District schools, graduating from Oak Park High School in 1989. He then worked his way through college including spending his senior year working at the Clay County Economic Development Council and graduated from William Jewell College in 1994 with a Bachelor degree of Science in History, Business and Economics.
Scott founded Wagner Marketing, a small marketing and public relations firm. He then went to work for a local marketing/advertising agency in 2007, and returned to private practice in 2010.

Warner, Todd
Class of 1981
Inducted in 2022
While at Oak Park, Todd was a track star winning the 800 meter State Championship in 1981. He went on to coach Track and Field/Cross Country at Winnetonka, Oak Park, and Staley. Todd was inducted into the 2020 Missouri Track and Field Hall of Fame by the Coaches Association.
Coach Warner has coached 160 All State athletes, several state champions and school record holders at all three schools in his 35 years of coaching.

White, William
Class of 1977
Inducted in 2009
Bill graduated from UMKC with honors and went onto St. Louis University to get his medical degree. His residency was at Brooke Army Medical Center. He also spent a year on fellowship at Mass. Eye & Ear Infirmary, doing ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery. He became Chief. Oculoplastics Division at Brooke Army Medical Center in 1992. He has been a Clinical Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at several universities, including Harvard and University of Texas.
He has published 37 scientific articles and co-authored seven book chapters. He has taken leadership roles in providing free eye care to indigent people in Haiti. For 7 years, Dr. White has organized a group of doctors, nurses, and surgical techs to travel to Haiti to provide medical and surgical eye care where no such services have every existed.
Dr. White raised funds from across the United States to acquire property in Haiti to build an eye care clinic. He continues to serve at the clinic. Bill is married to Lisa, and they have 3 grown sons. He and Lisa live in Lee's Summit, MO.

Whittaker, Dennis
Class of 1984
Inducted in 2021
Dennis graduated with a BA in music education from Baylor and a Masters in Music from Northwestern. He has been the double bassist of the Houston Grand Opera since 1996, and has been the instructor of double bass at the University of Houston. He has won numerous awards, has been featured on local Houston artists CDs, and has traveled to play all over the world. He works locally with children and Boy Scouts of America to educate the next generation with music.

Williams, Heather
Class of 1991
Inducted in 2022
Community Service
Heather Willians is an award winning sports reporter, sports analyst, and producer. She has over 25 years experience in broadcasting. A skilled photographer, she has covered sports for local teams and other events in her hometown of Bristol, Tennessee. She is also active in social media and works with the internet.

Wyker, Brendan
Class of 1999
Inducted in 2023
Dr. Wyker's career has focused on bridging the gap between business and scientific innovation by working to identify and develop economically sustainable technologies that generate real value. Since leaving Oak Park, he has obtained seven degrees in physics, mathematics and business, including a PhD Physics from Rice University; studying quantum decoherence and an MBA with distinction from Cornell University. He was named one of the Best and Brightest Executive MBAs from the publication Poets and Quants.
Among other things, Dr. Wyker's work has involved researching and then developing commercial services for fiber optic sensing technologies applied to seismic acquisition and fluid-flow monitoring. He has also improved allocation and governance of billions of dollars of credit investment in cloud computing industry.
Dr. Wyker is the author of 27 peer-reviewed scientific publications and is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Zeff, Joel
Class of 1986
Inducted in 2015
After graduating from the University of Kansas with a journalism degree, he worked as a reporter for newspapers in Michigan and Dallas, Texas. In 1992, Joel transitioned into public relations, advertising and marketing, working at two large agencies in the Dallas area. In 1994, he started his own business focusing on corporate communications for technology and telecommunications clients.
Joel continues to write and perform. He has appeared in hundreds of corporate videos (Hewlett Packard, Applebee's) and commercials for companies that include the Dallas Cowboys, McDonald's, Pizza Hut and Time Warner Cable.
Joel continues to support education. He has fully endowed one scholarship and started another at the University of Kansas' William Allen White School of Journalism. For the past 11 years, he has awarded a scholarship (sometimes two or three) to a deserving senior at Oak Park.
Dan Kahler Award Recipients

Kahler, Dan
Inducted in 2005
Dr. Kahler developed and designed Oak Park High School. He continued to be Principal for 21 years. He was revered by all who worked or taught at Oak Park.
The Dr. Kahler Award was named after him to recognize non-graduates of Oak Park, that distinguished themselves while working for Oak Park by performing outstanding service to the school.

Lint, Gary
Inducted in 2009
Gary Lint was employed for eleven years at Oak Park, in many areas as an IA. He developed the Cornerstone newsletter, which he wrote, published and distributed to the Oak Park parents. When he found there was no way for alumni to find information on their reunions, he developed the OP Alumni Assn. The Alumni Directory was developed, which now includes over 6000 names and other information.
He created the Oak Park Hall of Fame which will induct its fifth class into the Hall this fall. He produced the Hall of Fame ceremonies for the first 3 years. He initiated the Oak Park Alumni Scholarship program by soliciting donations from the alumni, friends of OP and through fundraisers. Oak Park has been able to award scholarships to offspring of alumni for the past three years. Gary received the Blue Apple Award for outstanding service and was nominated twice for District Employee of the Year from OP.

Kramme, Dr., Ken
Inducted in 2014
Twenty-one of Dr. Kramme's 44 years were at OPHS. Since retiring in 2001 Kramme has worked part-time for UMKC and Liberty HS. He also serves on the KCMO Environmental Management Commission. Many Oakies remember him for thrilling ski weekends. He also led the Academic Aces to eight state Championships. NKC teachers remember his NEA work. Doc's excellence has been recognized in many venues, most notably at the White House in 1990, whereupon he received the Presidential Award.
Other honors include: Curtin-Matheson Teacher Award, Christa McAuliffe Award, M-NEA Political Action Award, SHARE Outstanding Educator, NKC Teacher of Distinction, OP Big Blue Award, Lou Smith Citation, Clay County Conservation District Award, NKC- NEA Volunteer of the Year, ACS Award, SCI Award, UMC Teacher Award & U of A Mentor Award.

Crews, Jerry
Inducted in 2019
Jerry Crews has dedicated over 50 years of mentoring, coaching, and teaching at schools in Denver, Maple Park, and as a charter member at Oak Park High School. He led the football team from the early 70's to mid 80' and was the head track coach at two different times. He was the MO Class 4 Coach of the year in 1975. He was the athletic director from 1985- to the mid 90s and the KCIAAA Athletic Director of the year in 1995. During that time, he was also head golf coach.
He has received the "Dan Kahler True Blue" award and is a member of the GKC Football Coaches Association Hall of Fame. He has coached several all state athletes including a state champion 4x100 team, 800 m, and two-time state champion pole vaulter.
Currently he volunteers at his church and in several activities to help the Northland Community. He helped teach golf to special needs athletes. Jerry has never lost his desire to help kids and has left a lifetime legacy of students, athletes, and coaches that are indebted to him for his support, enthusiasm, knowledge and genuine spirit. He is truly an Oak Park icon.

Grace, Bill
Inducted in 2019
Bill Grace was an Oak Park Faculty member from 1969-1993. His program blossomed through many contests, trips to the Missouri Music Educators Association Convention, and was widely known as an adjudicator/clinician for many Missouri Camps, contests, and competitions.
He volunteers as a committee member for our Alumni Association. He is still involved at the Liberty Community Chorus and is a frequent judge at District contests every spring. Bill Grace truly bleeds blue and is an integral part of what Oak Park is today.

Cain, Benny
Inducted in 2024
Mr. Cain was Oak Park's third principal and an important part of OP's history. Mr. Cain is a lifelong resident of the northland and a graduate of NKCHS. He graduated from NWMSU and continued his education with a masters and specialist in high school administration from Central Missouri State University. He taught at Maple Park before going to Winnetonka when it first opened its doors in 1971. He coached the Griffins baseball in 1980 to the school's first state championship.
Always wanting to be a principal, in 1981 he transferred to Oak Park as an assistant principal, he took over as principal in 1994 and stayed in that position until he retired in 2001. After retirement, he became director of the NKC Alternative School but he continued his support of Oak Park and the School District. He has served on numerous bond issue committees and committees to improve schools and teacher instruction. He is a big supporter of Oak Park sports teams and undeniably will always be blue on blue.

Luyben, Annette
Inducted in 2024
Annette was a part of the original faculty at OPHS as a Social Studies Teacher. She taught American History, American Government and International Relations. She also sponsored a Political Science Club during the early years. In 1966 she was hired for part time work by the Kansas City Chiefs to begin their first "in house" Cheerleading Squad. She continued as coach until 1969 when Oak Park offered her co-sponsorship of the Pep Club and Cheerleaders. At that time she approached Dr. Kahler with the idea of starting a Pom-Pon Squad, to add dance to sporting sidelines. He welcomed the idea, and the rest is history.
The Squad quickly gained a reputation of excellence and was asked to perform at area Universities and Pro Sporting Events, with the help of live music from the OPHS Pep Band. A standard of Excellence, achieved by hard work, was expected of every member.
Annette retired from teaching in 1980 to join her parents at their music store, Luyben Music, but continued to coach OPHS Pom-Pon as a volunteer until 2003. During this time the Squad won many state championships and participated with honors in National Competitions.
She received the DK Special Award in 1984 and the True Blue Award in 1996.
The music store still exists, but on a smaller scale and Annette now volunteers for the Normandy Scholarship Program begun by 2 of her former students. This program awards scholarships to high school juniors from each of the 4 high schools in the NKC School District. The program is sponsored by the WW II Museum and provides 2 weeks of immersive history study in Normandy France.

Mayabb, Gary
Inducted in 2024
Gary Mayabb, known to everyone as "Coach" has spent the majority of his life serving others. He has helped develop young men and women into high character citizens through his teaching and coaching. He was known as Coach, but was always a teacher first. He earned the Blue Apple Award twice. He loved OP so much, that he got married at OPHS! His lasting impact on students and athletes came from his tireless work ethic, high standards, and passion for helping kids reach goals they didn't know were possible.
He was named associate head coach of Iowa University's Women's Wrestling Team and previously had been manager of the Greco-Roman program for the USA Wrestling team. He was a five-time member of the U.S. Olympic Team Training Camp staff. During his time at Oak Park, he led the Oakies to six State Wrestling Championships, his teams were nationally ranked eight times, won 38 individual championships, 96 state medalists and 145 state qualifiers. He is a two time NWCA Region Coach of the Year, recipient of a State Coach of the Year award, and two time NSHAA Wrestling Coach of the Year. More than 100 former student-athletes have gone on to coach at all levels.