Oak Park Image Archive - 1995-96 Updates http://www.oakparkhistory.com/index.asp The latest 1995-96 images added to the Oak Park Image Archive en-us 1/13/2025 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/index.asp http://www.oakparkhistory.com/OPImageArchiveSmall.jpg Oak Park Image Archive Update: 3/9/2007 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/030907.htm New additions for March 9, 2007</A> (1995-96 school year) Update: 9/17/2006 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/091706.htm The Cambia negatives for the 1985-86 and 1995-96 school years were just found when cleaning out a science closet at Oak Park.<BR> New additions for September 17, 2006</A> (1985-86 school year).