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  Oak Park High School 1968-1969
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Cambia advisor Ken Bell is on the left, next to the camera.
(Mark Murtha)

The girl sitting on the ground, furthest left, bow in hair was Julia Moore.
(Roy Lilly - 1969)

2nd from right Clint Royce
Behind him Elizabeth Kaye
Next to her Gary Creason
... I think ...
(Roxanna Watts)

Guy with his hands in his pockets is Gary Snow
(Jamie Woolard)

Girl furthest left, Dianne Harding Class of 1969.
(Frank Ethridge (NKCHS 1969))

Elizabeth Kaye is the girl on the far right (standing) - I believe that's Marilyn Kent, seated on the ground to the r of Julia.
(Janet Fisher 1969)

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Lovely Donna Shaefer in front of tree.
Gary Snow to her right.
Gary Creason in dark glasses.
Virgil Moore w/hand on equipment.
(Izzy Schwartz, 1969)

Furthest left, Dianne Harding, Class of 1969
Fourth from right, Gary Creason.
(Frank Ethridge (NKCHS 1969))