Oak Park High School 1979-1980 1010 images on file: |
Jane Overbey (1980) L to R: Brenda Ramsey, Sam Rogers, Debby Seats, and Dan Fitzner James Spicer ('80) is first on the left. I don't remember the speaker's name, but I do remember this part of his speech: "Never, never, never, never, never give up." This was Dr. Baker, Ann Baker "80" father. Every year Dr. Kahler named each graduating class. 1980 was the BIONIC class ( Believe It Or Not I Care ) Not Dan Kahler (Oak Park Principal 1980). Kahler is in a picture just below this one on the left and this guy is on the right(notice white suit) Amanda Barmby and Jill Crowley Dana Holland ('81) and Barbara Bowman ('81) Mark Cullen, John Oyler, Jean Kear, Barbara Spaw Dan Kahler and Mark Evenson (1980) Mark Evenson, senior class president (1980) L to R: Donna Childress, Barbie Banister, Bob Slaughter, Andy Magee, Bruce Parkins, Kari Schoephoerster, ???, Mark Trekell, Brad Parkins, David Brassfield, Chris Regas, ???, Steve McIntyre, Inez Tinsley Steve Harlan and Vince Lee Kim McCann ('80) Graduation May 1980 Back row: Troy Sherman, Brenda Ramsey and Susan Gutsch, Front Row: Donna Steele and Troy Comfort Connie Nininger and Elizabeth Reinert Janne Nieweg Tami Baynham (1980) Larry Gonner (1980)
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(Mark Murtha)
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(Mark Murtha)
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(Mark Murtha)
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(Mark Murtha)
(SteveCarmack Class of 1980)
(Darwin Sissel 1980)
(Dave DuPaul '80)
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(Jill Crowley, 1980)
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(Mark Murtha)
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(Matthew Green '80)
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(Mark Murtha)
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(Mark Murtha)
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(Mark Murtha)
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(Mark Murtha)
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(Mark Murtha)
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(Brenda (Ramsey) Kerr 1980)
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(Mark Murtha)
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(Mark Murtha)
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(Mark Murtha)
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(Mark Murtha)