Add NotesK.C. Lucas(Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979) Add NotesDebby Perry 1978 - "As Long As He Needs Me..."(Tim Flom) Add NotesJohn Jezak ('80) is playing trombone on the left.(Mark Murtha) Add NotesBill Cox (78)(Clint Simmons)Add NotesLinda Howe 1979 - Rehearsal pianist and pianist for the pit(Tim Flom) Add NotesTenley Albright ('79) and Lisa Andrews ('78)(Mark Murtha)
K.C. Lucas(Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979)
Debby Perry 1978 - "As Long As He Needs Me..."(Tim Flom)
John Jezak ('80) is playing trombone on the left.(Mark Murtha)
Bill Cox (78)(Clint Simmons)
Linda Howe 1979 - Rehearsal pianist and pianist for the pit(Tim Flom)
Tenley Albright ('79) and Lisa Andrews ('78)(Mark Murtha)