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  Oak Park High School 1969-1970
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Dave Asby ('70) is in the middle of the back row, wearing a black shirt.
(Mark Murtha)

The Thespian “A” team, a unique group of dedicated students who gave personalities to the playwright’s characters and gave us all lasting memories of other times and places. Top left: Dave Ockerstrom, Jamie Evans, Janet Terrel, Dave Asby, Pam Crawford, Glenna Love, Jerry Bell, second row: John Judy, Sandy Bauman, John Elliot, La Ru Klang, (Sergeant-at-arms)Steve Ramsey, (President) Susie Day, (Secretary)Nan Hays, third row Don Colley, (Vice President) Wayne Cope, and (Historian)Debbie Wakefield. (Wayne Cope-December 2011)
(Wayne Cope (1970))

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