Oak Park High School 1977-1978 1285 images on file:Select an Image Group: Acapella (5)
Admin (4)
Art (6)
Art Club (3)
Assemblies (24)
Awards (20)
Baseball (5)
Basketball (4)
Bill Grace (7)
Bill Hankins (1)
Biology (3)
Bob Busby (1)
Bookstore (3)
Business (3)
Cafeteria (2)
Cafeteria Staff (5)
Cambia (44)
Cambia Assembly (28)
Cambia Dance (12)
Cambia Sales (17)
Cheerleaders (5)
Christmas Assembly (2)
Coaches (1)
C O E (4)
Communication - Dance (4)
Concert Band (3)
Counseling (3)
Courtyard (3)
Courtyard Concert (6)
Craig Wansing (2)
Cross Country (3)
Curr (65)
Custodial Staff (3)
Dan Kahler (1)
Donkey Basketball (27)
Drama (9)
Football (81)
Free Mod Assembly (6)
F T A (10)
German Club (6)
Girls Basketball (13)
Golf (6)
Graduation (51)
Gymnastics Club (2)
Homecoming (30)
Homecoming Assembly (31)
Homecoming Dance (19)
Home Ec (2)
Home Ec - Club (3)
Honor Society (21)
Inherit The Wind (2)
Intramural Volleyball (11)
Junior Officers (3)
Library (20)
Log (15)
Lunch (2)
Mc Donalds (3)
Messiah (1)
Metro North (1)
Misc (72)
Modern Dance (3)
Morning Announcers (9)
Morningstar (7)
N F L - Officers (2)
Northern Lights (4)
Northland Express (4)
Oak Street (26)
Oak Street - Retreat (24)
Oliver (79)
Parking Lot (1)
People (19)
Photography Class (6)
Phys Ed (4)
Pizza Factory (10)
Prom (41)
Rat Batting (3)
Senior Officers (2)
Senior Week (1)
Sharon Wheeler (3)
Sherry Carnes (2)
Soph - Orientation (1)
Speeches (13)
Sports - Misc (5)
Stacey Rogers (2)
Steve Phillips - Becky Pryor (3)
Stuco (14)
Stuco - Blood Drive (8)
Stuco - Car Wash (24)
Stuco - Christmas (7)
Stuco - Food Drive (2)
Stuco - Free Mod Assembly (3)
Stuco - Halloween (3)
Stuco - Pie Throw (17)
Student Awards (8)
Tennis (17)
Tennis And Volleyball Banquet (7)
The Rainmaker (31)
Thespians (5)
Track (84)
Valedictorian - Salutorian (5)
Vocal Music - Show (6)
Volleyball (15)
Winter Sports Queen (5)
Yearbook Cover (1)