Oak Park Image Archive - 2005-06 Updates http://www.oakparkhistory.com/index.asp The latest 2005-06 images added to the Oak Park Image Archive en-us 2/15/2025 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/index.asp http://www.oakparkhistory.com/OPImageArchiveSmall.jpg Oak Park Image Archive Update: 7/13/2007 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/071307.htm New additions for July 13, 2007</A> (1969-70, 1970-71, 1977-78 school years)<BR> (You'll also see some photos from the 2005-06 and 2006-07 Alumni Hall of Fame inductions.) Update: 6/3/2007 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/060307.htm New additions for June 3, 2007</A> (1999-00, 2005-06, 2006-07 school years)<BR> <I>(the 2006 and 2007 images are not part of the Cambia collection of negatives; they are digital images provided by Christina Geabhart)</I>