Oak Park Image Archive - 1981-82 Updates http://www.oakparkhistory.com/index.asp The latest 1981-82 images added to the Oak Park Image Archive en-us 3/10/2025 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/index.asp http://www.oakparkhistory.com/OPImageArchiveSmall.jpg Oak Park Image Archive Update: 11/4/2007 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/110407.htm This is about it for the 35mm slides. There are some others, but they don't have a date stamp on the slide frame. I may be scanning more of those if I can identify the school year.<p>New additions for November 4, 2007</A> (1974-75, 1980-81, 1981-82, 1997-98 school years) Update: 7/6/2007 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/070607.htm New additions for July 6, 2007</A> (1966-67, 1967-68, 1977-78, 1981-82, 1996-97 school years) Update: 6/15/2007 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/061507.htm New additions for June 15, 2007</A> (1979-80, 1981-82, 1999-00 school years) Update: 3/12/2007 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/031207.htm New additions for March 12, 2007</A> (1973-74, 1974-75, 1979-80, 1981-82, 1982-83 school years) Update: 2/18/2007 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/021807.htm New additions for February 18, 2007</A> (1981-82, 1982-83, 1984-85 school years) Update: 2/17/2007 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/021707.htm New additions for February 17, 2007</A> (1973-74, 1978-79, 1981-82, 1982-83, 1984-85 school years)<BR> <BR>I also put a few new images on the "<A HREF="Unknown/index.htm" TARGET="_blank">mystery page</A>." Send me an e-mail if you can identify the school year of any of the photos. Update: 2/16/2007 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/021607.htm New additions for February 16, 2007</A> (1981-82, 1982-83, 1984-85 school years) Update: 2/11/2007 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/021107.htm New additions for February 11, 2007</A> (1979-80, 1980-81, 1981-82, 1982-83, 1984-85 school years) Update: 2/10/2007 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/021007.htm New additions for February 10, 2007</A> (1979-80, 1981-82, 1984-85 school years)<BR> Another milestone today: there are now over <B>4000</B> images in the collection! Update: 1/31/2007 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/013107.htm New additions for January 31, 2007</A> (1979-80, 1981-82, and 1984-85 school years) Update: 1/28/2007 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/012807.htm New additions for January 28, 2007</A> (1973-74, 1977-78, 1979-80, 1981-82, 1982-83, and 1984-85 school years) Update: 11/28/2006 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/112806.htm New additions for November 28, 2006</A> (1981-82 school year)<BR> All I have been able to find from this school year is a few color negatives from homecoming week. Here they are! By the way, the band that is playing at the homecoming dance is "Secrets*." Here's a link to some info on that band: <A HREF=http://kansasmusicalartist.com/secrets.html TARGET=_blank>http://kansasmusicalartist.com/secrets.html</A>. Two members of the Secrets are now in <A HREF=http://www.EldersMusic.com TARGET=_blank>The Elders</A>. Update: 7/29/2006 http://www.oakparkhistory.com/updates/072906.htm I have uploaded all images that are scanned to date. At this point, I am organizing all negatives by school year, and attempting to identify negatives that are unsorted. Christina Geabhart (OP journalism teacher) has graciously loaned me many Oak Park yearbooks to help with the identification process. Thanks to those of you who have helped identify images.<BR><BR> It appears that I have a good selection of organized negatives from school years 1965-1966 through 2002-2003, with the following exceptions:<BR> <B><BR>1966-67 </B>(probably on hand, but not labeled)<BR> <B>1968-69 </B>(probably on hand, but not labeled)<BR> <B>1975-76<BR> 1976-77<BR> 1978-79 </B>(a few slides from that school year have been identified and scanned)<BR> <B>1981-82<BR> 1983-84<BR> 1984-85<BR> 1985-86<BR> 1988-89<BR> 1996-97<BR> </B> <BR>More images from these school years will probably be found as I continue to sort through boxes of unlabeled negatives. <BR><BR>I will be scanning and posting more images soon!