Oak Park High School 1979-1980 1010 images on file: |
In the middle Maria Niemi Cheryl Left front, Debby Seats Left rear, Mark Murtha (1980) Dana Whitefield and Scott Olson (1980) Left to right: Mark Cullen (1980), Leonard Thompson, Tom Sanford (1980) Leonard Thompson, Beth Trembly ('80), and Janet Gilpin ('80) Tammy Rodriguez "80" center. "Beche mi Goolu!" Center: Laurie Bertelsen (1980) Center: Laura Abel (1980) L to R: Kristy Potter ('80), Leonard Thompson, Jeff Hefley ('80), ??? L to R: Laura Abel, Diana Bartnett, Kristy Potter, Leonard Thompson, Jeff Hefley, ??? Psychology instructor Leonard Thompson Psychology instructor Leonard Thompson
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(Maria Niemi AFS Student Sweden)
(Debby (Seats) Anderson)
(Mark Murtha (1980))
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(Mark Murtha)
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(Mark Murtha (1980))
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(Mark Murtha)
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(SteveCarmack Class of 1980)
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(Mark Murtha (1980))
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(Mark Murtha (1980))
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(Mark Murtha)
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(Mark Murtha)
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(Mark Murtha)
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(Mark Murtha)