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All Images with Notes
- Anita Montgomery Louks, third row, 9th from the right
(Anita Montgomery) - 2nd row 11th from left Janet Field.
(Janet Field)
- (l-r) Jim Overby Coach, Dwayne Young, John Delap, Tom Adams. Jim Alexander, Jim Neal, Mike Clark, Virgil Riley, Steve Wilkerson, Jim Byrd, Daryl Stockton, Cam Jury, Charlie Christie
(Ralph Lewis) - Coach's name is Bill, not Jim. '68 Cambia spells his last name two ways - "Overby" and "Overbey" (in the index). If memory serves, "Overbey" is the correct spelling.
(Bill Jones, 1969)
- Jane Hill at Baker's Shoe Store in the Antioch Shopping Center
(Lora Jane Hill Benton)
- Steve Austin and Bob Hankins, coeditors of the Northmen's Log, with advisor, Mr. Harley
(Toni Case 1966)
- Steve Austin (66), Newspaper Teacher, Bob Hankins (66)
(Barbara (Breckenridge) Dunn) - Teacher's name was John Harley
(Ralph Lewis)
- Barbara Breckenridge & Sherry X in Ms Balthasar's class - Literature
(Barbara (Breckenridge) Dunn) - Sherry Grover and Barb Breckenridge in Ms. Balthazar's classroom.
(Sherry Grover Cossyphas 1966) - Sherry Grover
(Barbara B Dunn)
- Jane Rinehart and debate partner Dale Newland
won Oak Park's first debate trophy. (Jane Rinehart, 1966)
- Candy Hover was the Fall Festival Queen for the 1965-66 school year. The tradition has been called Homecoming since that time.
(Mark Murtha)
- Starting third from left, A.F.S. students Nazi Motazedi (Iran), Sven Larsson (Sweden), Miguel Martin (Spain). Steve Scholl, far right.
(Toni Case 1966)
- Greg Allen at the extreme left
(Keith Scoggins 1966) - Others in photo: Katie Underwood, Terry Baker, Christy Cavaness and Phil Schuler
(Ralph Lewis)
- Front row, five from the left is Miss Eaton, Maria in the Sound of Music, and seven to the left looks like Carl Calcara.
(Jerry Sever) - I think the guy two to the left of Iris Eaton is Mike Termini, not my ole buddy Carl Calcara, rest his soul.
(John Delap) - Pam Klein is second from left.
(Toni Case 1966) - 5 from left is Iris Eaton
6 from left is Janice Branch 7 from left is Mike Termini (Janice Branch 1966)
- Before McDonalds there was Jim G's best tenderloins around owned by Mr and Mrs Grider,
(Richard Dunn class of 71)
- Katheryn and Kathleen Fields, Donna and Donald Bement. I can’t remember the names of the girls in the front!
(Donna Bement Brattin) - The girls in front are the Gentry twins, Cheryl and Carol. (My mom's younger cousins.)
(Jim Casselman)
- Back Row: Steve Austin, Barbara Breckenridge, Bob Hankins, etc...
(Barbara (Breckenridge) Dunn) - The first person (left) on the second row is Peggy Ballinger.
(Becky Hall Fisher) - In front row from right are Toni Case, Pam Phillips Rowe, Linda Stewart Mayfield, and Penny Braasch.
(Sherry (Grover) Cossyphas 1966) - 2nd row from back, far left is Linda McCreedy Farrokhzadian, next is Jane Rinehart, middle 2nd row from back is Martha Hargrove, next to her is Susie Stout
2nd row from front 3rd person from right is Pam McCaslin (Linda McCreedy Farrokhzadian)
- This was a very very staged picture - they all look so interested in the article that I wrote, and I don't think I ever even wrote an article.
(Barbara (Breckenridge) Dunn)
- Barbara Breckenridge with what looks to be a really bad bleach job on the bangs.
(Barbara (Breckenridge) Dunn)
- second from left front is Elizabeth Finch. Fourth from left front row is Mary Finch, since deceased. SEcond from left in back row is Janice Newbill.
(john delap 1967)
- Typing teacher Judy Welch (who started the school year as Judy Hutchinson, she married Mr. Welch who taught at NKC). At this time there were two electric typewriters in the classroom and we took turns using them.
(Toni Case 1966)
- Front row right is Patricia Holley who went on to be a photographer in the US Navy.
(Sherry Grover Cossyphas 1966)
- Steve Austin, who created the original sketches of Norman Northman, I believe.
(Sherry (Grover) Cossyphas 1966)
- You gotta love seeing these car models. Personally, I would give anything to still have my white '65 Mustang!
(Sherrie McCreedy Miethe, 1975)
- This is in the classroom of one of our favorite teachers, Ms Balthasar?
(Barbara Breckenridge Dunn ('66)) - Barb Breckenridge Dunn and Sherry Grover Cossyphas were Ms. Balthazar's student assistants. I never even saw this photo before!
(Sherry (Grover) Cossyphas 1966)
- Great teacher on the right is Ms. Balthazar (Parkhurst?)
(Sherry Grover Cossyphas 1966) - Annette Luyben on left.
(Ralph Lewis '67)
- Bob Hankins masquerading as Santa. Students paid to have a picture taken with "Santa" and this was to raise money for something, I don't remember what except that it involved Northmen's Log.
(Toni Case 1966)
- The lovely girl in the back left is Karen Faish, smart, kind, and a Davidson Elementary School, Northgate grad before Oak Park.
(Phil Love)
- Far left, Jo Ellyn Lockman; far right, Susie Edmonds; second from right, Jan Mitchell.
(Toni Case 1966)
- Nancy was my first crush, so much that I was willing to sing " Some Enchanted Evening" in front of all my classmates while performing a scene from " south Pacific" I remember her and others singing " Gotta Wash That Man Outta My Hair' I wonder where she ended up..
(Jerry Bossert)
- Front row, middle is Benny Herrick. Killed in action in
Viet Nam, 1968. I found his name on the Viet Nam Memorial in Washington DC. (Jerry Seever) - Phil Love, seated on the right; Standing from left, Chris Holmes, Terry Chapman.
(Toni Case 1966)
- My, my...how the time does fly. That's me in the middle of the row of "Von Trapp Children" - and my oldest sister, Martha, is immediately to my right. Before the days of velcro, I remember how very difficult it was to get all the buttons buttoned and snaps snapped when we had a short time to change costumes between scenes!
(Bob Stewart, 1973)
- from left
Elizabeth (Libby) Votaw ?? Janice Branch ?? (Janice Branch Peterson) - Anita Montgomery Louks, second from left.
(Anita Montgomery) - left/Libby Votaw
3rd from left/Janice Branch (Janice Branch Peterson/1966) - Far right: Janet Preston
(Jan Elliott)
- The four guys on the right appear to be Steve Scholl, Jim Edwards, Rick Erickson, Miguel Martin.
(Toni Case 1966)
- Mike Halliburton, class of '67. Mike went on to a pole vault scholarship at MU.
(John Delap - 1967)
- This is a photo of AFS student Carmen Hoces Figueroa, from Chile, with her American sister, Connie Prucha. Carmen became an OB/GYN in Santiago,Chile and lives there with her husband. She has two children--a daughter who is an architect and a son in law school.
(John Delap 1967) - Connie and I during that wonderful year I spent in Kansas City Mo. I always remember, even 43 years ago, that days and many of the students I met there. I want to say hi to all of them and to the teachers. As I said, it was a wonderful experience.
(Carmen Hoces)
- Connie Prucha and Carmen Hoces, AFS student from Chile
(Ralph Lewis '67) - It´s been so long, (46 years!!!) but memories stay the same. It was nice to see Valerio in Italy 2 years ago, and also get in touch with John Delap and Bill Hankins by mail till now. (August 26, 2013).
My email:chocesf@gmail.com (Carmen Hoces 1967)
- Janet Preston
(Jan Elliott) - This picture sure brings back really good memories from 50 years ago. Jerry Seever and Janet Preston.
(Jerry Seever 1967) - This is me and Janet Preston singing our duet, "I Hope, I hope its me."
(Jerry Seever 1967)
- My family owned the Gladstone Fine Arts Dance studio at this time on North Oak Traffic Way. I was asked to choreograph the dance numbers for "Annie Get Your Gun" and was one of the dancers along with my sister Diane.
(Susan Lunsford (formerly Susan Harding) 1967) - Ted Wales in the center, Sarah Stewart to his left.
(Sarah (Stewart) Morrison '69) - Although I danced in this number as well as taught the choreography; my future husband, Russ Carver, gave everyone a great dance performance as an Indian Chief. Regrettably Russ was killed in a car accident in 1981.
(Susan Lunsford (Harding))
- I believe the tall fellow to the right is Roger Elder and that I am the fellow in the center. Can't quite make out the person on the left. Looks like linoleum printmaking. The art club saw one of the major Picasso print exhibits at the Nelson and this forever changed my sense of possibility for such a humble medium.
(M. Jason Knapp, 1969)
- (l-r) Cindy Allen & Tom Adams, Pam Combs & Cam Jury, Helen Martin & Dave Jewell, Sherry Baker & Tom Robinette, Liz Finch and Phil Love, Patsy Smith & John Delap and Jeanie Rector & Chuck Crowder - the Royalty
(Ralpn Lewis)
- The picture is of me! I was a young, sweet girl, who was very naive about life. I'm delighted to see and be able to copy this picture. All my possessions, including picture albums, were stolen from my storage unit, when I was living in San Antonio, TX in 1986.
I enjoyed attending Oak Park High, and had planned to graduate from there. However, I got married fall of 1968, happily becoming Mrs. Rada. That, combined with being pregnant, I was forced to drop out. "Back then," that's the way it was. I'm proud to say that I completed High School, but at NKC High, in May of 1970.
Life didn't turn out the way I dreamt it would. Whose does? Some of our young dreams have a way of disappearing with the realities of life. I sadly left Missouri in 1979, after a surprise divorce. Devastated, I rebound (never wise to do) married in TX, and last name became Brown, had two more children, Divorced, and went back to maiden name of Alnutt. Then, I decided to legally change my last name to Lewis, and moved to California. Never married again. I worked as a Medical Transcriber for civil service, then the State, then went through training and became a Correctional Officer. I'm retired now. "I have," two teen daughters, and we live in Oregon.
I've been wanting to return to Missouri for years. I need to reconnect. I'm trying for summer 2008. I have to find an affordable apartment in the Oak Park School District first, and manage financially to move. I'd love for my youngest daughter, to be able to attend Oak Park High. Hopefully that is a dream I'll see come true.
Note: I was raised in Pleasant Valley, Missouri, and was known as Peggy Jennings, Foster daughter of Ross and Elma Jennings. They were legally too old to adopt me. He passed away in 1960, and she in 1976. I attended Maple Park Junior High, but had to go by my legal birth last name, Alnutt.
Hello to anyone who remembers me. Feel free to email me, Peggy (Alnutt) Lewis, at pll416@hotmail.com or myspace.com/april_pearl. (Peggy Louise Alnutt)
- Phil Love and Dale Newland, Missouri state debate champions 1967. Placed at Nationals
(Ralph Lewis)
- front: Steve Peacher, Jim Alexander, Larry Gould, Jack Phillips
back: Dave Bowen, Mike Haliburton, Bill Armstrong, Rick Hill (Ralph Lewis '67)
- Rick Hill and Bob Staton
(Bob Staton 1967) - Rick Hill and Bob Staton 1966 football players with good luck horseshoes from pep club.
(Bob Staton 1967)
- Brilliant jug musicians perform the William Tell Overture:
Phil Love, Mary Finch, Ralph Lewis, Kathy Sanders, Fred Schenk, Adra Johnson & Liz Finch (Ralph Lewis '67)
- Don Hayles (l) Mike Dalzell (c) Tom Robinett (r)
? (seated)
(Ralph Lewis) - That's me, seated. I worked on the float and also owned the 1959 Fiat 500 that pulled the float.
(David Willkie Owen)
- Kathy Dunbar ('68) is on the left.
(Mark Murtha) - Looks like Tom Adams is making some kind of judgment call
(Ralph Lewis '67)
- My late wife, Michelle Steele Hiller, taught Russian at Oak Park in the late 1960's. She had excellent students and enjoyed them very much.
(Charles Hiller)
- Dan Kahler, Jr. is on the right.
(Mark Murtha) - And Liz Finch on the left
(Ralph Lewis '67)
- Myself(Bob Staton) and Rick Hill in the letter jackets. This was Mr. Bell's photography class second semester 1966-67.
(Bob Staton 1967)
- Names of persons: Mrs Lawler, Terri Digusto, Dr. Kahler, don't know, don't know, Terry Wormington
Library cubicle meeting, Senior Independent Study Literature (honors) Class. Mrs. Lawler was the adviser for Terri and Terry. (Terry Wormington) - Sitting at Dr. Kahler's immediate left is Kent Higman.
(Becky Hall Fisher) - Missing female is me - Jayne (Hargrove) Dietz
(Jayne (Hargrove) Dietz, 1967)
- The guy with the guitar standing in front of the drums might be Dave Jewell.
(Jim Brooks - 1969) - The guitar player at the far left is my first and oldest friend from 1955 on -- Jim Davidson
(John Delap 1967)
- My guess is Donna Bement, Nancy Boyle (hidden) and Kathy Van Ry in the foreground
(Ralph Lewis '67)
- Phil and David Love with AFS student Valerio Cervetti from Parma, Italy. Valerio went on to become overseer of the city's libraries and museums. Google his name sometime.
(Ralph Lewis '67)
- Jim Pulley. Biology teacher extraordinaire. He could teach even me about science. He authored textbooks on Biological science. I later believed he should have been a university professor, but he was so low-key, "everyman" kind of guy about science.
(John Delap 1967)
- 1967's valedictorian, Albert Owens and salutatorian, Mary Gerken
(Ralph Lewis '67) - Close, but Mary was the class valedictorian not I.
(Al Owen '67)
- Mike Meadows, Cal McCart, Chris Franks, Dave Judy - these guys were fast!
(Ralph Lewis '67)
- Mike Halliburton. Won a scholarship to pole vault at Mizzou. The first of the folks who had to learn to vault with fiberglass poles. Hell of a guy.
(John Delap 1967)
- Me on the right with the blonde hair and my friend, Ellen Hanson to my left.
(lynn robertson bowes '69)
- Debby Fox and LeaAnn Wilcox
(Mark Murtha) - Wow, I had totally forgotten about this. What fun we had doing this crazy skit about a young couple out on a date. Seems like we took a lot of sharp corners, but I don't remember much else. Wish I could find the script.
(Deb Fox Claussen)
- Del Sutton on stage during a performance of "Carousel." Del was inducted into the OP Alumni Hall of Fame in 2007.
(Mark Murtha - class of 1980)
- Alta Ghrist ('68)
(Mark Murtha) - Alta lived across the street from me on 6025 N Brighton her house and mine have been razed due to widening of N Brighton.
(Brian Downey)
- Preparing to cheer their fellow faculty members on to victory at the Faculty-Chiefs game are: Miss Annette Luyben, Miss Shirley Cromer, Miss Dianna Brown, Mrs. Sue Simpson, Miss Barbara Battmer, and student teacher Miss Donna Fox. (pg. 141)
(Mark Murtha)
- Joe Jahrling, Jim Belknap, Becky Campbell, and Mike Ridder find courtyard life amiable.
pg. 235 (Mark Murtha)
- Richard Chandler, band/orchestra teacher
This is likely the American Royal parade. (Izzy Schwartz, 1969) - The band/orchestra conductor was James Chandler, not Richard Chandler.
(Bill Jones, 1969)
- The Northmen display their overwhelming spirit and determination as they rip onto the field up victory lane to indulge in another battle.
pg. 95 (Mark Murtha)
- Pam Sells, Lee Dunlap, Dick Woods, Becky Campbell, and Donna White plan future activities for Hi-Y (a YMCA affiliate dedicated to promoting Christian living).
pg. 68 (Mark Murtha)
- At half time the pep club formed a Big smile on the field, the theme of the dance was "The Shadow of Your Smile"
(Steve Armstrong 1968) - Not only did we in Pep Club make one big lips but I remember us trying to figure out how we could move together in the formation of a kiss!
(Ann Breckenridge McDonough, 1970)
- Jeff Rollert ('70) locates a European country on the globe in order to carry out a history assignment. (pg. 30)
(Mark Murtha)
- Thats Bill Wonder in the middle,Sandy Hightower to his right. Me to his left and Patty Asby (Armstrong) across from me.
Does any one know the person to my left? (Steve Armstrong 1968) - I remember now it's Bob Horn.
(Steve Armstrong 1968)
- The Key Club funded itself by selling popcorn at home basketball games. Seen here is David Kimmel, OP '69, tempting the fans at half-time.
(David Kimmel 1969)
- Mr. Blair, Debbie Fox,Art Hammen III
(Deb Fox Claussen) - Betty (Musselman) Knapp, grad. 1968, standing center
(M. Jason Knapp, 1969) - Bottom of slide
(Pamela (Graham) Yates) - Charles Lewis - far right ground level.
(Charles Lewis 1968)
- The young man in the red shirt and glasses is my brother, Dwayne Looney, '68. We lost Dwayne in November of 2000 and it was fun to run across this picture of him.
(Denese (Looney) Lollis '72) - The fellow standing in the yellow shirt is Paul Guion '68 who later became an art educator.
(M. Jason Knapp, 1969)
- Nancy Fields, a biology lab assistant, studies the bone structure of a small herbivorous mammal.
pg. 218 (Mark Murtha)
- Vana Porter ('68) inspects the contents of a junior's messy locker. (pg. 210)
(Mark Murtha)
- One of the reps for OPHS, Maury Barnes seated far right. This was an extension of Annette Luyben's International Relations class held at Park College.
(Ralph Lewis '67)
- The young lady is Connie Prucha
(Steve Armstrong 1968) - Connie was trying to capture any "public display of affection"
(Steve Armstrong 1968)
- Oblivious to the exciting Oakie game, Mark Gullen ('69), pep band member, can't get his mind off his music. (pg. 207)
(Mark Murtha)
- Miss Hiller's Russian class, pictured are Dara Haer (sp?), standing and Priscilla Ford seated
(Dan Vette 1968)
- Russell Reece receives his piece of pie from Vickie Brooks while Kathy Cutting, Carolyn Keith, and Jerry Powell chuckle during Spanish restaurant skits. (pg. 238)
(Mark Murtha)
- Senior Class President Bill Hankins is addressing the student council group.
(Mark Murtha)
- Drama officers Phil Willoughby, Lana Scott, Vicki Bussell, Pam Hunt, and Amy Stewart are caught pilfering paint from the set room balcony.
Page 67 (Mark Murtha)
- The Tri-M (Modern Music Masters) officers are Debbie Netherton, Marilyn Kent, Marsha Ironsmith, and Craig Kirkpatrick.
pg. 72 (Mark Murtha) - From left - Fred Cerra (Class of 1969 or 1970), Sarah Kent (Class of 1970) and Marilyn Kent (Class of 1969). Not sure about the fellow on the right.
(Lynn Robertson Bowes)
- Patsy Meyer, third from the Left in the cluster on the far left, front row, looking forward. Class of 69
(Patricia Meyer 1968)
- Carla Wagner ('68) is holding the volleyball. She later returned to Oak Park as a teacher.
(Mark Murtha) - Back Row: Ed Jarboe, David Arthur, me, Danny Baldwin
(David Castor 1968)
- the two on the ends are the Burwell brothers, James and John - I have no idea who is who
(Lynn Tracy (1970)) - That is Larry McIntire in the center.
(Charles Francis 1968) - John Burwell on left, Jim Burwell on right
(Elaine Fleming Burwell (1971))
- Alan Baughman
(Mark Murtha) - I think that is coach Jim Taylor talking to me between rounds.I wrestled varsity in the 95lb weight class.
(mike dalzell)
- Luann Larson on the left
(Lynn Tracy (1970)) - Janis Larsen on the right
(lynn robertson bowes)
- I think this is Jason Knapp '69 and Betty Musselman Knapp '68.
(lynn robertson bowes 1969)
- This is art teacher Jeanne Lawing with a student I can't place
(M. Jason Knapp, 1969)
- This is me, Lynn (Robertson) Bowes and Barry Kennedy in 1968/1969 at the Student Art Show.
(Lynn Robertson Bowes)
- My Mom, Barbara Liberty, middle row, fourth from left.
(Ralph Liberty 1970) - My Mother, Louise Koerber, front row, far right.
(Nancy Koerber 1978) - Janice Sutton, front row far left (Paul Sutton's mother)
(Virginia Harrison Dameron (1969)) - My grandma, Helen Truman, is 3rd from the left in the back.
(Kristi Truman Howery)
- Cambia advisor Ken Bell is on the left, next to the camera.
(Mark Murtha) - The girl sitting on the ground, furthest left, bow in hair was Julia Moore.
(Roy Lilly - 1969) - 2nd from right Clint Royce
Behind him Elizabeth Kaye Next to her Gary Creason ... I think ... (Roxanna Watts) - Guy with his hands in his pockets is Gary Snow
(Jamie Woolard) - Girl furthest left, Dianne Harding Class of 1969.
(Frank Ethridge (NKCHS 1969)) - Elizabeth Kaye is the girl on the far right (standing) - I believe that's Marilyn Kent, seated on the ground to the r of Julia.
(Janet Fisher 1969)
- Lovely Donna Shaefer in front of tree.
Gary Snow to her right. Gary Creason in dark glasses. Virgil Moore w/hand on equipment. (Izzy Schwartz, 1969) - Furthest left, Dianne Harding, Class of 1969
Fourth from right, Gary Creason. (Frank Ethridge (NKCHS 1969))
- Mike Jarchow in glasses
(Izzy Schwartz, 1969) - (L-R) Mrs. Wilt (speech, debate), Mrs. Clendenen (drama), and Glenn Kroge, and Mike Jarchow
(Bill Jones, 1969)
- I am front row first on the left #70 . Behind me was Rodney Bevans #72
(Daryl Billings 1969) - Daryl Billings on front row far left
(Daryl Billings 1969)
- Football coach Gladden Dye is on the left.
(Mark Murtha) - L-R: Coach Dye, Brett Dingerson (LB), Jerry Evans(RB), David Evans (WR?), Scott Henderson (C?)
(Izzy Schwartz) - Scott Henderson portrayed Lennie and I was Curly when English teacher Joseph Degrado had his classes act out scenes from Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men." In the scene where Curly bullies Lennie and begins hitting him, I (a good six inches shorter than Scott and maybe 50 pounds lighter) got carried away with my enthusiasm, and Scott growled at me, "Take it easy, Warzyn."
Sc (Chuck Warzyn, class of 1969)
- With five seconds remaining in the Jeff City game, the pep club anxiously awaits victory (pg. 96).
(Mark Murtha)
- Julia Moore in center
(Izzy Schwartz, 1969) - Marilyn Kent, my best friend, on the right. Sadly, Marilyn passed away a few years ago.
(lynn robertson bowes)
- Me serving as a barker for the Language Club carnival fundraiser. This picture can also be found in the dictionary under "pencil-necked geek." :D
(Terry Shuman, Class of '71)
- yep, glasses folded up in my shirt pocket and sound asleep in the library. Perfect
(Jeff Van Riper)
- Janet Johnsen (on left) working paste-up and layout of Oak Park school paper
(Janet J Brown)
- Scott Carne (lt), Mike Jarchow (dark pants and jacket)
(Izzy Schwartz) - The fellow in the center being held up is Mike Dalzell and the kid to his right is Mark (I'll remember his last name, I'm sure).
(Lynn Robertson Bowes) - Mark GULLEN in shorts
(Izzy Schwartz, 1969)
- John Anderton, Les Weaver and Jerry Short on the left. Glenn Stout and Jamie Hash on the right.
(Jamie Hash 1970)
- Dell Sutton with arms out.
(Izzy Schwartz, 1969) - Del Sutton as Harold Hill and Ted Wales as Marcellus Washburn, singing the song "Shipoopi" in "The Music Man," spring 1969
(Bill Jones, 1969)
- Dale Speelman '71, Clint Royce '69, Greg Wells '70, Jerry Bell '70, and Del Sutton '69: The River City School Council and Prof. Harold Hill teaching the four of them how to sing barbershop style. April, 1969.
(Dale Speelman OPHS '71) - Music Man, Spring, 1971 quartet of Dale Speelman, Clint Royce, Greg Wells, and Jerry Bell being taught to sing by Del Sutton (Harold Hill).
(Dale Speelman, 1971)
- musical number of "Marian, the Librarian," in "The Music Man," Spring, 1969. Marian played by Connie Vanderbiltt.
(Dale Speelman, 1971)
- diana crowder on the left - prof. harold hill on the right
(lynn robertson bowes '69) - Diane Crowder standing next to her statue of "Old Miser Madison," for the musical, the "The Music Man."
(Dale Speelman, 1971)
- colleen cochren standing on the chair. I made the train poster with the auditorium seating chart of available seats for each night's performance.
(lynn robertson bowes '69)
- Harold Hill distracting the quartet by singing, "Good Night Ladies," while the women continue to sing, "Pick-a-little, talk-a-little."
(Dale Speelman, 1971) - Harold Hill distracting the quartet by singing, "Good Night Ladies," while the women continue to sing, "Pick-a-little, talk-a-little."
(Dale Speelman, 1971)
- Dale Speelman '71, Clint Royce '69, Jerry Bell '70, and Greg Wells '70, Singing "Sincere." April 1969.
(Dale Speelman OPHS '71)
- Second cheerleader from left is Janet Hightower
(Susan(Pupkes)Carlson 1979) - Left to right: Beanie Asby, Janet Hightower, Liz Nye, Susie Smith, Gail Seney, Gail Arenson
(Gail Seney Hennessy, 1970)
- Jay Flom at an Art Club pizza party with Edna Crumb on the left.
(M. Jason Knapp, 1969) - Maria Roque (Class of '70) feeding the pizza to Jay Flom
(lynn robertson bowes '69)
- Exchange student Eva Perko (left) from Switzerland and Oak Park’s Diana Jackson (right). One goal of the AFS program was to foster intercultural sensitivity making us all more appreciative of differences in our lives.
(Wayne Cope)
- American Field Service student Per Wahlstrom from Sweden (left) and Oak Park’s Randy Miller (right). Both of these worked on the Cambia yearbook production. What I remember most about our conservations was the extreme contrast in how American and Swedish teenagers viewed dating, nightlife and a man’s responsibilities. His high school attitudes about life reflected that of someone older perhaps a junior in college.
(Wayne Cope)
- This photo was taken in Oak Park’s Art room, showing AFS student Adriana “Andy” Genta (left) from Uruguay and school sister Charlene Lassiter (right). I knew Adriana a bit better than the other AFS students from her participation in the school’s spring production of “Oklahoma”. All the foreign exchange students were warmly accepted but probably felt swamped with the endless questions about how they lived back home. Talking with her was a learning experience. Andy was enchanting to have around. Wherever she went, there was always a small group of Northmen there to support her. I recall she had a busy social calendar and a waiting list of individuals wanting her free time.
(Wayne Cope)
- American Field Service Student Jose Gonzalez (left)from Madrid Spain, and our own Mike Howell (right). Grounded in engineering, Jose amazed many of his classmates with his natural mathematics abilities.
(Wayne Cope)
- Lynn Willis - middle left
(Jay Flom 1969) - Jack Beers (left), Pat (Daugherty) Love (top)
(Patricia (Daugherty) Love) - I believe that is actually Rick Knox(sp) on the left
(Lynn Tracy)
- Oak Park’s Bannerettes display the colors for the Suburban-Eight conference schools. Pictured left to right are; Debbie Sells, Mindy Milstead, Jill Sampson, Linda Scott, Lynn Duncan, Nancy Crane, Sharon Mark, Gayle West, Pam Rhed, Juanita Hornaday, Linda Sanders, Paulette, Schultz, Linda Jenkins, Diane Nordyke and Reena Campbell. Not shown are Ellen McCarrick and Eileen McCarrick. The precision marching routines of the Bannerettes promoted the school’s values of Leadership, Scholarship and Citizenship. 12/31/11
(Wayne Cope 1970)
- This photo was taken at Line Creek. From Left to Right (top row) Mike Haer, Debbie Guthrie, LaRu Klang, Geoffrey Rollert, Carolyn Hays, Jerry Short, Susan Whitlow, Joann Westfall, Brooks Kenagy and instructor Mr. Kenneth Bell. In the front (bottom row) are Linda Ewing, Per Wahlstrom (AFS Sweden), Nancy Hull, Paulette Schultz, Sarah Kent, Peggy Prucha, and Randy Miller. The Cambia staff was divided into teams that spent countless hours cataloging and organizing everyone’s school photograph and brought the overwhelming number of events that shaped our last year at Oak Park into an extraordinary Blue-on-Blue yearbook.
(Wayne Cope)
- Left to right Janet Hightower, Gail Arenson, Susie Smith,Liz Nye, Revena (Beanie) Asby , Gail Seney
(Revena Asby Dawson 1970)
- front left Janet Hightower --front Right Gail Senney
Back Left to right Gail Arenson, Susie Smith, Liz Nye, Revena (Beanie) Asby (Revena Asby Dawson 1970)
- (Upper Left) Anna Johnson, Shirley McCormick, Arla Johnson, Janet Richardson, Sandy Bauman, Gary Sheumaker and Wayne Cope. Drama Club was responsible for collecting stage props, making the scenery and costumes. These dedicated individuals were the force behind the many great performances such as Neil Simon “Barefoot in the Park and the spring Musical “Okalahoma.” Oak Park has always been fortunate to have such an excellent group of talented students to support the arts. (Wayne Cope 1970)
(Wayne Cope (1970))
- Some of you may recall the performance Dr. Dan “Hunchback” Kahler gave in the Little Theater. It was the incredible photography of Log photographer Joe Jahrling whose photos tipped the scales to give Oak Park’s Log newspaper a “First Place in Photography” by the Missouri Interscholastic Press Association School of Journalism in 1970. Log photographer Wayne Cope accepted the award on behalf of the Log staff and Mr. Lynn Blair. (Wayne Cope – December 2011)
(Wayne Cope (1970)) - This is me!
(Kris Hochenauer)
- Rick George is on the right. His family owned George's Music Service on N. Oak Trafficway. Rick played guitar, banjo, and other instruments in a variety of bands through the years. He won first place in the National Guitar Flat Pick Championship in 1974, and second place in 1989.
(Mark Murtha ('80))
- This was my band, the American Music Band, playing in the courtyard at Oak Park on Earth Day. From l-r: Charlie Zych (guitar), Tim Osburn, (drums) Gary Worth (guitar) and Rick Bowman (bass).
(Timothy Osburn)
- The guy at the microphone is Ray Smith, the leader of the first Earth Day activities at OPHS. Ray later became a preacher.
(Ray Smith, '70)
- This was our Celebration of Earth Day,we had no classes that day. We spent the day listening to bands, assembling, and the main goal to clean the school and the campus! I remember picking up trash and cigarette butts.
For the most part I believe we felt a sense of accomplishment, and ready to take on the world! (Linda (Minor) Jackson 1972)
- Far right - Rich Henry ('70)
(Russ Henry) - Guy on left is Steve Ramsey; died in 2005 following an emergency appendectomy while TV Station General Manager of WSMV-TV, Nashville. Earlier, Steve was News Director of WGN-TV, Chicago, where Bill Weir was an on-air employee. (Bill later became a week-end anchor on ABC-TV's Good Morning America, a co-anchor of ABC-TV's Nightline, then an anchor on CNN.) Steve also became Station Manager of KTLA-TV, Los Angeles and Vice President of News Operations for 18 of Tribune Broadcasting's 22 stations - a very successful broadcast management career!
(Michael Hathaway)
- 4th girl from left is me. (White jacket) The guy standing up behind me with a helmet on is Dave Osburn (sp?) His brother is 7th from right with flag on his jacket. I believe his name was Tim. We are sitting on Tim's VW. He had it all painted up with red, white, and blue, and peace symbols. I believe their is a better picture of it in the Cambia.
We went on a ski trip to Colorado one year. One of these guys was a class officer the following year, possibly president. (Linda (Minor) Jackson 1972) - I believe the girl on the far left is me - Judy (Brucker) Pinkston Class of 1972
(Judy (Brucker) Pinkston)
- front L to R: Debbie Sells, Liz Nye, Joann Westfall
back L to R: Gail Arenson, Jocelyn Thompson, Connie Clemens, Linda Jenkins (Lynn Tracy (1970))
- These guys were playing the music for the home ec. fashion show.
(Mark Murtha) - Tim Osborn on drums
(Lynn Tracy (1970)) - Spelled "OSBURN" not Osborn...
(Tim Osburn 1970)
- Our school spirit challenged us to do things better and reach just a little bit further. This timeless photo is of Melody Martin, Oak Park’s the very first Key Club elected Sweetheart. Key club was sponsored by the Kiwanis Club to serve refreshment (popcorn) at football and basketball functions. I knew Melody from Junior High School and her years of work in the theater. She worked with me in the Theater-In-The-Round setting up stage lighting and marking up the technical scripts. During dress rehearsals and productions she never missed a cue while studying over a tiny hand held flashlight.
(Wayne Cope)
- The log staff: On the roof left to right: Bob Smith, Joe Barnes, Rick Knoch and Jack Beers. On the left standing are Bill Murray, Elaine Jordan, Mark Dudley, Sharon Stephens, and instructor Mr. Lynn Blair. On the right side standing are Anita Parvin, Teri Wilson, Peggy Westbay and Debbie Grantham. Seated in front are Candy Hargrove, Wayne Cope and Richard Reed. The Oak Park Log received its very first A+ rating in 1970. Not shown are Kathy Williams, Vicki McDonald, Joe Jahrling, and Charles Cottrell.
(Wayne Cope 1970)
- This 1968 Cambia was probably not Mr. Blair’s favorite book as described in the 1970 Cambia. His passion for making Oak Park’s “Log” newspaper excellent was shared by former and current students. Mr. Blair issued serious assignments and set required deadlines. Like many of the other teachers at Oak Park, he challenged us to be part of a larger team while building in each of us a solid foundation of social values and personal responsibility. Outside of classes, he encouraged us to lay claim to our dreams and make them into realities. I was very fortunate to have had him for an instructor and carried many of his lessons into my career. On Cambia signing day, one Log staffer jokingly added a spiked mustache to his photo emphasizing his “Frito Bandito” larger-than-life character we knew and treasured. The Frito Lay Company was forced to abandon the cartoon mascot in 1971. 1/28/2012
(Wayne Cope) - No, I don't think Lynn was too fond of Bell/Cambia! I remember all too well the...uh, tension between the Log and Cambia staffs. I'm sure the folks on the '70-71 Log staff with me remember the MOTHBALL incident, no?
One of the great pictures of Lynn, ever. Became a teacher myself largely due to his influence, and for that I will always be grateful. I think of him often, and with great fondness... (Terry Shuman, Class of 1971)
- middle three are Penny Wilson, Joann Westfall and Karen Gerken (sp)
(Lynn Tracy (1970)) - Lynn Pohl on the right.
(Debbie Cusic, 1972) - Girl on left is Leslie, I cannot remember her last name. I took dancing lessons with her. She was really good and she also did the fire batons!
(Linda (Minor) Jackson 1972) - Leslie Ferguson, Janice Fleck (not Penny Wilson as previously noted), Joann Westfall, Karen Gerken, Lynn Pohl
(Joann Westfall Burnett)
- This shot was taken at one of the half time shows at a Home Football game. This was the formation we were in when playing the School Fight Song. That's me, the skinny one in the White Drum Major Uniform. I still think I won the spot because I was the only one that the suit would fit. lol Keep up the good work Mark.
(Bill Reid)
- K.U. Homecoming Queen Nancy Watson and Dan Kahler
(Mark Murtha) - 1969 Homecoming Queen was Margaret Jury, not sure who this is or what year.
(Jennifer Duncan Croan 1969) - Nancy Watson was Cambia Queen and graduated Oak Park in 1966. This is DK, who was also the voice of KU sports, with Nancy when she won Homecoming Queen at Kansas University in 1970.
(Jim Casselman)
- High spirited actresses Susie Day (left) and Jamie Evans (right). Any time either of these took the stage, the audience was sure to see a fantastic performance. The applause of a standing ovation was common and brought “Down the House.” Some Oak Park thespians had their sights set on Hollywood, but these two were unmistakably Broadway bound where the Big Apple’s flashing marquee signs anticipated their arrival.
(Wayne Cope)
- This was Melody Martin. I remember her from one of Tom (Mr. B) Birmingham’s classes. She was always happy and upbeat.
(Charles Francis 1968)
- Debators!! I see Tom Hankins and Glen Stout, don't know the rest. Those two were master debators!
(Debbie Atkinson 1973) - Pretty sure that's Les Weaver on the far right. Can't get the picture to enlarge enough to tell, but I think Jim Hash is in there, and Jerry Short (always wondered why Usnick didn't create the Short/Stout combo...would have been awesome!)...
(Terry Shuman, Class of 1971) - Les Weaver on the far right, John Anderton, Glenn Stout, Jerry Short and Jamie Hash.
(Jamie Hash 1970)
- This was Karen Lewis on the left and Debbie Moss on the right. We were doing the fashion show at the end of our senior year. This was taken at Sherrie's Bridals on the Plaza.
(Debbie (Moss) Gamm)
- Left: Allyson Cartmill ('70)
(Mark Murtha) - Kris Bowlin on the right
(Kris (Bowlin) Platt)
- Quote from page 45:
Allyson Cartmill pensively rests on her collage designed purse. (Mark Murtha) - I don't know why this picture was labeled "Allyson Cartmill pensively rests on her collage designed purse." I don't look pensive. I think I look like I need more fiber in my diet.
(Allyson Cartmill (Fine))
- Nancy Crane on right. Why did they have to pick a pep club uniform day for this photo?
(Nancy Crane Haynes '70)
- Connie Clemens ('70) is the bride.
(Mark Murtha) - Rick Holding and Connie Clemmons have been happily married for 37 years. Who knew at the time this picture was taken that they would actually become Husband and Wife in Real Life.
(Revena (Beanie Asby) Dawson) - This was a huge event. If Oak Park fantasized about having a King and Queen, then this was a royal wedding. Seniors talked about it for weeks in the hallways, on the stairs, and at Jim G’s Drive-In. Those who hadn’t thought about marriage suddenly found themselves embracing the possibilities. And who among us couldn’t, - a rare chance to really walk your high school sweetheart to the altar. These extraordinary moments inspired and united us. Our hearts leaped with joy for them.
I held another personal wonderful image of Rick and Connie a short time later. In my world, the distant drums of a war in Asia were calling, when by surprise, these two passed me in the parking lot at Maple Woods. There was no entourage, just two people who cared very much about each other walking slowly hand-in-hand to his Chevy. I doubt they even knew I was there. In the years that followed, I learned a solider doesn’t need much, a little valor, a St Christopher for luck, and a dream to come home to. Rick and Connie graciously provided that dream. 2/14/2012
(Wayne Cope) - In 2017, Connie and I have been Married 46 years. I'm the luckiest guy in the world.
(Rick Holding) - Mom (Connie Clemens) and Dad (Rick Holding)
They always told me this was their first kiss and then they started dating! June 5, 2021, they celebrated 50 years of marriage! ❤️ (Julie C. Holding (daughter))
- Lynn Willis and Jerry Bell as Norma and Norman Northmen
(Mark Murtha) - Jerry (Norman Northman)also did a great assembly and was quite an accomplished gymnist. Lynn (Norma Northman) was very creative and, as I remember took this role, very seriously! She, LuAnn Larson and I also did a strip tease in the talent show.
(Ann Breckenridge McDonough, 1970)
- In this photo of the production of "Oklahoma", the center stage "cowboy" without a hat (L) shaking hands is my brother, Rick Larson '71.
(Susan (Larson) Hagen 1973) - Cowboy with a hat is Jon Elliot, 1970.
(Dale Speelman, 1971)
- L to R
Senior Class Officers: Linda Jenkins, Bob Minter, Gene Meyer, Steve Ramsey, Joann Westfall on top of Jim G's, a favorite eating place for Oak Park students in 1970 (Joann Westfall Burnett 70)
- ?, Steve Rhodes, Tom Hankins, Randy Moore, Barb ?; Tom went on to be Stuco President, win State in Debate TWICE! Now he is a lawyer. Randy became a doctor and married his pretty, red-headed girlfriend.
(Debbie Atkinson 1973) - 1st girl is Anne Brooks. Last girl is Barb Baker
(Lou Ann Hawkins)
- Dave Asby ('70) is in the middle of the back row, wearing a black shirt.
(Mark Murtha) - The Thespian “A” team, a unique group of dedicated students who gave personalities to the playwright’s characters and gave us all lasting memories of other times and places. Top left: Dave Ockerstrom, Jamie Evans, Janet Terrel, Dave Asby, Pam Crawford, Glenna Love, Jerry Bell, second row: John Judy, Sandy Bauman, John Elliot, La Ru Klang, (Sergeant-at-arms)Steve Ramsey, (President) Susie Day, (Secretary)Nan Hays, third row Don Colley, (Vice President) Wayne Cope, and (Historian)Debbie Wakefield. (Wayne Cope-December 2011)
(Wayne Cope (1970))
- We wanted a memorial to remember former classmates who had lost their lives during the war. Even ones who did not believe in the war were touched by this addition to the school.
I knew Doug Brower who was sadly added to the plaque during my time at Oak Park (Linda (Minor) Jackson 1972)
- Folded Flags of Honor
To this place we brought the spirits of our fallen soldiers’ home to be with us. This memorial is “Oak Park’s Wall” - hallow ground. One by one, we have journeyed here alone and stand in silence - reflecting on the memories that summoned us. Our hearts are at a loss of what to say, and we fear that whatever words left here - may somehow cause pain or offense to others. But to acknowledge their sacrifices is to show honor to them and all the other men and women in uniform who served. Those taken from us are courageous individuals who gave the ultimate personal sacrifice to defend this nation, - but far too many others who gave of themselves returned home alone, - broken in both body and spirit. The war defined these veterans who still live in its painful shadows today. These remembered are our friends who walked beside us. I know about some, and met many just like them. The Vietnam War bitterly divided Americans and spurred overwhelming anti-war protesting across this nation. Against this prevailing attitude, military drill instructors continued to mold and refine young innocence into patriotism, forged boys into men, and tempered men into warriors. America’s men in uniform were ready to go anywhere. On the Vietnam battlefields they were never defeated in combat. The names inscribed upon these plaques shall forever bind us to that dark past, but they also illuminate the significance of our way of life, our values, and our belief that all people should have the right to live free. . . . There is an unspoken oath between brothers-in-arms, that you will defend each other to the end. These men honored here, stood and delivered when everything around them told them to leave. They found unparalleled courage in the face of battle, fighting until that last terrifying moment. To the soldiers on their left and right, they lived out that promise never to forsake one another. It is a selfless act of human devotion that surpasses all other types of sacrifice. It is a unique love for one another that few witness, and none can explain. Sgt. Wayne Cope, USAF 1971-1977
(Wayne Cope)
- Alan Moon ('71) is on the right.
(Mark Murtha) - That's Dennis Moon, OPHS 1981 on the left.
(Alan Moon ('71)) - The cool looking dude in the letterman's sweater is Alan Moon, class of 1971. The stud next to him is his little brother, Dennis Moon, class of 1981.
(Dennis Moon, 1981)
- If a Cambia cover is all you see, you may have missed a three year long thrill ride on the F-A-S-T-E-S-T rollercoaster in town. The classes of ’68 and ’69 said “Follow Us” and the classes of ’71 and ’72 said “Look out we’re coming through”, but our class was destined to close out the turbulent ’60s and usher in a decade of enlightenment. We’ve been on a forty-two year long adventure around the globe challenging the machines of industry, medicine, and government to make human life on earth better for everyone. Most of us are still out there. Some of us chose to keep the home fires burning, an endless task for which you deserve the highest honors. We’ve gotten married, divorced, raised children and have grandchildren who will go places and do things that we once dreamed impossible. The class of 1970 represents some of the very best graduates that walked the halls of Oak Park. 1/28/2012
(Wayne Cope)
- Alan Moon ('71) is on the right, wearing a green shirt.
(Mark Murtha) - That is Paulette Schultz in the green and pink jumpsuit(top of the ladder). I believe she was the Cambia Queen that year. I was married to her brother David Schultz for 16 years.
(Renee Schultz-Williams (Winnetonka '76))
- Class of '73
Splits: Connie Allen from left to right: Patty Hightower, Nancy Dillahunty, Pat Caster (Christine Parrish 1973)
- If this exposure was on the same negative strip as others that I've ID'ed as at the district festival at William Jewell, it's probably from there as well. This shot did not appear in the '71 Cambia. A woodwind quintet composed of (L to R): Marian Davis ('72, flute, my sister), Larry Page ('72, clarinet), Marvin Foltz ('72, horn), Mary Ann Ryczek ('72, bassoon), and Juanita Hornaday ('71, oboe).
(Don Davis 1973) - District music contest was held at Northwest Missouri State in Maryville until 1974 when the music contest moved to William Jewell. State Contest was held at MU in Columbia. All district music contest pictures identified as taking place at Jewell up to 1974 are incorrect.
(Dale Speelman OPHS '71) - Our competition in 1972 was at William Jewell. Our clarinet group in the chapel was one of the most beautiful acoustic settings we'd ever played in.
(Debbie Cusic, 1972)
- At the district music festival at William Jewell. (This shot did not appear in the '71 Cambia.) Left to right are unknown, Lou Hawkins ('72), Jan Swick ('72 - giving the "thumbs-up"), Kevin Revenaugh ('73 - holding index finger aloft). No idea who the 2 young ladies on the far right are.
(Don Davis 1973) - Tall blond with her back to the camera is Terri Kennard.
(Debbie Cusic, 1972)
- Most likely at the district music festival at William Jewell. (Not in the '71 Cambia) Not sure who's on the left (Diane Meinhardt '73?) but that's Kay Putnam ('72) on the right.
(Don Davis 1973)
- A shot very similar to this appeared on page 230 of the 1971 Cambia with the caption "Mr. Jim Chandler and Marian Davis check the schedule at the district music festival." Mr. Chandler was the instrumental music teacher, of course (I believe he retired in the mid-70s) and Marian is my older sister, was a 1972 OPHS graduate and a flutist in the band, pep band, and orchestra.
(Don Davis 1973)
- If this exposure was on the same negative strip as others that I've ID'ed as at the district festival at William Jewell, it's probably from there as well. This shot did not appear in the '71 Cambia. The cellist is Pam Rhed ('71) and her accompanist is Sharon Mark ('71). Sharon also played bass in the orchestra.
(Don Davis 1973) - This is actually at Northwest Missouri State University, in room 200 of the Olive DeLuce fine arts building. The other pictures corresponding with this one are also of this room, and the lobby of DeLuce Fine Arts. I am currently a Vocal Music Education major at NWMSU and use these facilities daily. In fact, we still have the same desks and piano as seen in this picture!
(Andrew Rembecki 2006)
- Most likely at the district music festival at William Jewell. I believe that's Mindy Milstead ('71) on the left, and Earlene Koons ('71) on the right, getting in some last-minute practice on their violin duet.
(Don Davis 1973)
- This exact shot appeared on pages 230-231 of the 1971 Cambia, with the caption "Don Davis, along with Jan Swick and Robyn Hart, get set for music competition." (Jan was the pianist, Robyn the page-turner.) I believe this was at the district music festival, held at William Jewell college. It looks like I'm giving Jan the tempo to start out "Blue Bells of Scotland", which is what I played that year.
(Don Davis 1973) - Wow, Don - I remember this performance - I was blown away!
(Holly Gullen Stout)
- That's my older sister, Paula Parsons sitting on the shrubs. She passed away in 1990, on her 37th birthday.
(Steve Parsons '78) - I'm in the pink dress standing on the grass, David Alig is in the green shirt behind me. Sorry about Paula.
(Janet Grunstein, 1971) - I am the one in the gray dress, first on the left. Why I looked so mad is anyone's guess...I hope it was the sun in my eyes. Hate to hear about Paula. I never heard her say a harmful word about anyone.
(Cathi (Burton) Tackett) - In the orange shirt in the back, Mr. Blair. On the far right, blue shirt, is Terry Schuman, who was in debate. He passed away in a car wreck with his wife, Terri, who was a NKC graduate, in 1975 or 76.
(Debbie Atkinson 1973) - Hi, Debbie! Yes, that's me (Terry Shuman) on the far right. So great to be able to let everyone know that I'm not, in fact, deceased. I did lose my wife Terry (NKC grad, but I loved her anyway!) in that auto accident in 1977, but God decided to keep me around for awhile longer...
How great to find this place, and especially this picture. So many great memories of all you folks (miss you, Paula!), and especially the inimitable Lynn Blair. He, more than anyone else, is responsible for my becoming a teacher. Thanks, Lynn...
Hey, Cathi, I think you might be frowning because (if you recall) it was !@#$% windy that day, and we kept having to shoot, and shoot, and shoot to get a usable shot...
And if someone wants to go back in and spell Terry's first name ("y," not "i") and my last name (no "c," please) correctly, that'd be swell. Some of you might recall I was always a little touchy about that unwanted "c" in there, and I can tell you that Terry was VERY touchy about that whole "i" thing...
So wonderful seeing all of you again. You have NO idea... (Terry Shuman, Class of 1971) - Moving right to left: Galen Miner (only girl I know who ever received a draft notice) in red dress. Keith Chrostowski standing next to Lynn and right behind Paula (Keith still works at the KC Star, I believe), Tom Pilcher in the red v-neck, might be Greg Geiger on top row right behind Tom? And maybe Merlyn Hargrove to his right? (Wish the photo could be a little bigger!)Is that Janet Kuehn in the orange blouse on the second step? Definitely Carol Wolf sitting on the steps, Chris Elliott way in back in red sweater. I want to say Kathy Rinehart in the red dress on the left side, maybe? All very familiar faces, names a bit confused after 42 years! Of course, the guy in the blue shirt with the collar buttoned is David Peironnet, my best pal in high school (even if we never got very far in STUCO!). I'll keep studying, hope to add more names, correct any I messed up on.
(Terry Shuman, Class of 1971) - What I hope will be the last update...
Seated (L to R): Laura Hirt, Carol Wolf, Bob Foster, Paula Parsons
Standing (L to R, front row): Cathi Burton, David Peironnet, Joyce Elven, Linda Reifert, Tom Pilcher, Galen Miner, Janet Grunstein, Dave Alig, Terry Shuman
Standing (L to R, back row): Doug Macken, Chris Elliott, George Townsend, Janet Short, Merlynn Hargrove, Patty Nininger, Greg Heiberg, Kathy Moffat, Liz Campbell, Mr. Lynn Blair, Keith Chrostowski
If I messed any of this up I'll buy you a paperback under a dollar from the bookstore... ;) (Terry Shuman, Class of '71) - Sadly, both Doug Macken and Chris Elliot have "crossed over to God." Two of my best friends at Oak Park and Antioch Jr. high. Doug was my first date ever, he took me to the Freshman Formal at Antioch junior high. Two good guys who always 'had my back," and I'm sure are angels in Heaven.
(Janet L. Grunstein-Neelley 1971)
- Glen Stout, middle
(Cathy Stout) - Tom Hankins, left
(Mike West (72)) - Kay Mowry (a.k.a. "Mom" to the debaters). Miss you, Glenn...
(Terry Shuman, Class of 1971)
- Alan Moon - student band leader in 70-71, he returned later to direct the instrumental music department.
(Mark Murtha)
- The guy is Marty Henderson.
(Debbie Atkinson 1973) - The girl playing Nellie Forbush is Connie Gingery.
(Beth Schanck Taylor)
- Most likely at the district music festival at William Jewell. This exact shot (but cropped tightly around the singers) appeared in the 1971 Cambia on page 231, with the caption: "Taking time for last-minute practice are singers Dale Speelman, Jan Duncan, Karen Hummel, Johnette Gunier, and Dave Crim."
(Don Davis 1973) - This photo was taken at Maryville instead of Jewell.
(Dale Speelman OPHS '71)
- Most likely at the district music festival at William Jewell. From L to R are: unknown, Dale Speelman ('71), Mr. Bill Grace (vocal music teacher), and Dave Crim ('71). Although this shot didn't make it into the '71 Cambia, given that the apparel of Mr. Speelman and Mr. Crim is identical to that worn in another shot that did appear there (on page 231), I'm relatively confident about my classification.
(Don Davis 1973) - This photo was taken during district music festival at Maryville
(Dale Speelman OPHS '71) - The young woman is Cheryl Bailey, 1971. The four of us were perusing the singing schedule.
(Dale Speelman, 1971)
- This looks like my grandfather Carl Welch. He was a custodian.
(Tracy Welch 1985) - This is Carl Welch, custodian.
(Tracy) - Susan Mace (far right)
(Janna Moody - 1973)
- Second Row: The gentleman with his arm crossed is Earl Knuth and his wife on the right. I attended King of Kings Lutheran Church with Mr. and Mrs. Knuth.
(Susan(Pupkes)Carlson 1979) - Mr. & Mrs. Knuth are the parents of Barbara Knuth (1973 grad). Behind them and just to the right, are Carl and Carol Kalinka (both 1966 grads). Carl is the one with his head turned away from the camera.
(Joy Montgomery (1973))
- Back row, L to R: Steve Bowlin, Ken Kraft, Dan Krenkel, unknown, unknown, John Finch, unknown; Front row: Pam Houser, Glenda Chaney, unknown, Susan Heerman.
(Don Davis 1973) - I know the "unknowns" in this photo. After Danny Krenkel is Gary Talbott, Kurt Larson and Denise Grill is between me and Susan.
(Glenda Chaney Maddick Staples, 1972) - top far right looks like Mike Hinchey
(Susan Pirtle) - Back row second from left is Steve Manning not Ken Kraft
(Steve Bowlin 1972)
- This exact shot (cropped) appeared on page 126 of the 1972 Cambia. Unfortunately, none of the shots on pages 126-127 are captioned, so I can't be sure who this person is, but presumably she is a member of the Law Enforcement Club, since that was the page 126 subject.
(Don Davis 1973)
- This exact shot appeared on page 126 of the 1972 Cambia. Unfortunately, none of the shots on pages 126-127 are captioned, so I can't be sure who this person is, but presumably she is a member of the Law Enforcement Club, since that was the page 126 subject.
(Don Davis 1973)
- A nearly identical shot appears on pages 34-35 of the 1972 Cambia. Caption: "Terry Douglas, junior, surveys the shelves."
(Don Davis 1973)
- From page 138 of the 1972 Cambia, captioned: "Dressed as a Hornet Cheerleader, Mrs. Atkins quietly awaits the Northtown pep assembly."
(Don Davis 1973)
- This shot (cropped) appears among the Sophomore class pictures on page 76 of the 1972 Cambia. Caption: "Letterman, Barb West, takes on a battle most sophomore lettermen don't face."
(Don Davis 1973)
- Terry Douglas, Susie Sowerwine, Cathy Mardikes, Diana Mayden, Jana Moody, unknown, Coni Talbot
All class of 1973 (Susan (Larson) Hagen 1973) - JoAnn Behm is the girl on the far left.
(Tucker Schaeffer)
- Third cheerleader from the left is Patty Hightower
(Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979) - A shot very similar to this one (shifted right by one person) appears on page 148 of the 1972 Cambia. The caption (which starts with the cheerleader 2nd from left) reads: "Georgianne Elliot, Patty Hightower, Karen Johnson, Micki Kouns, Chris Lemarr, Lynn Robb, Cheri Watson, and Laura Woodson anxiously await their turn". Laura Woodson is not visible in this shot, she is off-camera on the other side of Cheri Watson.
(Don Davis 1973)
- This is the shot that appeared on page 148 of the '72 Cambia. See my comments on the similar shot above for the caption identifying the girls.
(Don Davis 1973)
- Similar to the shot appearing on page 149 of the 1972 Cambia, captioned: "Students exercise their voting privileges both inside and outside of school." The students are not identified, but I believe the 3 on the left are Janna Moody ('73), Randy Baehr ('72), and Coni Talbott ('73).
(Don Davis 1973) - Rick Eastin is the boy just outside of the door looking off to his right.
(Kathy [Hinkle] Foster- 1972)
- This is the shot that appears on page 149 of the '72 Cambia. See my comments on the similar shot above.
(Don Davis 1973)
- I don't recognize his accompanist, but the singer is Kevin Revenaugh ('73). This shot didn't make it into the Cambia.
(Don Davis 1973) - That is my melodica!
(Joy Montgomery 1973)
- So many people! Pom Pon girl is Cheryl White, in Pep band I see Martha Barnes, Tom Bechtal, wish you could click them and make them bigger, I know I could add more names.
(Debbie Atkinson 1973)
- Pom Pon girl facing is Cheryl White. In Pep Band is Martha Barnes, Tom Bechtal and many more.
(Debbie Atkinson 1973)
- From the left, Stuart Ferguson, Debbie Beedle, Gene someone.,
(Debbie Atkinson 1973) - The guy on the far right is Gene Curtis
(Glenda Chaney Maddick, 1972)
- 1st row (kneeling) - left: Susan Henry
(Russ Henry) - Tammy Krull, Barb Baker, ?, ?, ?, ?, Becky Mosley, ?, ? Cheryl White, Debbie Proffitt, ?
Kneeling: far right Melissa Rice (Cheryl White 1973) - Tammy Krull, Barb Baker, Kay Harris, Debbie Rose, Susan Heerman, Gaye West, Becky Mosley, Jeanette Ramirez, Glenda Chaney, Cheryl White, Debbie Profitt, Carol Cummings. In front are Susan Henry, Jana Moody, and Melissa Rice
(Glenda Chaney Maddick-Staples) - standing 4th fr left, Debbie Rose
standing 6th fr left, Gaye West (Laurie Lakin Meyer '72) - 1st row kneeling left to right: Susan Henry, Janna Moody, Melissa Rice
(Christine Parrish 1973)
- Don't know who the guy is, but the girls are (L to R): Cheryl Martin ('73), Karin Vandawalker ('73), and Janna Moody ('73)
(Don Davis 1973) - The guy's name is Pat Leahy. He was a distance runner and ran on the cross country team as well.
(Mike Davis class of 1973)
- My sister Donna is in the second row with the green scarf.
(Anita Montgomery) - I think there is a mistake here. That has to be Anne Kuenzi;(now Anne Hoskins married to Patrick Hoskins in Shawnee KS) I would know Anne anywhere because I was her roomate for a couple of years and bridesmaid in her wedding.
(Belinda Mileur) - Sophomore cheerleaders in front:
Stephanie Livingston Kim Armour Valerie Orr Beth Powell (Beth Powell 1975) - Anne Kueniz graduated in 1971 or 1972 -- she wouldn't have been a part of this picture.
(Joy Montgomery) - Valerie Orr - front row, second from right
(Walt Grayum 1974)
- 1972-73 Northmen's Log newspaper staff
(Mark Murtha) - I am sitting down in the center, next to Sam Lordo (standing). White shirt with stripes and I have glasses. Jill Jones is sitting on the far right. You could tell from the expressions we were there for a day of great motivation.
(Jesse Reif, 1973) - Karen ?, ?, John Maughmer, Jesse Reif, Sam Lordo, Mike Davis, Patricia Marshall, ?, Jill Jones
(Debbie Atkinson 1973) - Karen Moffet is next to John
(Linda Beall Warne)
- 1972-73 Northmen's Log newspaper staff
(Mark Murtha) - Lower left is Steve Moberg; lower right is Gene Hartley; journalism teacher and Log advisor Lynn Blair is standing at back left; second row, fourth from left is John Maughmer, now a federal magistrate in Kansas City; fifth from left, back row, is Jesse Reif; then Sam Lordo (standing)
(Gene Hartley 1973)
- Business Teachers: Shirley Cromer, Lois Fann, John Bahmeier, Chuck Posson, LaVerne McKinzie, Linda Blocker, Cora Wright, Nancy Kahn
(Linda Espeer)
- Mini School teachers
Bryon Moats-English and Vickie Baker-before she became Student Personnel Coordinator. (Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979) - Linda Espeer Business Education Teacher (left)
(Linda Espeer)
- Evanise Raposo AFS student fromm Brazil - first row, third from right to left (brown hair). I always remember my friends, teachers, and the wonderful environment of Oak Park. Marty Baker is my sister forever!
(Evanise Raposo)
- John Coakley, Drama Teacher
(Jeannie Veazey Brown, 1977) - That looks like Betty Wallace, if so I'm thinking this is from the 75 or the 76 banquet.
(Tim Carroll 1976)
- Jennifer Babb, Patty Koerber, Vicki Brown, longtime friends shine in their caps and gowns (pg. 157)
(Mark Murtha) - Patty's Mom, Louise Koerber(cafeteria) taking the picture with little sister, Nancy(class of 78)looking on.
(Nancy Koerber 1978)
- Sue Conway (striped robe)
(Beth Powell 1975) - I think the girl with the basketball is Vickie Daily.
(Walt Grayum 1974)
- I know the gentleman on the left is Bill Grace, the choir director.
(Brad Hale '78) - Dale McCasland - the tallest one in the back; Lynn Robb? - second from right.
(Walt Grayum 1974)
- the guy on the right is John Chewning. I guess you'd say I was his teacher that year. I hope he's doing well.
(john delap 1967)
- Patty Conway in shorts. I met her during the summer of my freshman year, as she was a life guard for Hamilton Heights pool. I thought it was cool as she drove a white t-top corvette!
(Susan(Pupkes)Carlson 1979) - Actually the girl on the right is not Patti Conway, but is instead her sister Sue Conway who graduated in 1974. These pictures are from 1973-74.
(Phil Lees 1976) - Page 152-153 of the 1974 Cambia:
"Pausing in the woods for a moment are Miss Norma and Mr. Norman Northmen, Karen Moon, Sue Conway, and Danny Shinn." (Mark Murtha)
- This is definitely not a 1973-74 photo. It looks like 1967 to me. Does anyone else have any suggestions?
(Mark Murtha) - The girl on the left is Vickie Ballinger. I'm not sure what year she graduated but I think the 73-74 year is correct.
(Kelly Allison)
- Teacher and cheerleading sponsor: Annette Luyben. I believe she is retired from teaching and works in her long time family owned music store "Luyben Music" in downtown Kansas City.
(Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979) - Pep club uniforms had changed I am pretty sure this is earlier than 1974...
(Beth Powell 1975)
- We had this group picture taken for the Cambia at Park College in Parkville, Missouri.
(Peggy Hancock Kinder 1976) - From left to right -- Gale Nauman, Susan Burton, Margaret Frazier, Shirl Petroll, Brenda Newton, Gina Ferrara, Becky Seats, Terri Thompson, Pam Collins, Peggy Hancock, Lisa Box, Bobbi Moore, Shelly Williams, Kathy Stapp, Patti Walker, Julie Williams, Stacy Booker, Debbie Provo, Linda Morris, Debbie Ryan, Cheryl Liles (Captain)
(Patti Walker Baker (1975))
- Roseann Palmisano (junior) standing, Rozan Guyer (junior) far right
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - Front Mary O'Laughlin
(Ron Green)
- Left to Right: ???, ????, Stephanie Johnson-Junior,???, ????,???
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - Far left - Teresa Martin, Junior then Lisa Jones, Junior
(Lisa (Jones) Callahan 1976)
- Senior Greg Smith displays the helmet as Senior Rick Lowry and Juniors Lisa Jones, Melissa Gates, and Michele Evenson look on. Greg and Rick were both standout players earning All-Conference, All-District, and All-Metro honors and both later graduated from Mizzou. Sadly, Greg passed away in 1996, but fellow grads created "The Memorial" golf tournament in his honor that was played for many years as a fundraiser for Oak Park athletics.
(Phil Lees 1976)
- Kay Melewski is on the left.
(Mark Murtha) - Janice Malone Eisen top middle.
(Janice Malone Eisen) - Karen Williamson Ingram is bottom right.
(Karen (Williamson) Ingram, 1975)
- Gymnastics Class
Third row, fifth from the left is Fox 4 anchor Susan Hiland, class of 1977. Link (Mark Murtha - class of 1980) - Top row, fourth from the left is Vickie Fry ('75).
(Victoria Saunders (Fry)) - Fourth row, second from right is Susan's older sister Linda Hiland.
(Linda Hiland 1975) - Front and Center is Cora Bunny Riley-Bevelle
Is the person in the back top right Theresa Bongiavonni? (Cora Bunny Dreibelbis 1975)
- Gymnastics Class
Third row, fifth from the left is Fox 4 anchor Susan Hiland, class of 1977. Link (Mark Murtha - class of 1980) - Second row, far right: Laura Shoffner (77)
(Susan Kavanaugh 1977)
- This is the Band with the giant drum. The twirlers came first, then the Big Boomers squad (with the 6 ft+ giant bass drum) ,then the drum major, then the band with the drum corps at the rear, then the bannerettes. We had a great band. I can still remember some of the great drum cadences they played. I was on the Big Boomer squad, but probably not seen in this photo as I was on the back corner, hidden by the drum.
(Lavonne (Garrison) Moore '75)
- This is the band with the Big Boomer drum and squad in front. The drum always was pulled in the parades and at halftime at all home football games, we pulled it around the perimeter of the football field, beating to the time of the music as the band played the half time show.
(Lavonne (Garrison) Moore '75)
- These girls are part of the Big Boomer squad. There were 5 of us; 2 to pull the drum, 2 to steady it on the back (against the wind), and one to beat the drum. I was one, but not pictured here. Don't recall the names of these three.
(Lavonne (Garrison) Moore '75)
- Kevin Cordray is in front playing trumpet.
(Kirk Cordray) - I believe John Thomson on drums 🪘
(Henry Arst. 1975)
- This car wash took place in the Gladtone Plaza Shopping Center. You can see the old TG&Y store in the background alone with Kodak Photo Hut.
(Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- These girls are Bannerettes not Pom Pon girls
(Phil Lees 1976) - These girls are not Bannerettes - maybe they were with the Big Drum.
(Cheryl Liles 1975) - I don't know what year this is but these are not 74-75 pom pon girls. I would guess 1972 or earlier b/c they are also not 73-74.
(Phil Lees) - I was on the 1975 squad, pictured above, and it was referred to as the OPHS Pom Pon Squad, not by any other name.
(Lori Higdon 1975) - I was lucky enough to be on this OPHS 1975 Pom Pon Squad. That was our name - nothing else.
(Lori Higdon 1975)
- L-R. Unknown-joe DeGrado,Gary Morgan,Cecelia Robinson,Rita Vonn, Bill ?, next ones are semi hidden--Charlene Law, Helen Martin, Phyliss Ross , unknown
(Charlene Law. --Faculty--english)
- The standing people are from the Oak Street Singers. From L to R, Steve Overbey, Valerie Orr, Jeff Sigler, Pam Kramer.
(Sherrie McCreedy Miethe, 1975)
- LeAnn Correll and I were selling stuffed animals at a craft sale to finance a trip to Mexico. I spent hours sewing many of those animals out of curtain material that Senora Hall got from her part-time job.
(Patty Hankins Dailey 1975)
- The student with the "Kings" crown on I believe is John Thompson. John lived in my neighborhood and swam at our neighborhood pool Hamilton Heights on the swim team. His mother Bonnie Thompson was an elementary school secretary in the NKC district.
(Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979) - The female dancing at far right facing the camera is Jodi McCullah.
(Jodi McCullah)
- The student with the mustache next to Dr. Dan Kahler is Vince Evola.
(Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979) - Chris Campbell (far left)
Ron McNabb (center) (Beth Powell 1975)
- Susan Kavanaugh is on the right.
(Mark Murtha) - Female on far left is Laura Shoffner. Behind her, Steve (last name?). Next to me is Kevin Cordray and next to Kevin, in the wild jacket, is Shari Bell.
(Susan Kavanaugh 1977) - Steve Bealmer is the guy on the left, Jeannette Parr is the girl in the middle and Pat Burge is behind her and Shari.
(Jeannette Parr Ashby-Welter) - Wasn't that picture taken at the Reinsch farm on Broadway?
I recall missing that event since I was working that evening at Bob's IGA on Antioch. (Tim Carroll 1976) - Pam Kramer is the second girl from the left
(Beth Powell 1975) - Steve Bealmer, Pam Kramer, Pat Burge
(Mike VanDever 1975)
- Becky Seats is on the far right side.
(Mark Murtha) - Also included in this group, Susan Kavanaugh, Kevin Cordray, Shari Bell.
(Susan Kavanaugh 1977)
- I won this 220 yd dash by a split second. The two of us had gone head-to-head and this was my first win.
(Gene Colley)
- Left to Right: Lynne Bell, Randy Netherton, Marla Robertson
(Lynne (Bell) Mauton 1976) - OMG, I took private baton lessons from Marla Robertson and Randy Netherton when I was a twirler for Winnetonka High. I know Lynn also from Miss Shirlee's (Hulse) Dance and Baton School in the Antioch Shopping Center.
(Renee (Barbosa) Schultz-Williams (Winnetonka '76))
- Winter Sports Queen Assembly. The candidates sat among the Pep Club.
(Peggy Hancock Kinder 1976) - Candidate Connie Douglas
(Beth Powell 1975)
- Back Row: Left to Right: 2nd from left- Harold Reynolds
Front Row: Left to Right: 2nd from left- John Wood (Susan Pupkes Klempke)
- AFS Students:
Left to Right: Souad Saqi from Morocco Sally Moore from Scotland (Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979) - Left to right Souad Saqi from Morocco and Carolyn Spencer (host sister). Sally is not on the picture
(souad saqi) - Wow,.. who remembers going ice skating with Souad out to King Louie's in Overland Park. We had a number of kids together on our group that night. We wound up taking Souad to the emergency room for a broken ankle!
(Tim Carroll 1976)
- AFS Students
Left to Right: Sally Moore from Scotland and Souad Saqi from Morocco (Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979) - left: Carolyn Spencer (Sally Moore is not on the pic)
(souad saqi)
- From pages 46-47 from the 1976 Cambia:
Jerry Kanabel, Tim Higgins and Debbie Collins check over their progress on the mural (Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979)
- PE Teacher Nancy Hudson presenting Gary Trester (senior) a trophy.
(Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979) - From the line far right to left is Betty Wallace, Karen Bogue, ? , Carl Richardson, Ken Walker (RIP)
(Sherrie McCreedy Miethe) - Behind Nancy Hudson and seated from the left is Dr. Kahler, Bill Grace and the instrumental music teacher (his name escapes me).
(Sherrie McCreedy Miethe, 1975) - The instrumental teacher's name was Mr. Chandler
(Deborah (Moss) Gamm)
- PE Teacher Nancy Hudson presenting Jean Meachum (senior) a trophy.
(Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979)
- Norma Trachsel, Becky Seats, Cindy Hobbs, Debbie Gilmore, Robin Bratcher, Jeanette East, Peggy Hancock, Bobbi Moore, Margaret Frazier, kneeling.
(Peggy Hancock Kinder 1976) - Bannerettes! Unfortunately, I don't remember all names, but here goes:
_____, Becky Seats, ____ Hobbs, Debbie Gilmore, Robin Bratcher, ______, Peggy Hancock, Bobbi Moore, kneeling is Margaret Frazier, co-captain (Peggy Hancock Kinder 1976)
- Kathy Stapp, Belinda Barmby, Kathy Williams, Julie Fowler, Kathy Gossett, Kathy Weiling, Sherri Trask, Debbie Ryan, Ann Robinson, Debbie Provo, kneeling
(Peggy Hancock Kinder 1976) - Kathy Stapp, _______, _______, Julie Fowler, Kathy Gossett, ______, ______, Debbie Ryan and Ann Robinson. Co-captain Debbie Provo is kneeling.
(Peggy Hancock Kinder 1976)
- Letterman's Club sponsored the Tug of War at the Bicentennial Fair, which proved to be one of the most popular events to watch since it involved the entire losing team being pulled through the mud-water trench while the crowd cheered. Anyone letting go of the rope was booed, shamed, and often pushed into the water by fans.
(Phil Lees ('76))
- Peggy Hancock
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - Wow! Greg Carboneau was my escort for the Cambia Queen assembly. We look like babies! We were so young....and I look like I'm about to be sick!:)
(Peggy Hancock Kinder 1976)
- Sitting outside Julie Bingham's "Jungle Hut", left to right, Mark Williams, John Donahoe, Robin Bratcher and standing, Keith Cox
(Peggy Hancock Kinder 1976)
- Front: Linda Holwick, David Howe, Michelle Evenson, Melissa Gates
Back: David Conway, Keith Maib, Phil Lees, Scott Lakin, Steve Jury (Phil Lees 1976)
- Center--Tim Higgins (an amazing artist!)
(Peggy Hancock Kinder 1976) - I am standing in front of Tim. (Jeff Fairlie)
(Jeff Fairlie 1976)
- Brian Klopfenstein, Parliamentarian; Peggy Hancock, Treasurer; Linda Reinsh, President; Janette East, Secretary
(Peggy Hancock Kinder 1976)
- Steve (Pooh Bear) Douthit warms up for the shot put. He was also an All-Conference and All-District football tackle.
(Phil Lees 1976)
- Coach Bill Newland (We called him "Wild Bill" and awarded him with a cowboy hat during the track banquet that year.
(Phil Lees 1976)
- David Howe hits the board in the long jump. The pit at Wentworth Military Academy, where most of the indoor meets were held, was filled with sawdust instead of sand, and often contained bits of debris and glass. Everybody got cut or scraped who ever jumped there.
(Phil Lees 1976)
- Junior Kevin McPeck runs the curve at Wentworth. The track was slippery, had no slope, and was partly under the viewing stands. It was like having a track meet in somebody's basement.
(Phil Lees 1976)
- When you sprinted under this section of the stands the lights would strobe and you felt like you were running in movie chase scene.
(Phil Lees 1976)
- Joe DeGrado
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - I had Mr. Degrado for English my sophomore and junior years. He was one of my favorite instructors -- innovative and with a vivid imagination. From one day to the next, students never knew what to expect in his classroom; only that we would learn in a creative, colorful environment he created.
(Chuck Warzyn, class of 1969) - I loved this man! And I loved his class! Always made us think about life and our perspective. It was one of the most memorable classes for me!
(Stephanie Kneuven McCullough 1985) - Mr. DeGrado was the only teacher who ever actually made me think for myself. I was a bit of a party person in my high school days and didn't care much for authority. I not only respected him, but listened to him because he took the time to listen to me. Now that I am an adult who is married to a high school teacher, I can tell you first hand just how important it is to sometimes just "listen". Thanks Mr DeGrado for not just being the cool teacher, but a great listener when sometimes no one else would...
(Lori Ford 1985)
- Willie Allen gets help from guidance counselor Donna Thompson
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- Intramural Basketball Champs-- Front: Rick Gosset and Todd Jones Back: Mike Heslop, Mitch O'Roark, Matt Rose, Mike Rosenthal
(Phil Lees)
- Two AFS students - Souad Saqi (pillow over head) and Sally Moore
(Ann (Robertson) Johnson - 1982)
- Renee Lindbergh and Leonard Thompson in a Psychology class.
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- Roy Williams taught the very popular American Heritage Class. Visible faces include: Melissa Gates, Linda Holwick, Phil Lees, David Howe, Michelle Evenson, Calvin Kelso, Denise Stevens, David Conway, and Bo Schneider (back to camera)
(Phil Lees)
- This meeting of the Letterman's Club was held in the classroom adjacent to the boy's locker room. Visible faces include Mike Heslop-Treasurer (lower left), Coach Steve Garret (sponsor), David Howe-Vice President, Phil Lees-President, Keith Madsen-Secretary, Vince Santoro, John Wood, Steve Jury (upper right).
(Phil Lees)
- Jean Meachum as Eliza Doolittle-Senior The Fine Arts department presented "My Fair Lady".
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- The Fine Arts Department presented "My Fair Lady"
Carl Richardson as Henry Higgins, Jean Meachum as Eliza Doolitte, Ken Walker as Colonel Hugh Pickering (Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- Left to Right: Front Row: ?, Michelle Renken, Dana Sanders, Yvonne Walker, Kendra Metcalf.
Middle Row: ?,?,?,?, Julie Avery, ? Back Row: ?,?, Terri Harlan, ?, Kris Horne (Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - The names of the missing Pom Pon girls are:
Front Row: Julie Ryan (the next four girls are correct) Row 2: Denise Stephens, Laurie Baker, Debbie Vansickle, (Julie Avery), Diane Jones Row 3: Cindy Ibarra, Theresa Martin, Terri Harlan, Colleen Butcher, Kris Horne Row 3: (Phil Lees 1976) - Middle Row: (L) end-Denise Stephens, Laurie ?; Top Row: (L) ?, Theresa Martin
(Lynn Seymore)
- Ken Walker and date
(Peggy Hancock Kinder 1976) - I believe that is me (Susan Kavanaugh) in the photo. I went to the prom with Ken (maybe it was the year you are identifying this photo from). I wore a dress exactly like the one pictured and that was the length and style of my hair.
(Susan Kavanaugh 1977)
- _______, Ken Walker, Gerry Harris and Betty Wallace
(Peggy Hancock Kinder 1976) - The girl on the far left is Colleen Horner
(Peggy Hancock Kinder)
- From page 132 of Cambia 1976:
Bill Liles and Rick Holeman take time out to pose for a picture on the roof. (Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979)
- From page 133 Cambia 1976:
Nancy Basler gives her report at a STuCO meeting. (Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979)
- Left to Right: Holly White, Mary Glenski,
(Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979) - (continued) Kelly McNamara, Rita Reinert, Karen Carlson, Barb Clay, Kerin Anderson
(Mark Murtha) - Third from right: Karen Carlson; second from right: Barbie Clay
(Beth Love Woodford)
- (Clockwise) Coach Steve Westphal with Greg Carpenter '78, Dale Woodford '77, David Howe '76, and Howard Baker '77 were one of the top 440 and 880 yd relay teams in the state. Their exchanges were so clean that they beat teams with more pure speed winning conference and district titles. The would have been a contender for the state title in the 440 relay, but in the 70's they didn't run that relay at district or state. Later, Coach Westphal left teaching for a career in the US Secret Service.
(Phil Lees 76)
- Pat Guevel ('78)
(Mark Murtha) - Rod Sheumaker showing his fine high hurdle technique.
(Rod Sheumaker - 77)
- Sophomore Greg Carpenter '78 (lane 2) comes out of the blocks against arch-rival Dan Lavitt from Ray-South (lane 3) in the 100 yard dash at the conference meet. Lavitt was state champion in the 120 High Hurdles.
(Phil Lees 76)
- Howard Baker '77 lines up for a sprint race. As a senior he set the school record for the 100 yard dash at 9.7 seconds.
(Phil Lees 76)
- Phil Lees places 5th in High Jump at the Conference Meet held at Center High School.
(Phil Lees)
- Greg Carpenter '78 with a triumphant gesture as he anchors his relay team to victory over Ray-South at the conference meet.
(Phil Lees 76)
- Junior Glen Matney breaks the tape while anchoring the 2-mile relay team to victory at the Northland Classic at Oak Park
(Phil Lees)
- David Howe (foreground) checks out the track at the conference meet while other track team members hang out near the tent in the background.
(Phil Lees 76)
- Rodney Schumaker '77 competes in the Triple Jump at the Big Six Conference Meet.
(Phil Lees)
- Annie Get Your Gun
Left to Right: Todd Jones--Frank Butler, Robin Wagner--Annie Oakley, Dennis Norton--Charles Davenport, Tom Flom--Buffalo Bill (Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- Fine Art Department presented: Annie Get Your Gun Todd Jones as Frank Butler and Robin Wagner as Annie Oakley
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- Psychology teacher Leonard Thompson
(Mark Murtha) - Dawn Bryan and Lori Carnes (her back) getting psychology teacher Leonard Thompson to sign the Cambia.
(Ann Robinson Loveall '77)
- Left to right: Steve Phillips-Junior, Robyn Wagner-Senior
(Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979) - L-R: Steve Phillips, Robyn Wagner, Chuck Davis
(Becky Pryor)
- I believe Cynthia McCuistion (1979) is the girl pinning her pattern to her fabric. Chris Sciolaro the girl with the brown blouse on. (1979)
(Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- From white shirt lower left clockwise: Phil Youtsy, Kevin Francis, Keith Sanders, Jim Hale, Craig Wansing, Tim Salmon. Didn't recognize lower left. Sorry.
(Clint Simmons) - My MISTAKE: That's JEFF SALMON not Tim(MLB baseball player.) My FUZZY brain at work.
(Clint Simmons)
- Kathy Delano was my one and only "dance date" from High School. It was Homecoming '77. I was a soph in college at the time.
(Tim Baynham 1976)
- Al Creek, Cathy Draper, Kendra Reif ('78) and Matt Campbell
with their trophies from a debate and forensics tournament. (Susan Jezak, 1978)
- L-R: ?, Dave Nauman, Richard Andrews
(Becky Pryor) - The guy on the left is Donnie (can't remember his last name)
(Becky Pryor '79) - The guy on the left is Don Knecht
(Mark Howell)
- This isn't the whole picture. I don't believe I am in this section of the picture.
(Linda Williamson, 1978)
- Left to right: Bob West, Larry Cornine, Vickie Baker (she always drove a corvette), Jim Draper, Dick Powers, Dr Dan.
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- Larry Cornine- he was the assistant principal that handled discipline, after school detention.
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - Larry Cornine is currently the head of the counseling program at Midwestern Theological Seminary.
(Lori (Tucker) Lancaster '79)
- Left to right: Dee Ann Carver and Steve Phillips
(Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979) - Chuck Davis on right
(Becky Pryor '79)
- from left to right:
Steve Philips, Dee Ann Carver, Karen Woitasczyk, Jenny Shinn, Jenny Carsten (Karen Janka (Woitasczyk) 78)
- That's me (Brad Hale) directing the Pep Band during an assembly. Ernie Eitel is on the saxophone on the left
(Brad Hale '78)
- If I recall, this assembly was a football(sports) assembly. The boys thought they were going to get a kiss from some of the cheerleaders (blind-folded), but were tricked and they were really kissed by their own mothers! The recall button on my memory is a little fuzzy now that 30 years has past.
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- This is Ricky Patterson,(he was a junior here) after having taken off his blind-fold at an assembly where he sees who really kissed him, HIS OWN MOTHER! Not a cheerleader as he was lead to believe! HA what a fun assembly.
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- Susan Moon receiving salutatorian award. (I think I lived in those overalls!)
(Susan Moon '78)
- Greg Ellis, his mother and sister and Gov. Ashcrofts brother presenting Greg with the Rotary club scholarship/award for 1978.
(Greg Ellis 1978)
- Greg Ellis, his mother and sister and Gov. Ashcrofts brother presenting the rotary club scholarship/award
(Greg Ellis 1978)
- Sally McDaniel- AKA The Book Store lady. Lisa (Hamm)Elliott-I wonder if she is getting her daily M+M fix.
(Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- Greg Grill (1979) upper left, He and his sister Dawn lived in my neighborhood. During the summer months we all hung out down at Hamilton Heights Pool.
(Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979)
- Smile: Tim Gutch
Can you believe Tim and I attended confirmation classes together at King of Kings Lutheran Church where Commerce Bank on Barry Road is now. (Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- Tammie Harlan
We took dance lesson together in grade school at "Gladstone Fine Arts Studio" (Kenny and Imogene Harding were the owners) (Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- Tonya Loftin, Cheryl Moor, Debbie Logan, Janice Harvey, and Matt Burns at Walsworth Publishing.
(Susan Moon '78)
- Tonya Loftin, Bill Horton, Cheryl Moor, Debbie Logan, and Janice Harvey at Walsworth Publishing.
(Susan Moon '78)
- Tonya Loftin and Debbie Logan learn how the yearbook is put together at Walsworth Publishing.
(Susan Moon '78)
- Cambia Queen candidate Francie Weber accompanied by Greg Carpenter, and bannerettes Susan Pupkes, Lori Ronneau, and Sandy Ceplina.
(Mark Murtha)
- Left to Right: Mark Wood-1978, Gloria Evola-1978, Paul Wyman-1978 Cambia Queen Assembly 1978
(Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979) - Cambia crowning assembly
Mark Wood-1978, Gloria Evola-1978 Paul Wyman-1978 (Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979)
- Mike Wohlgemuth, Craig Wansing, Jeff Salmon, Jeff Cindrich, Steve Henion and nice-tights Paul Wyman (all '78).
(Kerin Anderson ('78))
- K.C. Lucas and Mary Glenski
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - Jim Kersten (1978) is on the right.
(Mark Murtha) - Oh, how we all miss K.C. What a talent. What a friend.
(Jim Kersten)
- Left to Right: Kevin Roberts, Melinda Mulnix, Debbie Logan, Mark Wood, Francie Weber, Chris Loveall, Gloria Evola- (All are seniors 1978)
(Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979) - In between Melinda Mulnix and Debbie Logan is Steve Richie (sp?)
(Chris Loveall 1978)
- Cambia Dance
Left to Right: Chris Loveall and Francie Weber Background: Lisa Andrews and K.C. Lucas Right: Debbie Logan and Mark Wood (Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- This was Debbie Logan's Cambia stand. In 1976 a sci-fi movie came out called " Logan's Run" starting Farrah Fawcett.
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- This was Lisa Andrew's (1978) Cambia Sales Booth,
Lori Townsend (1979), Janee Cindrich (1979) (Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- Back Row Left to Right: Kelly Hook-JR, Janet Wilson, Edie Handley, Cheryl Leutjen-JR, Stephanie Evola-JR, Sharon Patterson-JR
Front Row Left to Right: Loretta Palmisano-SR, Lisa Andrews-SR, Jill Bentley-SR, Lori Townsend-JR, Vicki Cone, Francie Weber (Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- L to R:
Bill Farrell, Jim Draper, Jeff Wolverton, Jim Derry, Richard Good, Steve McArthur, Tom Wheaton, Darrel Bland, Rich Brill, Jerry Crews, Gary O'Dell (Mark Murtha) - This picture is missing Bob Busby (X-Country/Track). He may have been winning the KU Marathon (November 1977) when this picture was taken. He ran with more heart than anyone I have ever seen and was out there putting in twice as many miles as the rest of us !
(Timothy Meek (1978))
- Left/center to right: Margaretta Thunberg (AFS student from Sweden-'78), Sandy Ceplina ('78), Maria Wohlgemuth ('80), Susan Pupkes ('79), Joe DeGrado, Sara Keiser ('80).
(Mark Murtha)
- Kathy Hutcherson (1980) gives an oral report to fellow students (pg. 32)
(Mark Murtha)
- Mike Fisher ('80) and Mary Scott ('79) prepare a dish in co-ed foods (pg. 41).
(Mark Murtha)
- Is that Brian Barber-1979 learning to set a table from Home Ec teacher Marcie Hunter?
(Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- I believe that is Mark Greer ('78) in the sweater and David Miller ('78) sitting behind him
(Kerin Anderson ('78))
- Tenley Albright ('79) assumes an unusual position to help her concentration (pg. 49).
(Mark Murtha)
- Driver's Ed teacher, Darrell Bland (class of 1969) trying to teach Diane Denio (1979) how to change a tire.
(Ava VanBebber Callahan 1979)
- Diane Denio (1979) attempting to change a tire in Driver's Ed.
(Ava VanBebber Callahan 1979)
- Mark Wood in Hat-SR, Nino Palermo-JR
Who's the "Hottie" in the wig???????? (Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - Looks like Joe Macken to me.
(Rob Granquist '78)
- Well, that's me in the foreground. Wish I remembered the girl...
(Jim Kersten) - The girl is Julie Wyman
(Jim Kersten)
- Number 80 is Joe Macken -Senior and the guy with the towel around his neck is Mike Wohlgemuth, also a Senior. I believe Number 70 is Carl Dobney-Senior.
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - Number 83 is Craig Wansing (pg. 113).
(Mark Murtha)
- Francie Weber (class of 1978)
(Mark Murtha) - This is my little sister, Francie. She was a great cheerleader because she was genuinely enthusiastic about all sports at Oak Park.
(Leah Weber-McWilliams, 1976)
- Francie Weber (Varsity Cheerleader) and her dad celebrating after another Northmen victory!
(Francie Weber - 1978)
- David Stoneking getting his leg looked at, Mike Johnson behind him. Both class of '78.
(Ava VanBebber Callahan 1979)
- Seniors: Tom Lamb with jersey on and Joe Macken putting on his socks. The guys are dressing out before a game.
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- # 80 Joe Macken #51 Mike Wohlgemuth, #63 Fred Stegal
Coach Jim Derry, Coach Jeff Wolverton (Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- L to R: Dan Phillips ('79), Jeff Holeman ('79), Steve Phillips ('78), Joe Payne ('79). This photo appears on pg. 54-55.
(Mark Murtha)
- L to R: Jeff Holeman ('79), Becky Pryor ('79), Steve Phillips ('78), Joe Payne ('79). A similar photo is on pg. 54-55.
(Mark Murtha)
- That's me Tina Sappenfield at Clardy Elementary with Future Teachers of America my senior year 1979 woohoo!
(tina mylius 1979)
- Tina Sappenfield going through flash cards with Clardy Elem. kids. FTA 1979
(tina mylius 1979)
- Clardy Elementary students and Tina Sappenfield working for Future Teachers of America - 1979
(Tina Mylius 1979)
- From right to left: Tom Burke, Gayle Hays, Susan Jezak, Kerri Webb, can't remember the other 2!
(Susan Jezak) - Far left-hand side. Dark-haired girl is Karen Minor class of 1978
- Smile: Rob Gingrich having his picture taking in the courtyard by his mother.
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - Jim McKinney is in the background with his dad.
(Ava VanBebber Callahan 1979)
- Commencement Program May 25, 1978
Guest Speaker: Dr. Raymond Waier, Superintendent, North Kansas City Schools (Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- Commencement Program May 25, 1978
Candlelighter: Theodoros Tsipis and Margeretta Thunberg (Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- Commencement Day May 25, 1978
Right: Jean Smyers (Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979) - Left: Wendy Kramer
(Kerin Anderson ('78))
- Commencement Program May 25, 1978
Solo "The Times of Your Life" Clay Brown (Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979) - Oak Park probably never produced a better male singer. What a natural talent.
(Jim Kersten)
- Commencement May 25, 1978
Dr. Dan Kahler, Tom Audley, Dr. Raymond Waier (sitting), Superintendent, North Kansas City Schools was the speaker. (Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- Commencement Program May 25, 1978
Duet--"Be On Your Way" Left: Debbie Eckhart Right: Debbie Perry (Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- Mike Holbrook (1978) Tom Lamb (1978) Teacher Linda Alverson (English) at the mic,
(Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- Jim Kersten and Deborah Perry (class of 1978)
(Mark Murtha) - Commencement Day May 25, 1978
Brian Whittall is on Jim's right (Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- Commencement Program May 25, 1978
Reading of the Senior Names Teachers: Linda Alverson and Bob Busby (Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- Front row from L: Loretta Palmisano, Paul Wyman, Mark Greer, Barb Raines, Karen Carlson
(Chris Loveall 1978) - Second from right is Vicki Cone; last on right is Kathie Wallis.
(Kathie Wallis, 1978.) - third row from right: Lisa Ham, Christie Tucker, Susan Jezak
(Lisa Ham 1978)
- Gymnastic Club (pg. 69 of 1978 Cambia)
Front row, L to R: Loretta Palmisano, Cindy Hummel, Debby Seats, Jill Crowley, Linda Jones, Laurie Kerr, Lisa Cowan, Cindy McDaniel, Laura Cravens, Coach Floyd Klang. Back row, L to R: Diana Baynham, Janine Wyatt, Janet Houghton, Kim Goodson, Susan Kelley, Mary Dodson, Lisa Campbell, Kathy Craig, Karen Harmon, Marianne Shafer. (Mark Murtha)
- The JV Cheerleaders, back row from left Edie Handley, Stephanie Evola & Sharon Patterson. Front row from left Kelly Hook, Cheryl Leutjen & Janet Wilson. All class of 1979.
(Ava VanBebber Callahan 1979)
- Brian Rorie ('80), Rob Gingrich ('78), and Debbie Rich ('78) walking to the entrance of the NKC district stadium.
(Mark Murtha)
- L-R: Mike Wohlgemuth ('78), Cheryl Brown ('79), Joe Macken ('78), Jeff Cindrich ('78), ? , and Craig Wansing ('78)
(Kerin Anderson ('78)) - Jo Petty 2nd from right(class of '80)
(David Branstetter (1980))
- Left to Right:
Mike Wohlgemuth-1978, ????, Joe Macken-1978, ???, Jo Petty-1980, Craig Wansing-1978 (Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979) - Between the two of us Susan I think we've got this one figured out. The two ?? in this photo are Cheryl Brown ('79) and Jeff Cindrich ('78)
(Kerin Anderson ('78))
- Dorothy Smith-Head Librarian
Steve Glenski in background. I am sorry to say I don't EVER remember going to our library. I now work in a high school library! Go figure! (Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- Oh My Goodness! Is that Chester Turner in the background in the library?
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - Susan Brown ('80) is on the left.
(Mark Murtha)
- Helen Martin-English teacher with books
Esther Anderson behind her (She worked in the History Department). I hung around with her daughter Karen Anderson-JR (Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- Mark Ballard in middle
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - Mary Koppe (left) Christy ? on right.
(Mary Koppe Dixon Class of 78) - The two young ladies are Mary Koppe and Christy Tucker.
(Jim Kersten (78))
- Karen Carlson and Barb Raines ('78, pg. 3)
(Mark Murtha) - Can't believe I'm the only one who voted for this. A great mock up of an A and P ad. campaign. Karen and Barb rock.
(Clint Simmons (1978))
- K.C. Lucas-glasses-SR
Iron-On Tee Shirt Shop upper level at Metro North (Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- Mary Glenski dressed as a witch.
(Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979) - The recipient of Mary's spell is assistant principal Larry Cornine.
(Mark Murtha)
- The bunny rabbit is none other than Patty Conway ('78) and the girl in brown is Lisa Ham ('78)
(Kerin Anderson ('78)) - Lisa Vette is right of Patty Conway
(Lisa Ham 1978)
- Melinda Mulnix and Bob Lumby ('78)
That old, broken down couch was in the room where the Log and Cambia Staff worked (never together though as there was a great rivalry between the two) (Kerin Anderson ('78))
- top left; Kenny Gazaway ('78)
(Kerin Anderson ('78)) - Next to Kenny Gazaway looks more like Pam Mackender ('79)
(Chris Loveall 1978)
- Paul Wyman-SR
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - I believe that's Liz Palermo slapping the greasepaint on Paul. Two very strong members of the drama program.
(Susan Jezak, 1978) - Julie Hobbs (top left)
(Julie Hobbs)
- Robin Mulnix ('79, pg. 15)
(Mark Murtha) - I wish gas was still 52 cents per gallon! But look across the street at Vicker's it was 58 cents per gallon. The gas war had begun.
(Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979) - I use to work at this Clark station, run by Tom Vanluvan.
(Steve Pratte)
- Robin Mulnix ('79) filling up at 52 cents a gallon at the Clark station on N. Oak Trafficway in Gladstone, MO.
(Mark Murtha)
- Jackie Stead-junior, Kelly Hook-junior back seats. This was taken at the movie theatre inside Metro North Mall, lower level.
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - front row: Jimmy Rosenthal ('78) and Janee Cindrich ('79)
(Kerin Anderson ('78))
- Steve Roberts ('79) and Terri Plemmens ('79) stop at their locker between classes (pg. 187).
(Mark Murtha)
- That's me (Debby Seats) with face paint.
(Debby (Seats) Anderson 1980) - You were a really good sport letting me paint eyes on your eyelids. LOL.
(Jim Kersten)
- I'm not sure who the guy is on the left, but Vicki Cone is in the middle, Jeff Holman ('79) is in the center. In the background you can see Bill Cox on drums and Brad Hale.
(Susan Jezak) - That's Joe Payne on the left (an outstanding guitarist).
(Mark Murtha) - Joe Payne is the guitarist on the left. He won second place in the National Flat Pick Guitar Championship in 1990. You can also see band director Alan Moon in the background on the far right.
(Mark Murtha (1980)) - That's Ernie Eitel (78) at far left
(Clint Simmons)
- That would be "heffer." That's me David Branstetter, my sophomore year. (class of 80)
(David Branstetter (1980))
- Orchestra - Alan Moon Director Jeannie Higgins 1979 (overalls) to her left Lisa Seager 1980 and to her left Marilyn Mast 1978
(Catherine Lawrey 1980)
- L to R: Brian Whitall, Pat Guevel, Keith Sanders, Phil Youtsey (1978 Physics class)
(Chris Loveall 1978)
- Left to right - Brian Whittall, Pat Guevel, Kevin Sanders, Phil Youtsey
(Brian Whittall 78) - far right is Greg Ellis.
(Brian Whittall)
- That is me and dream girl. Unfortunately we lost touch. If you are out there and reading this please contact me.
(Brian Whittall 78)
- L-R; David Stoneking ('78), I believe Karen Johnson ('79), and Jeff Salmon ('78)
(Kerin Anderson ('78)) - That's not Karen Johnson...It's Rhonda Mulnix, now Rhonda Dugan.
(Robin Mulnix 1979)
- Broadcasting Officers:
Steve Petry- vice-president Kathy Delano-president
Look at the turntable and all the 45 records in the background. (Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- Free Mod Concert with Morningstar
This group played the Oak Park Prom in 1976, and released two albums on the Columbia label in 1978 and 1979. (Mark Murtha - class of 1980) - L to R: Jerry Chambers, Mike Edmunds, Greg Harris, Rick Bacus, Greg Leech
(Mark Murtha)
- At the Channel 9 studios, in the Folly Theater building. It looks like I'm standing on a box in the back row. I remembered that the lights made my glasses look quite dark.
(Jim Rogers '78)
- Kemper Arena, singing the National Anthem for a Kings game. We're all paying VERY close attention to Papa G, because there's a considerable delay between singing the note and hearing it from the arena PA system. I'm on the far left, fully bearded.
(Jim Rogers '78)
- That's Debbie Perry singing
Jim kersten (not sure on spelling) next to her (Dana Guyer) - left to right - Brian Whittall, Christie Tucker, Debbie Perry and Jim Kersten
(Brian Whittall)
- Jim Kersten ('78) middle
(Kerin Anderson ('78)) - To Jim's right is Jeff Holman ('79) & I believe Dan Rowe ('78)
(Russ Henry) - On the left is ME, CLINT SIMMONS. Next to me rockin' the derby is JIM ROGERS.
(Clint Simmons (1978)) - From left to right: Clint Simmons, James Rogers Jim Kersten, Jeff Holeman and Dan Rowe.
(Clint Simmons)
(Clint Simmons (1978)) - From left to right: Jim Rogers, Dan Rowe, Clint Simmons and Tim Flom. All 1978.
(Clint Simmons) - From left to right: Jim Rogers, Dan Rowe, Clint Simmons and Tim Flom. All 1978.
(Clint Simmons)
- Chris Hale and Cindy Seats
(Clint Simmons (1978)) - Seated: Chris Hale and Cindy Seats. Standing: That's our GREAT LEADER Bill Grace.
(Clint Simmons)
- Joanna Whipple ('78) is on the right.
(Mark Murtha) - YIKES!!
Kelly McNamara (1978) on the left Shawn Bresette (1978) center Joanna Whipple (1978) on the right (Shawn Bresette)
- Second from right in dark tux Andy Forster, class of 1978.
(Ava VanBebber Callahan 1979)
- Background on the left in dark tux is Tom Lamb (1978), his date, April Lipscomb (1979) with the dark hair and white dress. Front right is Frank Woodruff (1977).
(Ava VanBebber Callahan 1979)
- Bill Horton-left 1979
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - Keith Sanders ('78) middle
Jeff Salmon ('78) right (Kerin Anderson ('78))
- I am guessing the boy far right is Phil Youtsey. I didn't know him in high school. We worked together in 1983 at Household Finance Corp in the Antioch Plaza.
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - Left to right: Keith Sanders, Tom Shaul, Phil Youtsey
(Vickie Faherty 1978)
- Left to Right: Tom Audley-1978 Class President,
Jill Bentley-1978, Debbie Rich-1978, Barb Raines-1978 (Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- Barb Raines
I think this car wash took place on Antioch Road. Looking west to Prospect is Shoneys then McDonalds is in the far background (Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979)
- The STUCO "Pie in the Eye" was a fund raiser for United Way (I think!). STUCO and Dr. Kahler selected several teachers to participate. Students voted with their money as to what teachers would get slapped with a pie in the face. I believe Mr. Moon and Mr. Goode were the top vote getters and maybe Mr. Grace. However, Dr. Kahler didn't want anyone to feel left out so he donated quite a bit of money so that more teachers would get a pie. This pic is of STUCO member, Susan Moon, getting ready to slap her brother (Alan Moon, band director) in the face with a pie. It was great! He couldn't beat me up in front of the student body!
(Susan Moon '78)
- Mrs. Nancy Hudson discusses strategy with Lisa Wade. This image is noted in the Cambia 1978 pg 120
(Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979)
- The Rainmaker, by N. Richard Nash
David Chambers-1979 and Paul Wyman-1978 pg 81 of the Cambia (Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979s)
- Coach Bland (class of 1969) getting the devil signal.
(Ava VanBebber Callahan 1979) - The one with the two fingers up was Coach Wheaton.
(Jim Kersten (78))
- Greg Ellis Athletic trainer for the track team, helping out with moving hurdles.
(Greg Ellis 1978)
- Coach Bob Busby
(Mark Murtha) - One of the best. Without a doubt, a great motivator and one coach I have never and will never forget. Space does not allow me to go as far as I would like, but as a tribute to Coach Busby and apologizes to AB, this "Dr. Pepper's for you".
(Rob Granquist '78) - . . . and the only music he allowed to be played on the bus prior to a cross country meet was Jethro Tull.
(Sam Rogers, 1980) - I remember our Senior year when a group of us went to Lawrence to watch him run the KU Marathon. He got knocked down and pulled a muscle at the beginning but won the race. This guy ran with more heart then anyone I have ever seen. He was right there with you running at practice and during the meets he would run across the football field to give your split times. What an inspiration!
(Tim Meek)
- Jennie Gorham, NKC's track phenom.
(Susan Moon '78) - That's Jennifer Lynn Gorham she was the fastest 1/4 mile by a female in the state of Mo.
(Douglas Brian Cross) - Jenny Lynn Gorham North Kansas City HS. Her skills as a athlete allowed her to go to college and become a doctor.
(Douglas Brian Cross grad. 1980 Oak Park HS)
- Greg Ellis athletic trainer for the track, basketball, and football teams, healing another wounded athlete.
(Greg Ellis 1978)
- Dave McCalley '79 on the left Steve Chesterton '78 on the right. This is at the Oak Park Invitational run at the high school.
(Brian Whittall 78)
- Rob Granquist('78)
(Kerin Anderson ('78)) - Look at those guns! Massive! I'm probably warming to toss the shot put a foot or two.
(Rob Granquist)
- Left-to-Right on Bench: Mark Speiser, Jon Hadley Class of 1979, ?, ? Bubba Kavanaugh Class of 1979
(Susan Pupkes Klempke)
- David Miller-Salutatorian
(Susan Pupkes-Carlson- 1979) - Susan Moon - salutatorian, Rhonda Garland - valedictorian, David Miller - valedictorian
This picture was taken prior to the final grades being posted. The other pictures included Christie Tucker who tied with Susan for salutatorian. (Susan Moon '78)
- District Champs - front row: Stephanie Lees ('80), Sue Duello, Maggie Root, ????, Maureen Mullins; back row: Coach Linda Jones, Susan Moon, Sherri Netherton ('79), Kathy Ellis, Jan Jenkins ('79), Kerin Anderson, Cheryl Brown ('79), and Debbie Cone ('79)
(Susan Moon '78) - Cathy Evans ('79) is #15.
(Susan Moon '78)
- Maggie Root, Sue Duello (#24), Maureen Mullins (#21), Susan Moon's arm, Kathy Ellis (back) and Kerin Anderson on right.
(Susan Moon '78)
- Winter Sports Assembly
Left to Right: Sandy Ceplina, Karen DeMeyer, Cheryl Jenkins, Wendy Worthey, Maureen Mullins, Sue Duello
(Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- 1978-79 senior class officers (similar photo on pg. 203 of 1979 Cambia). L to R: Scott Mendenhall, Becky Claytor, Todd Rowden, Lori Townsend.
(Mark Murtha)
- #22 is Greg Biery ('80), and the blonde cheerleader in the background is Cindy Ruttan ('81)
(Mark Murtha) - #25 is Alan Chenoweth, # 20 is Dennis Seymore, both '79 grads.
(Jeff Swift 1979) - #25 - Alan Chenoweth
#20 - Dennis Seymour (Dave Croswhite)
- Lori Townsend (white dress)
Kurt Kavanaugh (Striped shirt) (Polly Channel (1979)) - The guy in back on the left is Jon McLaughlin, class of 1979
(Anonymous - class of 1980) - The girl in the green dress next to Mr. Kahler is Karen Johnson
(Tina Mylius 1979)
- Front row left to right, Linda Wolverton, Lori Tucker, Becky Claytor, Jackie Stead, (Yvonne Dowdy, Kathy Dawson, April Wilhite).
Second from right is Karen Jones. (Ava VanBebber Callahan 1979) - Cathy White on end next to Karen
(Karen Jones)
- Oakies enjoying a football game at the NKC High School stadium. On the far right is Cory Lundy (1980), and immediately to the left is Dave DeMeyer (1980).
(Mark Murtha)
- Reese Cheney kisses Nancy Clay.
(Polly Channel (1979)) - Far right holding up money is Kelly Nelson
(Debbie Nixon-1979)
- Shari Bell - Far left
Mike Gauer - Foreground Leslie Baker - Looking at Camera Marie Nicholson in glasses Karen Miller - clapping hands ALL CLASS OF '79
Steve Bayliss Pointing at David (Steve passed away early '90s)
(Polly Channel (1979)) - Kelly Nelson to the right of Shari Bell
(Becky Pryor) - Kelly Nelson, to right of Shari Bell
(Becky Pryor '79) - Mike Grauer in overalls. Why are some of us in bow ties?
(Leslie Baker)
- Lisa Reif, dead smack center with the cool gradient glasses, Jamie Siglar, Inez Tinsley ('80).
(Lisa Reif Caplan '79)
- 1978-79 Homecoming Queen April Lipscomb later became "April Wayne," model and actress.
(Mark Murtha) - Kurt Kavanaugh is standing behind April
Lori Townsend is under the banner with her dad. Karen Johnson is holding the banner (Kurt Kavanaugh, 1979)
- Nancy Clay holing the camera
Mike Gower (I'm not exactly sure of the spelling - could be Gauer) in the middle (Polly Channel (1979)) - Pink t-shirt is Mike Grauer. Brown shirt is Chris Davis.
(Leslie Baker)
- Pam Mackender is blonde in the middle and I believe that it is Lori Townsend to the left (kind of hard to tell)
(Polly Channel (1979))
- Brian Lee is the guy that is looking to the right on the right side of this photo ('79)
(Polly Channel (1979))
- Bruce Woody ('80) and Jeff Bohlmeyer ('81) enjoying the afternoon sun in the courtyard.
(Mark Murtha)
- Foreground, L to R: Jeff Bohlmeyer ('81), Bruce Woody ('80), and Barbie Banister ('80).
(Mark Murtha)
- Bottom Row (L-R) Matthew Green, Jeff Ford, John Jezak
Middle Row ?,? Top Mark Cullen (Matthew Green '80)
- Erica Koehler ('81), Vanessa Wonder ('81), and Karen Mische ('81)
(Mark Murtha ('80))
- Mary Scott is rubbing the temples of someone that I don't recognize.
(Polly Channel (1979)) - Sharon Patterson lies on floor (right of picture) while her foreign exchange student from Costa Rica, Rocio Sanchez, sits in the chair (middle of photo).
(Sharon Patterson Churchman, 79)
- 1978-79 senior class officers (similar photo on pg. 203 of 1979 Cambia). L to R: Scott Mendenhall, Becky Claytor, Lori Townsend, Todd Rowden.
(Mark Murtha)
- Pam Mackender is wearing the green top.
(Mark Murtha) - Scott Joslyn is in the brown sweater to the right of Pam Mackender.
(Becky Pryor)
- Jon Hadley in yellow shirt (1979) with Tammie Harlan (1979)
Marie Wohlgemuth- background on right (1980) (Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- Teacher and cheerleading sponsor: Annette Luyben. I believe she is now retired and managing her long time owned family business "Luyben Music" in downtown Kansas City.
(Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979)
- Marly Norris and Valerie Gemmer (class of 1980) researching colleges.
(Mark Murtha) - Stephanie Lees was the photographer!
(Marly Norris, 1980)
- Hardy Ghana, Ingrid Austria, ???? Hamdi Jordan, Maria Sweden, Jan France, Betsy Panama
(Maria Niemi AFS Student Sweden)
- Jan France, Elisabeth Norway, ?? Pierre Luxemburg, Marcella Italy, Betsy Panama, ?? Brenda Chile, Richard Cananda, ??? Aziz Cyprus, Paula Portugal.
(Maria Niemi AFS Student Sweden)
- Paula from Portugal with Esther Andersson fam Andersson hosted Maria Niemi they also hosted an AFS student from Norway I believe the previous year.
(Maria Niemi AFS Student Sweden)
- Ingrid from Austria. AFS 1979-1980. Visiting Oak Park
(Maria Niemi AFS Student Sweden)
- Jan Stuy from France attended Oak Park and Hamdi Thelipi from Jordan
(Maria Niemi Mellgren)
- Cindy Crain ('81) sharing a laugh with Janine Bausch ('81). These photos were taken for a feature in the Northmen's Log newspaper.
(Mark Murtha)
- Art Club officers L to R: Troy Sherman ('80), Kim Phillips ('81), Jennifer Coe ('81), Barbie Banister ('80), and Brian Rorie ('80)
pg. 144 (Mark Murtha)
- Betsy Delgado. Panama, Jan Stuy. France, Maria Niemi. Sweden, Paula Martinez. Portugal
(Maria Niemi Mellgren)
- Linda Boxler ('80), Tammy Croy ('80), Sunniva Rogers ('82), Deanne Smith ('81), Rachelle Glathaar ('81), and Barbara Bowman ('81)
(Sunniva Schmiege - 1982)
- Sam Rogers (class of 1980)
(Mark Murtha) - Those shoes of mine are sweet! The award was the Jon Berbert Award. Not sure if they still give it out, but it was named in honor of a former Oak Park athlete, scholar and good guy.
(Sam Rogers, 1980)
- Sharon Wheeler (class of 1980) accepting an award from instrumental music director Alan Moon.
(Mark Murtha)
- Marly Norris (class of 1980) taking a look at Sharon Wheeler's (class of 1980) award. John Watilo (class of 1981) is on the far left.
(Mark Murtha)
- Eric Vestal ('80) on the drums (left), Steve McLaughlin ('80) on the drums (right), John Watilo ('81) on the bass guitar.
(Mark Murtha)
- My brother Joe Rogers, Class of 1981, in the cowboy hat pointing at the banner. Joe died in 2002.
(Sam Rogers, 1980)
- Amanda Barmby ('80) is on the left, Julie Johnson ('80) is on the right.
(Mark Murtha) - Melissa Benson(Class of 1980)
(Mark Evenson - 1980) - That's Melissa Benson('80) between Amanda and Julie
(Mark Evenson - 1980)
- L to R front: Eric Vestal ('80) and Steve McLaughlin ('80) playing drums, John Watilo ('81) on bass guitar, and John Jezak ('80) is leading the band. Leslie Letkowski ('80) and Jane Overbey ('80) are playing flutes on the far left.
(Mark Murtha)
- Tim Norton in the foreground, playing his ultra-cool Ludwig Vista-Lite drum kit!
(John Watilo '81) - John Watilo is playing bass, and Rick Reddekopp and John Jezak are playing trombone. Sauna Reif and Bill Hogle are on the back row, far right side.
(Mark Murtha)
- This is one of a series of photos taken for the Northmen's Log. The traffic had become so congested at the Barry/N. Oak intersection that a traffic light was needed.
(Mark Murtha) - Looking North
(Dave Dobbins '80)
- This is one of a series of photos taken for the Northmen's Log. The traffic had become so congested at the Barry/N. Oak intersection that a traffic light was needed.
(Mark Murtha) - Looking North
(Dave Dobbins '80)
- This is one of a series of photos taken for the Northmen's Log. The traffic had become so congested at the Barry/N. Oak intersection that a traffic light was needed.
(Mark Murtha) - Looking Northeast (Where Kmart will be)
(Dave Dobbins '80)
- This is one of a series of photos taken for the Northmen's Log. The traffic had become so congested at the Barry/N. Oak intersection that a traffic light was needed.
(Mark Murtha) - Looking Northeast (where Kmart will be)
(Dave Dobbins '80)
- L-R: Sam Rogers, Chris Wallis and Greg Biery welcome Kory Lundy during introductions. Notice no chest bumps or low fives.
(Sam Rogers, 1980)
- Cory Lundy (10) looks to pass to Craig Biery (22) while Sam Rogers (24) looks svelte in the knee-highs.
(Sam Rogers, 1980) - Kory Lundy not Cory and Greg Biery not Craig
(Shari Lundy 1978)
- Dave DeMeyer and Chris Wallis celebrate a victory.
(Mark Murtha) - Dave DeMeyer and Chris Wallace
(Sam Rogers, 1980)
- Bill Grace and Janet Justus (class of 1980). Bill had just been given the "Turkey of the Year" award.
(Mark Murtha - class of 1980)
- Bill Grace and Janet Justus (class of 1980). Bill had just been given the "Turkey of the Year" award.
(Mark Murtha)
- Biology instructor Jim Pulley explains a concept to Andrew Cravens ('80). Jim began teaching at Oak Park in 1965.
(Mark Murtha)
- That is not "THE HEFFER" next to Greg Winklejohn, and Roy White. C'mon Sam !!!
(SteveCarmack Class of 1980) - David Brassfield ('80) is seated, near the center of the photo.
(Mark Murtha) - I think David's last name is Branstetter.
(Sam Rogers, 1980)
- Cambia staff L to R: Shelly Hord, Terry Lillge, Yvonne Dowdy, Stephanie Lees, Julie Wyman, Janet Gilpin, Scott Olson, Jane Overbey, Troy Sherman, Bill Hankins, Sarah Reddoch, John Oyler, and "Wonder Focus" photographer Kathy Hutcherson (pg. 147)
(Mark Murtha)
- These Cambia group photos were taken on the campus of Maple Woods Community College (not far from Oak Park), when they had an aviation maintenance program. They had a collection of military and civilian aircraft outside the classroom building.
(Mark Murtha)
- Bill Hankins and Shelly Hord (1980) touring the Walsworth Publishing facility in Marceline, Missouri.
(Mark Murtha)
- Facing the camera, center row, right to left (all are 1980 graduates):
Julie Wyman, Brian Rorie, Troy Comfort, Kathy Hutcherson, Stephanie Lees, Jane Overbey. (Mark Murtha)
- Steve Carmack, Sara Kaiser, and Tom Walker work the Julie Johnson booth for the Cambia queen event.
(Sam Rogers, 1980)
- Varsity cheerleaders. Cindy Ruttan (class of 1981) appears at the top, and Debby Seats (class of 1980) is below. This photo is one of a series in which the cheerleaders visually spell the word "Northmen."
(Mark Murtha - class of 1980)
- Junior Varsity Cheerleaders L to R: Valerie Bryan, Susan Chaney, Jackie Potter, Kim Jenkins, Jayme Blackwell, and Joyce Justus. This photo did not appear in the 1979-80 yearbook, but an alternate shot appears on page 127.
(Mark Murtha)
- Mark Wonderly ('80) and Pamm Thomas ('80) perform an experiment under the careful supervision of teacher Donald Lea (pg. 39).
(Mark Murtha)
- I'm pretty sure that's me, age 4, seated on the girl's lap at the far right. I remember I loved going to "school," but I was terrified of having to walk up the huge open flight of stairs to get to the Child Development class on the second floor.
(Corrie Graves Tice) - That's Tom Walker and Julie Johnson facing towards the camera(both 1980 grads)
(David Branstetter (1980))
- Richard Richardson helping Sharon Wheeler (1980) with a math problem. Richard also taught math at Maple Woods Community College.
pg. 32 (Mark Murtha)
- Richard Richardson helping Sharon Wheeler (1980) with a math problem.
(pg. 32) (Mark Murtha)
- This was Eddie, the assistant manager of the Bonanza restaurant, testing the handling capabilities of his Volkswagen. Woolco was a fixture of the Northland for many years.
(Mark Murtha)
- Jeff Bohlmeyer (1981) attempting escape from a car testing its handling capabilities in the snowy parking lot.
(Mark Murtha) - Jeff Bohlmeyer is the passenger hanging out the window. the driver and owner of the car is Bruce Woody.
(J. Bruce Woody, 1980)
- Tammy Croy ('80) prepares to board the plane.
(Mark Murtha) - I took these photos and more that were used as a photo essay by the Log. I think the Gladstone Dispatch also ran a story and used some of my photos as well.
(Lisa Carboneau Rosenbloom)
- I don't remember the speaker's name, but I do remember this part of his speech: "Never, never, never, never, never give up."
(Mark Murtha) - This was Dr. Baker, Ann Baker "80" father.
(SteveCarmack Class of 1980) - Every year Dr. Kahler named each graduating class. 1980 was the BIONIC class ( Believe It Or Not I Care )
(Darwin Sissel 1980) - Not Dan Kahler (Oak Park Principal 1980). Kahler is in a picture just below this one on the left and this guy is on the right(notice white suit)
(Dave DuPaul '80)
- L to R: Donna Childress, Barbie Banister, Bob Slaughter, Andy Magee, Bruce Parkins, Kari Schoephoerster, ???, Mark Trekell, Brad Parkins, David Brassfield, Chris Regas, ???, Steve McIntyre, Inez Tinsley
(Mark Murtha)
- Graduation May 1980 Back row: Troy Sherman, Brenda Ramsey and Susan Gutsch, Front Row: Donna Steele and Troy Comfort
(Brenda (Ramsey) Kerr 1980)
- Tami Baynham, Jill Pfeiffer, Robin Shireman, Julie Wyman, Martha Trester, Dana Whitefield, Sara Keiser
(Mark Murtha)
- L-R: Greg Manahan, John Watilo
This picture was one of a series taken for a local music feature in the Northmen's Log newspaper. (Mark Murtha - class of 1980)
- Oak Park local band "Axe."
L-R: Jeff Craun, Jim Webb, Greg Manahan, John Watilo, Brandon Meyer, Mark Murtha. (Mark Murtha - class of 1980)
- Jim Webb (1981)
This photo was one in a series taken for a local music feature in the Northmen's Log newspaper. (Mark Murtha - class of 1980)
- L-R: John Watilo, Greg Manahan
This picture was one of a series taken for a local music feature in the Northmen's Log newspaper. (Mark Murtha - class of 1980)
- This is my high school band, "Experience" (of which we had none). We regularly rattled the rafters of Greg Manahan's parents' house. From left to right: John Watilo, Greg Manahan, Jim Webb, Mark Murtha, and Brad Parkins. Greg Manahan is currently the bass player for the classic rock band "Head East." This photo was one of a series taken for a local music feature in the Northmen's Log newspaper.
(Mark Murtha)
- John Wagner ('80)
(Mark Murtha - class of 1980) - I'm not sure, but I think this was his Steve Perry impersonation!
(John Watilo)
- Troy Comfort and Donna Steele - co-editors of the Northmen's Log newspaper (class of 1980)
(Mark Murtha - class of 1980)
- Troy Comfort and Donna Steele - co-editors of the Northmen's Log newspaper (class of 1980)
(Mark Murtha - class of 1980)
- Troy Comfort and Donna Steele - co-editors of the Northmen's Log newspaper (class of 1980)
(Mark Murtha - class of 1980)
- L to R: Michelle Cottle, Brian Rorie, Brenda Ramsey, Rick Reddekopp, Northmen's Log staff (1980)
(Mark Murtha)
- L to R: Michelle Cottle, Brian Rorie, Brenda Ramsey, Rick Reddekopp, Northmen's Log staff (1980)
(Mark Murtha)
- Northmen's Log sports editor Sam Rogers (1980). Co-editor Troy Comfort is in the background.
(Mark Murtha)
- Melanie Anders (1980) was a competitive roller skater in high school. She won a regional competition in Lincoln, Nebraska, and placed 15th in the nation.
(Mark Murtha)
- Laura Abel ('80) is playing the recorder on the left, and Donna Steele ('80) is on the right.
(Mark Murtha) - Kevin McNamara class of 1980 is in the middle.
(Lisa Cowan 1980)
- L to R, foreground: Tom Dalton ('80), Judy Howe ('80), and Damien Valline ('80). Linda Boxler ('80) is in the background on the right.
(Mark Murtha)
- Driving south on Antioch Road, near the southern end of Antioch Shopping center (on the left)
(Mark Murtha)
- John Hagen is on the left.
(Dave Dobbins '80) - Larry Blackwell and Roy Williams are next to John.
(Mark Murtha)
- This painting, the class of 1972 gift, used to hang on the wall by the main stairway. It was removed by principal Bob West during the 1987-88 school year.
(Mark Murtha)
- John Jezak ('80), John Watilo ('81), Jeff Gorman ('81), and David Dobbins ('80)
(Mark Murtha) - Dixieland Band (Northmen's Axe)
(Dave Dobbins '80) - John Jezak '80, John Watilo '81, Jeff Gorman '81, Dave Dobbins '80 "Northman's Axe" Dixieland Band
(Dave Dobbins '80)
- John Watilo ('81) is playing bass, Barbara Bowman ('81) is playing guitar, and Tim Norton ('81) is playing drums.
(Mark Murtha)
- In the foreground (L to R) are Kathy Hutcherson, Julie Wyman, and John Wagner, all seniors. On the far left in the background is Barbara Bowman ('81) playing James Spicer's Gibson SG guitar.
(Mark Murtha)
- Pep Club officers at Oak Grove Park:
Mary Fisher, Beth Trembly, Kathy Dawson, Marcy Goodwin, Janet Gilpin (Mary (Fisher) Dobbins)
- Front row: Julie Johnson and Amanda Barmby; second row: Stephanie Lees, Valerie Gemmer, and Steve Carmack.
(Mark Murtha)
- Steve Carmack on the left, Greg Winklejohn in the middle, and the Heffer, David Branstetter in the middle, not sure about the far right, I think maybe, Mike Churchman.
(David Branstetter (1980))
- Steve Carmack thanking Allison Bryant "82" Homecoming Queen for the use of her sophomore cheerleading uniform, which fit perfectly and the skirt zipped !!!
(SteveCarmack Class of 1980)
- Kristina Leabo, Bruce Woody ('80), Mary Ryan ('82), and Sharon Snowden ('82)
(Mark Murtha)
- The J.T. Cooke band performed for the 1979-80 prom. Dave Maygers is playing guitar on the left.
(Mark Murtha)
- Steve Carmack ('80) is saluting.
(Mark Murtha) - Debby Seats and Sam Rogers standing on the right
(Sam Rogers, 1980)
- In the middle Maria Niemi Cheryl
(Maria Niemi AFS Student Sweden) - Left front, Debby Seats
(Debby (Seats) Anderson) - Left rear, Mark Murtha (1980)
(Mark Murtha (1980))
- Right: Laura Abel ('80)
These photos were taken for a soccer feature in the Northmen's Log. (Mark Murtha)
- Julie Johnson ('80) is #14, Stephanie Lees ('80) is #13, and Connie Henning ('80) is #15.
(Mark Murtha) - Jo Petty #3 and Tammy Noah #9
(Mark Evenson - 1980)
- Student Council officers L to R: Martha Trester, Katie Revenaugh, Janet Justus, Randy Draper
(Mark Murtha)
- Second term student council officers L to R: Martha Trester (1980), Katie Revenaugh (1981), Janet Justus (1980), and Randy Draper (1980). (pg. 121)
(Mark Murtha)
- The original Schussboomer roller coaster at Worlds of Fun. You can read some history of Worlds of Fun here.
(Mark Murtha)
- I was at that show also driving down from St Joe. This show made the liner notes from REO's Decade of Hits album.
(Warren Ingram)
- This is Bruce Woody ('80) reaching into his car shortly before entering Royals Stadium for Summer Jam '79. Notice the stylish Oak Park Northmen sticker in the rear window! I hope he rolled up that window. There was a rainstorm during REO Speedwagon's set that evening. They took that opportunity to play "Ridin' the Storm Out" after the rain subsided.
(Mark Murtha)
- This is guitarist Pat Thrall of the Pat Travers Band explaining to a fan why he can't let her backstage.
(Mark Murtha)
- The Pat Travers Band L to R: Pat Thrall (guitar), Mars Cowling (bass), Pat Travers (guitar, vocals), Tommy Aldridge (drums). Tommy's trademark that tour was wearing nothing but a diaper on stage. He later joined Ozzy Osborne's band.
(Mark Murtha)
- These photos were taken for a junk food feature in the Northmen's Log newspaper. If you look carefully you can see the reflection of Log advisor Bill Hankins in the glass. We changed the camera angle slightly for the photo that was used in the paper.
(Mark Murtha)
- This is a picture of Craig Orr. N.K.C. Hornets State Champion heavyweight wrestler. Also played baseball and football, sadly passed away too young.
(SteveCarmack Class of 1980)
- Wrestling Chanters L to R: Debbie Devolder ('82), Karen Beeler ('82), and Terri Graham ('82)
(Mark Murtha)
- Kim Jenkins, Cindy Ruttan, Joyce Justus (seniors), Darrel Bland, Delbert Lampson (driver ed. teachers)
(Mark Murtha)
- Todd Warner ('81) about to receive his "Mr. Track" award. Todd later returned to Oak Park as a track coach.
(Mark Murtha)
- I am sorry to say, I don't know this nice lady's name other than we always called her "The Bookstore Lady." I remember her little "shoppe" was around the corner from the cafeteria going towards typing class and Home Ec. She was so friendly. My friends and I bought bags of peanut and plain M&M's from her daily. (Can you see the box of M&M's on the right shelf)
(Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979) - Expecting an M&M rush when mods change, Mrs. Sally McDaniel straightens the shelves (pg. 33).
(Mark Murtha)
- Bill Reynolds sells refreshments at the Northland Classic. A similar photo appears on page 115 of the 1981 Cambia.
(Mark Murtha)
- The mystery man is me! David Allen, class of 83. This photo was taken in 1981 during my sophomore year. I always wondered how in the yearbook it was labeled as Lou Simcoe. Now the mystery is solved!
(David Allen - 1983)
- Ed Bianchina ('81)
Ed wasn't actually on the Cambia staff, but happened to be in the room when some of the other Cambia staff photos were taken. (Mark Murtha) - I wasn't part of the Cambia staff but I was part of the Log staff. In fact I was one of the photographers.
(Ed BIanchina '81)
- German Club officers L to R: Debbie Bartnett, Martha Dickerson, Greg Wirtz, Mike Nall, Jill Darby (pg. 138)
(Mark Murtha)
- Spanish Club: Lora Plattner, Trisha McClain, Stan Masters, Yvonne Stariwart, Connie Hostetler, Cindy Crain (pg. 138)
(Mark Murtha)
- I think this is a picture of me doing a photo presentation at the debate awards ceremony my senior year. I was historian that year for the club.
(Sabrina (Hughes) Kalleberg)
- Rick McFarland ('81, center w/beard) demonstrated how to break bricks. Joe Rogers (not pictured) broke his hand that day trying.
(Cindy Crain (1981)) - Ed Riley breaking a brick.
(Jim Casselman) - Jeff Runnels - center
(Mark Murtha)
- Freshmen Sonya Granquist, Lee Ann Trekell, and Kristy Marquez attempt to decipher their schedules the first day of school (pg. 5).
(Mark Murtha)
- L to R:
unknown Robert Lawrey Kelly Lakey Tom Collins on the roof of OPHS in 1980 (Craig Shackelford) - The unkown guy is me, John Stevens
(John Stevens, 81)
- Sisters Allison Bryan ('82), and Valerie Bryan ('81) with their father. Allison was the homecoming queen the following year.
(Mark Murtha)
- Julie Manahan ('83) is on the far left.
(Mark Murtha) - String Quartet, left to right:
Julie Manahan('83) Lisa Lynn ('83) Stan Pierson ('82) Steve Schmidt ('82) (Julie Manahan Johnson ('83))
- David Ohmann ('83) strums his guitar during music class.
(Mark Murtha) - As I recall, this was a Jazz Band practice. Sadly, the toilet plunger trumpet mute that was stuck to the wall was cropped off.
(David Ohman 1983)
- From page 145 of the 1981 Cambia:
"Designing ads for the next issue, Janet Brown arranges the lettering." (Mark Murtha)
- Sports Editor Cindy Crain, Writer Michelle Keesee, Artist Sauna Reif, News Editor Dawn Klein, Co-editor Sabrina Hughes, Co-editor Barb Tomes, Photographer Lisa Carboneau, Photographer Ed Bianchina, Editorial Editor Dana Valline, Photographer Brenda Ireland, Business Manager Janet Brown, "main suspect" Bill Hankins.
(A similar photo is on page 145 of the 1981 Cambia.) (Mark Murtha)
- From page 144 of the 1981 Cambia:
"Releasing her frustrations, Sports Editor Cindy Crain shoots staff artist Sauna Reif." (Mark Murtha)
- Student Council officers Jeff Stever, Mike Scott, Cindy Ruttan, and Dana Valline
(Mark Murtha)
- Page 233 of the 1981 Cambia (image is reversed in the yearbook):
"Upperclassmen push their way past Chuck Light, freshman." (Mark Murtha)
- L to R: Brenda Ireland ('81), Barbara Bowman ('81), Bill Grace, Dee Townsend ('81), Brandon Meyer ('81)
(Mark Murtha)
- The mannequin (statue) behind Katie and I was painted silver years later just in time to land a major role in "Terminator 2."
(Don Larson, 1981) - Actually, it was Kevin Dozier painted gold. Look at the face!
(Katie Revenaugh (1981))
- on left Katie Revenaugh will think of the others
(clay basham 1981) - With Katie are Dan Harper (1984) and Susan Mertzlufft (1982)
(Susan Mertzlufft 1982)
- I'm not sure who the others are, but closest to the camera are me (John Stevens, in the overalls) and Dee Townsend.
(John Stevens, 81) - The man wearing the derby is Tom Talbot... and the couple behind him are Lori Guevel and Rolando Chaves.
(Don Larson, 1981)
- back: Cindy Crain ('81) Richard Rice, Stan Masters ('81)
front: Sebrina Hughes ('81) and Karen Martin ('82) NFL Officers. (Cindy Crain (1981))
- Cindy Crain ('81) and Stan Masters ('81) NFL Vice-President and President. Don't you just miss three piece suits!
(Cindy Crain (1981))
- I believe all three of these photos are actually of Northern Lights - not Oak Street
(Mike Thomas 1983) - These 3 pictures are not the Oak Street Singers for 80-81. This is the Northern Lights group for that school year. There are 3 pictures of the Oak Street Signers in the Vocal Music section.
(John Stevens, 81)
- The red brick building is the Supreme Court House and the white brick building to the right is the Broadway Building in Jefferson City, Missouri (Our State Capitol)
(Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- The steps of the State Capitol. From here you are looking East and in the distance you can see the Governors House on Madison Street in Jefferson City, Missouri
(Susan (Pupkes) Carlson 1979)
- Page 196 of the 1981 Cambia:
1980-81 Valedictorians - Maureen Higgins, Lou Beth Montalbano, Karen Ryan, and Laurie Ribble. (Mark Murtha)
- These 3 pictures are of the Oak Street Singers for 80-81. Pictured, front to back, left to right are: Dave Holt, Debbie Fletcher, Janine Bausch, Margaret Bledsoe, Dee Townsend, Carol Robertson, Paula Miriani, Lori Pickert, Debbie Clinkingbeard, Lori Guevel, Barb Bowman, Rhonda Emmons, Brenda Ireland, Jeff Johnson, Brandon Meyer, Greg Westbrook, Tom Talbott, John Stevens, Marc Whitney, Ed Crow, John Watilo, Dave Vansickle, Don Larson, Kent Walker. Not pictured: Dana Holland & Don Thomas.
(John Stevens, 81)
- Lynnette Procopio - President (back row left)
(Lynnette Procopio) - Julie Manahan, front row, left
(Mark Murtha) - Frank Campabasso
(Julie Johnson (Manahan))
- The Rolling Stones in concert at Kemper Arena. Several pictures from this event are in the 1982 yearbook.
(Mark Murtha - class of 1980)
- Second row- 7th person from the left with glasses is Lee Feagles.
(Linda (Feagles) Weber 1978)
- Angie Duncan in the back of the car, Trish Hobson up front, Paige Chalberg by passenger door
(Angie Duncan Sachs)
- Lynnette Procopio and two other members of the Art Club decorate their homecoming parade vehicle
(Lynnette Procopio)
- Teresa Thomas, David Lee, Darrin Kuhn, Craig Rupp, Conrad Petty, Jeff McIntire, Tom Meyer, Andre Hardy, Stacy Horton, Lance?, Angie ?,
(Barbara Lynn Hein-Duke 1983)
- #30 is Chris Davison '83
#44 is Randy Grantham (Casey Ward (Davison) 1988) - Greg Griffith (35), Doug Nelson (43), Phil Owen(45)
(Phil Owen 1983)
- 2 guys that are in the picture Chris Davison & Randy Grantham
(Casey Ward (Davison) 1988) - the guy up top is Eric Jordan
(Angie Duncan Sachs)
- Shirt off (yum) Doug Crawford, right floor Darrin Kuhn,back row, Paul K? Todd Stone, Greg Reynolds, ?
(Barbara Lynn Hein-Duke 1983) - Mike Rourke--white shirt on left
(Julie Crownhart 1983)
- Dee Dee Early in the middle and Tory Z Starbuck on the right.
(Elaine (Early) Everett Tholen 1986)
- It's always fun when a client gives you a few guidelines for what they want and turns you loose on a project. That was the case here. I did the artwork for the '83 Cambia cover and really appreciated the humorous concepts the students asked me to bring to the drawing. How delightful to know "the cover" lives on! I'm hoping that over the years graduates have pulled this yearbook off the shelf, dusted it off, and enjoyed the "variety" of memories this cover evokes of that time in their lives.
(I Paul Ingold)
- This was a group of teacher's aides for Mr. Black. Of course it was his birthday and we Tee Peed his office.
(Tony Caldarella)
- Debbie Pyle. The greatest science teacher and influence that OPHS ever had. Taken from us by pancreatic cancer in the 90's.
(Doug Linville 1985) - She was an ardent supporter of donating blood. It is due to her I started giving blood regularly. It took some time & now 27 pints later and counting I still never forget Mrs. Pyle rallying us to understand the importance of giving...giving the gift of life. Thank you.
(John Knepper)
- Doug Linville (85) on left, and Joey Zeff (86). No clue what we are doing, when or where.
(Doug Linville 1985)
- I remember this intersection well. Riding the bus home from school, the driver (to me it seemed) took forever to turn left onto the busy two lane street of North Oak. Can you remember the Clock Bait shop across the street? This sign as of 2007 was taken down.
(Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979)
- Look on archive images from 1967-1968 at the difference in the sign. If you look hard in the background you can see the two lane of North Oak. Unfortunately, the sign has been taken down.
(Susan(Pupkes)Carlson) - Added information: Look at image archives 1971-1972(sign) This is the year this sign was installed at 79th Terrace and North Oak Street.
(Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979) - As part of the 2002 Senior class gift this sign was repaired and placed back on the grounds at the corner of 79th and N Troost by the new baseball field.
(Desiree Koepke - 2002)
- Chris Koonce (class of 1985) and Bobby Allen (class of 1985) at StuCo assembly in 1985
(Susan O'Neil)
- I think this is Mrs. Hale (Orchestra Director, Music Theory), on the left.
(Craig Hufford (1989)) - That is Angie Norman on the right (in red) and Jennifer Sinnett next to her (in yellow)
(Kristi (Elliott) Mennenga, 1987) - Whoops, not Jennifer, but rather Joanne (can't recall last name) .
(Kristi Elliott Mennenga) - That is Barb Hale on the left... Not Jennifer S. in yellow.
(Chris Ranes)
- Class of 1986
Commencement May 29, 1986 Reading of Senior Names: Ms. Rita Vonn and Mr. Gerald Brasel (Susan (Pupkes)Carlson 1979)
- Bottom left picture is Doug Smith in his letter jacket before leaving for the state wrestling tournament. Next to him far right, is Bruce McCuistion.
(Bruce mcCuistion)
- Photographer Jim Preston ('87) is sitting in front of the bumper cars, on the right.
(Mark Murtha)
- Karen Chrisman as 1987 Courtwarming Queen. Candidate on front left is Debbie Dobney and on the front right is Rhonda Wilbright.
(Karen Chrisman McCratic)
- Courtwarming Court: front L to R, Deborah Dobney and Rhonda Wibright. back L to R, Susan Yardley, Karen Chrisman (queen) and Michelle Loveall.
(Karen Chrisman McCratic)
- Courtwarming court, left to right: Debbie Dobney, Susan Yardley, Karen Chrisman (queen), Michelle Loveall and Rhonda Wibright.
(Karen Chrisman McCratic)
- Science teacher Deborah Pyle was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer during the 1986-87 school year. She received 112 flowers from teachers. (pg. 250)
(Mark Murtha)
- Homecoming Court: front L to R, Connie Wilket, Michelle Twitt (queen), Susan Kane. back L to R, Raelyn Williams, Tonaya Brennan, Lana Wooten and Stephanie Edmundson.
(Karen Chrisman McCratic)
- Homecoming court, front L to R Raelyn Williams, Michelle Twitt (queen), Stephanie Edmundson. back L to R Tonya Brennan, Connie Wilket, Susan Kane and Lana Wooten
(Karen Chrisman McCratic)
- Homecoming court, front L to R Raelyn Williams, Michelle Twitt (queen), Stephanie Edmundson. back L to R Tonya Brennan, Connie Wilket, Susan Kane and Lana Wooten
(Karen Chrisman McCratic)
- Wrestling, Invitational Court : L to R Vickie Stephens, Angi Taylor and Cindy Smith
(Karen Chrisman McCratic) - Wrestling, Invitational Court : L to R Vickie Stephens, Angi Taylor and Cindy Smith
(Karen Chrisman McCratic)
- This is me, Chris Canada in the middle and Mike Zink on the right. Seems Jimmy Preston was taking my picture for some reason. Man, I remember that jean jacket I was wearing... wow.
(Missy (Moore) Fisher 1987)
- Gus "Merlin" Baker - math teacher.
Mr. Baker also taught math classes at MCC-Maple Woods. (Mark Murtha)
- Shannon Gaines (1988) working on the 44 by 18 foot backdrop for the musical "Little Mary Sunshine." (pg. 42)
(Mark Murtha)
- Chris Foree is on the left
(Karen Chrisman McCratic) - Mike Henderson (1988) on the right
(Casey Ward (Davison) 1988)
- Lisa Bowman - 4th from right on back row
Jason Swan - 2nd from right on back row Jim Preston - seated on bench, third from left (Mark Murtha)
- Stuco officers: Bob Vogelaar, Dan Bishop, Michelle Murphy, Jeff Jones, and Audra Tuggle. Dan Bishop served as a Missouri state representative until his untimely death in 2004.
(Mark Murtha)
- Karen Chrisman is on the right, Tracy Chrisman is on the left, Tom Robertson is on the middle right.
(Karen Chrisman McCratic)
- Mr. White - Band director - Gentleman in center facing camera with jacket and tie.
(Casey Ward (Davison) 1988)
- Linda Polfus (1990), sophomore, sings a solo during the Fine Arts Festival (pg. 116)
(Mark Murtha)
- Linda Polfus (1990), sophomore, sings a solo during the Fine Arts Festival (pg. 116)
(Mark Murtha)
- Members of the marching band performing at the Kansas City International Airport to earn money for a summer trip to Florida (pg. 104)
(Mark Murtha)
- Building a bridge from bass wood for a design / engineering competition.
(Andrew Thomas 1988)
- Students prepare for the homecoming game early in the morning by participating in the tailgate party sponsored by Stuco (pg. 189).
(Mark Murtha)
- Observing the district soccer game are seniors Dan Arst, Jill Hall, Michelle Reiter, Noe Castro, and Pedro Esteban, and juniors Shannon Armstrong and Jana Jenkins (pg. 177 - note: the left portion of the photo was cropped out in the yearbook)
(Mark Murtha)
- Enjoying the after-school company are Jesse Camacho, Mike Thorton, Kathy Gaona, and Suzanne Breitenstein, freshmen (pg. 207)
(Mark Murtha)
- Todd Adrian and Deana Johnson (1988) write letters to one another during a one-act play at the Fine Arts Festival (pg. 117)
(Mark Murtha)
- Todd Adrian and Deana Johnson (1988) write letters to one another during a one-act play at the Fine Arts Festival (pg. 117)
(Mark Murtha)
- Coach Cam Jury (OP class of 1967)
Cam taught for 33 years in the North Kansas City District, from elementary PE for 13 years before returning to his alma mater where he taught and coached football, wrestling, soccer, and baseball. His baseball teams won three state titles, three 3rd place finishes, and ten conference titles. (Mark Murtha)
- Jennifer Johnson, sophomore (class of 1990), performing Swan Lake at the United Way variety show (pg. 88)
(Mark Murtha)
- Page 182-183 of the 1990 Cambia:
Graduating seniors Jeannine Engle, Rebecca Thompson, and Melissa Finney share a memory before the Baccalaureate ceremony. (photo by Megan Poole) (Mark Murtha)
- Page 182 of the 1990 Cambia:
Deana Lane, senior, directs the orchestra during the closing number. (photo by Megan Poole) (Mark Murtha)
- Beth Stinard is on the left.
(Mark Murtha) - I'm the one on the right.
(Heather (Colbert) Southwell)
- Page 182 of the 1990 Cambia:
Before the ceremony, Tammy Madel tries to secure her graduation cap. (photo by Melissa Laity) (Mark Murtha)
- Kevin Greer receiving the play from Coach Keith Ross before he goes into the huddle. Coach Mark Mundell behind Kevin.
(Lance Beach 1990)
- Page 184-185 of the 1990 Cambia:
With the formalities of graduation coming to a close, seniors take time to celebrate during their last time together. (photo by Chris O'Neil) (Mark Murtha)
- Page 185 of the 1990 Cambia:
After the ceremony, Miss Patty Warren hands Kevin Greer his diploma. (photo by Chris O'Neil) (Mark Murtha)
- My first year on the Oak Park Track Team. The start of a beautiful 4 years on the varsity team!
(Stephanie Moore class of '93)
- Ro Floyd Moreno and Taru Leirisola at the back to school dance. What a photo and yes as usual I was barefoot.
(Ro Moreno)
- Former Governor of Missouri: John Ashcroft 1984-1992. If my memory serves me, he was a Senator from Missouri from 1994-2000.
(Susan(Pupkes)Carlson 1979)
- The officer in the middle of this picture is Medal of Honor winner Donald Ballard. I was at this event and remember how proud I was of the American spirit which Mr. Ballard embodied. A very emotional moment!!
(Gary Lint)
- Doug Abend was with the Oak Street Singers at the Renaissance Festival. Photo taken by Rowena Floyd
(Rowena 1991)
- This is my picture. I am sure I was in Dr Kramme's class, or studying up for the next Olympiad...The more I look at it, the more I am thinking 1991, Chem III lab. :) I was wearing a shirt given to me by Trena Mehagan who was a 1990 graduate and gave me the shirt as a present when she came back to visit the next year.
(Dawn Marks 1991) - Dawn Marks
(Adam Scott 1991)
- From left to right, Trena Mehagan, Dr Ken Kramme, and me. I look angry, but I am fairly sure, I was just concentrating. If memory serves, I believe I was doing qualitative analysis and studying up for the next competition, and Trena a 1990 graduate, was back from her Freshman year at Southern Cal and agreed to coach me a bit. :)
(Dawn Marks 1991)
- This is a group picture from a bridal shower for Dustyn Stoneking. She is in the front. (needs to be moved to 1990-91 school year)
(Rowena 1991)
- Joey Turk, Stacie Calcote, Jen Thompson, Katie Martinez And Jody Heller
(Jody (Heller) Myers)
- science club or science olympiad
b: Brett Russell, Adam Pearson, Mark Siebke, Kiley, Brian Dusenberry, Kurt, Alan Voss, Shannon Beagle, Robert West, Jeff Schott, Doc Kramme m: ,Teddy Bushy, Christine, Niki Sheth, Rebecca Harshaw f: ,Christy Dusenberry, Jennifer (Brian Dusenberry (1995))
- In my defense, the theme for Homecoming that year was something about the Wizard of Oz. I did not wear this Dorothy outfit to the dance.
(Corrie Graves Tice)
- Hey, thats me! Anna Grabener (exchange student from germany) The only girl on this picture (...i was was fallen in love in the guy right behind me, hi hi)
(Anna Grabener) - I am on the third row to the right on the end. wow i can't believe how long ago this pic was taken. it is weird to see how young we were back then
(Nicholas Summers)
- I remember we were all staring into the sun--so the photographer had us look down until he was ready, and then we all looked up at the same time to have the pic taken. It looks like we're all praying together here!
(Corrie Graves Tice)
- Oak Park Inaugural Swim Team 1995
(Michael Rains 1995) - Fourth person on the first row (left to right) is Aaron Robeson, class of 1995.
(Aaron Robeson - 1995)
- Back Row: Mike Carlson, Jeromy Harris, Jeremy Gorham, Wes Bryan, Mike Moriarity, Marc Nardella, Front Row: _______, Eddie Ibarra, Jonny Mitchell, David Middleton, Ryan Stone, Robert Hedgecorth
(Jeromy Harris, 1995)
- b: Travis Paull, Brian Dusenberry, John Abbott, Alan Voss, Adam Pearson, Teddy Bushy
m: , Shannon Beagle, Curtis Hunter, Ryan Wilson, Aaron Johnson, Keith Schwartz f: Rachel Harris, ,,Michael Butler (Brian Dusenberry (1995))
- Melissa Kidwell- Hurtado and Shawn Hurtado married in 1995 and currently married. Celebrating 19 years this July
(Melissa Hurtado 1997)
- Doc Ken Kramme. Great teacher. Thanks for sharing your knowledge in such a humble way.
(Nick Raspa, 1994)
- This is ME, KiShawn Mack. This was in the 1996-1997 yearbook-the "Fall Journal" insert, 1996 "My thoughts on..." If I could only go back and CHANGE my thoughts! LOL
(KiShawn Mack 1998)
- Teacher of the Month Committee
pg. 271 Matt Meyers was listed in the caption on pg. 271, but was not in the published photo. (Mark Murtha)
- Jina McGuire is the fifth one in from the left top row, orange sweatshirt. One of the only girls tall enough to be in the back.
(Jina McGuire 1999)