Oak Park High School 1966-1967 459 images on file: |
This is a photo of AFS student Carmen Hoces Figueroa, from Chile, with her American sister, Connie Prucha. Carmen became an OB/GYN in Santiago,Chile and lives there with her husband. She has two children--a daughter who is an architect and a son in law school. Connie and I during that wonderful year I spent in Kansas City Mo. I always remember, even 43 years ago, that days and many of the students I met there. I want to say hi to all of them and to the teachers. As I said, it was a wonderful experience. Connie Prucha and Carmen Hoces, AFS student from Chile Itīs been so long, (46 years!!!) but memories stay the same. It was nice to see Valerio in Italy 2 years ago, and also get in touch with John Delap and Bill Hankins by mail till now. (August 26, 2013).
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(John Delap 1967)
(Carmen Hoces)
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(Ralph Lewis '67)
My email:chocesf@gmail.com
(Carmen Hoces 1967)