Oak Park Image Archive - 1969-70 Image Notes http://www.oakparkhistory.com/index.asp The latest 1969-70 image notes added to the Oak Park Image Archive en-us 10/21/2024 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/index.asp http://www.oakparkhistory.com/OPImageArchiveSmall.jpg Oak Park Image Archive 1969-1970: Nancy Watson was Cambia Queen ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-Misc Nancy Watson was Cambia Queen and graduated Oak Park in 1966. This is DK, who was also the voice of KU sports, with Nancy when she won Homecoming Queen at Kansas University in 1970. 1969-1970: Cowboy with a hat is Jon Ellio ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-Oklahoma Cowboy with a hat is Jon Elliot, 1970. 1969-1970: Jerry Bell, 1970, and Steve Ra ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-Oklahoma Jerry Bell, 1970, and Steve Ramsey, 1970, in "Oklahoma," Spring, 1970. 1969-1970: Kathy Moffat and Greg Wells in ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-Oklahoma Kathy Moffat and Greg Wells in "Oklahoma," Spring, 1970. 1969-1970: Mom (Connie Clemens) and Dad ( ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-MockWedding Mom (Connie Clemens) and Dad (Rick Holding) They always told me this was their first kiss and then they started dating! June 5, 2021, they celebrated 50 years of marriage! ❤️ 1969-1970: Guy on left is Steve Ramsey; d ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-Football Guy on left is Steve Ramsey; died in 2005 following an emergency appendectomy while TV Station General Manager of WSMV-TV, Nashville. Earlier, Steve was News Director of WGN-TV, Chicago, where Bill Weir was an on-air employee. (Bill later became a week-end anchor on ABC-TV's Good Morning America, a co-anchor of ABC-TV's Nightline, then an anchor on CNN.) Steve also became Station Manager of KTLA-TV, Los Angeles and Vice President of News Operations for 18 of Tribune Broadcasting's 22 stations - a very successful broadcast management career! 1969-1970: This is me! ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-DrKahlerAttacks This is me! 1969-1970: 1st girl is Anne Brooks. Last ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-SophClassOfficers 1st girl is Anne Brooks. Last girl is Barb Baker 1969-1970: In 2017, Connie and I have bee ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-MockWedding In 2017, Connie and I have been Married 46 years. I'm the luckiest guy in the world. 1969-1970: Lynn Christenson ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-OP-Cheerleaders Lynn Christenson 1969-1970: Left to right Janet Hightower, ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-Cheerleaders Left to right Janet Hightower, Gail Arenson, Susie Smith,Liz Nye, Revena (Beanie) Asby , Gail Seney 1969-1970: Les Weaver on the far right, J ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-Misc Les Weaver on the far right, John Anderton, Glenn Stout, Jerry Short and Jamie Hash. 1969-1970: 1969 Homecoming Queen was Marg ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-Misc 1969 Homecoming Queen was Margaret Jury, not sure who this is or what year. 1969-1970: Pretty sure that's Les Weaver ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-Misc Pretty sure that's Les Weaver on the far right. Can't get the picture to enlarge enough to tell, but I think Jim Hash is in there, and Jerry Short (always wondered why Usnick didn't create the Short/Stout combo...would have been awesome!)... 1969-1970: No, I don't think Lynn was too ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-LynnBlair No, I don't think Lynn was too fond of Bell/Cambia! I remember all too well the...uh, tension between the Log and Cambia staffs. I'm sure the folks on the '70-71 Log staff with me remember the MOTHBALL incident, no? One of the great pictures of Lynn, ever. Became a teacher myself largely due to his influence, and for that I will always be grateful. I think of him often, and with great fondness... 1969-1970: Debators!! I see Tom Hankins a ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-Misc Debators!! I see Tom Hankins and Glen Stout, don't know the rest. Those two were master debators! 1969-1970: ?, Steve Rhodes, Tom Hankins, ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-SophClassOfficers ?, Steve Rhodes, Tom Hankins, Randy Moore, Barb ?; Tom went on to be Stuco President, win State in Debate TWICE! Now he is a lawyer. Randy became a doctor and married his pretty, red-headed girlfriend. 1969-1970: Folded Flags of Honor To thi ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-VietnamWarMemorial Folded Flags of Honor To this place we brought the spirits of our fallen soldiers’ home to be with us. This memorial is “Oak Park’s Wall” - hallow ground. One by one, we have journeyed here alone and stand in silence - reflecting on the memories that summoned us. Our hearts are at a loss of what to say, and we fear that whatever words left here - may somehow cause pain or offense to others. But to acknowledge their sacrifices is to show honor to them and all the other men and women in uniform who served. Those taken from us are courageous individuals who gave the ultimate personal sacrifice to defend this nation, - but far too many others who gave of themselves returned home alone, - broken in both body and spirit. The war defined these veterans who still live in its painful shadows today. These remembered are our friends who walked beside us. I know about some, and met many just like them. The Vietnam War bitterly divided Americans and spurred overwhelming anti-war protesting across this nation. Against this prevailing attitude, military drill instructors continued to mold and refine young innocence into patriotism, forged boys into men, and tempered men into warriors. America’s men in uniform were ready to go anywhere. On the Vietnam battlefields they were never defeated in combat. The names inscribed upon these plaques shall forever bind us to that dark past, but they also illuminate the significance of our way of life, our values, and our belief that all people should have the right to live free. . . . There is an unspoken oath between brothers-in-arms, that you will defend each other to the end. These men honored here, stood and delivered when everything around them told them to leave. They found unparalleled courage in the face of battle, fighting until that last terrifying moment. To the soldiers on their left and right, they lived out that promise never to forsake one another. It is a selfless act of human devotion that surpasses all other types of sacrifice. It is a unique love for one another that few witness, and none can explain. Sgt. Wayne Cope, USAF 1971-1977 1969-1970: Spelled "OSBURN" not Osborn... ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-HomeEc Spelled "OSBURN" not Osborn... 1969-1970: This was a huge event. If Oak ... http://www.oakparkhistory.com/images.asp?Category=1969-1970-MockWedding This was a huge event. If Oak Park fantasized about having a King and Queen, then this was a royal wedding. Seniors talked about it for weeks in the hallways, on the stairs, and at Jim G’s Drive-In. Those who hadn’t thought about marriage suddenly found themselves embracing the possibilities. And who among us couldn’t, - a rare chance to really walk your high school sweetheart to the altar. These extraordinary moments inspired and united us. Our hearts leaped with joy for them. I held another personal wonderful image of Rick and Connie a short time later. In my world, the distant drums of a war in Asia were calling, when by surprise, these two passed me in the parking lot at Maple Woods. There was no entourage, just two people who cared very much about each other walking slowly hand-in-hand to his Chevy. I doubt they even knew I was there. In the years that followed, I learned a solider doesn’t need much, a little valor, a St Christopher for luck, and a dream to come home to. Rick and Connie graciously provided that dream. 2/14/2012